


Level range

35 - 50


Area description

Among the most corrupt of the lands of Despair, is Kontaur, which lies south of the Old Marsh. Once a lush forest filled with wild vegetation and beautiful sylvan and elven races, it is now the heart of evil in the southern lands. The cause of the land's devastation is not completely known. Sages believe that either Laschte or Vl'arescht opened a gate to a race of astral travelers known as the Carnifex, which brought legions of balrogs to Despair long ago. The balrogs waged war against all sentient races, seeking to destroy at the leisure of their masters. The avatars of Darkhaven were truly oppressed and fought for their very lives against this evil army. After years of war, the Carnifex were finally driven across the Pits of Banishment and into a legendary castle from which they could not escape. Without their masters' guidance, the balrogs lost their edge and began losing the war. They retreated to Kontaur, the first realm they had conquered, and erected a castle. Although there have been many attempts to destroy the Balrog race, none have succeeded. Many new races have come to the forests of Kontaur recently, and made the Realms even more perilous. Foul pixie that were corrupted by Laschte, savage beastmen and, Vl'arescht's creation, the goblins all guard the paths to and from the Kontaur castle. Yet there lies a shining hope in this foul land, for A'enaar lifted her hand and protected a tribe of forest elves known as the Misinkii.