In which Uncle Sarakin threatens to remove his belt and talks to newbies

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  CoD Issue 77                          ||                      Nov 2003
Table of Contents |
                  | Desk Of The Editor
                  | Ask CoE
                  | Thoughts on Realms: A New Player's Perspective
                  | Uncle Sarakin's Storytime
                  | Censorship Aside, Stop Cryin'
                  | The Cry's Criss Cross
                  | News From Around The Realms   - Oct IOQC Report
                  |                               - Guild/Order News     
                  |                               - Nation News
                  | Public Relations Poll #1: Levelling Areas
                  | Funny Bones: Player Titles            
                  | The 'Who' Contest
                  | October Quest Summaries
                  | The CoD Quest: October Quest Results
                  |                Imaginary Interview Quest
                  | From the Quill of Alysira
                  | Public Announcements
  Editor: Juliana                             Immortal Sponsor: Alysira 
  Staff: Amante, Angelea, Ganemanoimu, Khaimran, Morgane, Qaulorn, Redric,
         Sarakin, Simone, Tatyana, Wiglaff

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  Desk of the Editor                                       by Juliana


 Hi folks, another month, and another issue rolls out with it. This issue 
 could be called a feedback issue, I believe! Get your notes and quills ready
 because there's a lot of stuff to be written and passed back to us.

 With Sarakin bravely braving the maws of death and destruction (figuratively,
 I think...) we are happy to bring you the return of "Ask CoE" :) And yes,
 that means break out those writing implements and start asking all those
 questions you wish CoE would answer. Mudmail them to Sarakin, more details
 in his column.
 We've got our usual slew of opinion articles, if you find you agree/disagree
 and have to say something, our doors are open, post your own opinions on the
 public Cry board, or mudmail any CoD member.
 Other things to respond to this month: Simone's starting a personals column
 for all you lonely people out there, Sarakin has a mini-contest about the
 'who' command going, our announcements page is available to all, and Herald 
 Assembly introduces their public relations poll on a topic near and dear to
 our hearts - levelling areas!
 And don't forget our regular CoD quest after all that furious writing! 

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  Ask CoE                                                  by Sarakin


 Hi everyone,

 The Council of Elders (CoE) has graciously let me send them a few questions 
 each issue regarding gameplay topics. 
 If you have a question you would like to have the CoE answer, please feel 
 free to mudmail myself or Juliana, or post it on the Cry of Despair public
 board (e, s, 2u, s, w, s from Darkhaven Square).
 This month's CoE questions are answered by Kali.

 1. Are there any major redevelopments planned for realms in the near future?
 There is nothing on the scale of the Shattering, but we have a few projects 
 in the pipes.  There is currently a cleric proposal passing through the 
 Symposium which will change the way clerics function.  It is similar to a 
 path system, but based on deity selection.  We also have a handful of areas 
 inching towards completion, so hopefully we will see them sooner than later. 
 As always there are numerous smaller projects related to individuals and 
 councils, but I will not cover those as I am not directly related.


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  Ask CoE                                                  by Sarakin


 2. If you could do the Shattering again, what would you do differently? 

 I think if I knew now what I knew then, the things I would do differently 
 would mainly have been on the organizational side of the project.  The work 
 involved went on for years and drained many of our best and brightest.  I 
 would have somehow found a way improve the organization and remove some of 
 the strain from everyone involved.  

 As far as implementation changes, I imagine you could say any changes we have 
 done since the Shattering would be the changes we wanted to see.  Not 
 everything was totally completed the way we wanted (For example Mage Paths), 
 but we were at the point where the Shattering needed to occur and it was 
 functional enough that we had to proceed or go mad. Due to the sprawling 
 nature of the project, there were some things that also just slipped through 
 the cracks.  I would have liked to have seen those fixed before the 
 Shattering, but we caught up in time.


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  Ask CoE                                                  by Sarakin


 3. Why was the extension of buffers proposal denied? Some players feel 'It's 
 not necessary' is unsatisfactory.

 I would be lying if I said I remembered a vote on a topic with such little 
 impact.  I don't know which way I even voted, but I'll take a stab at 
 surmising why others may have voted against it.

 While the majority of established players have a decent client with 
 scrollback, this isn't true for a number of players, especially new ones. 
 Increasing the length of buffers means increasing bios, notes, helpfiles, 
 etc. For a new player trying to absorb this massive glut of information, it 
 helps to have the block of information you are trying to read not scroll 
 immediately off the screen.  This may seem a small point, but the aesthetics 
 and functionality we maintain are often a good selling point for new players 
 (and I imagine some old ones as well).  Things like moderate buffer lengths, 
 no multiple color titles or channels, no channel socials, etc.  Keeping our 
 buffers at a reasonable length, while creating a minor inconvenience for a 
 writer, allows for better viewing for the reader.


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  Thoughts On Realms - A New Player's Perspective         by Tatyana


 As a reasonably new player I often found Realms a very daunting game, 
 especially as I was new to MUDing itself. As I was introduced by a friend, 
 who helped me along the way, being a newbie wasn't as tough as it could have 

 As a member of the NC, I come across many new players who are struggling 
 with levelling and equipping. I thought I might talk to some new players or 
 players who have played before the shattering and have recently begun playing 
 again. I asked them how they felt about Realms as a new player:

 Kullas:  The difficulty was probably medium to hard until I got to know where 
          things were.

 Arnon:   It wasn't all that hard. I really only had a problem finding my way 

 Rana:    It's hard. I died like 10 million times. Then my friend who 
          introduced me to this game kinda helped me. So hard, but addictive!
          Everyone here is so nice.


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  Thoughts On Realms - A New Player's Perspective         by Tatyana


 Laurent: I feel easy from beginning, more hard later, especially after level 
          45.. it's terrible... 
          High level mobs for levelling is too few, the problem is, you can 
          only choose several mobs to level. If 10 players begin from lv2 to
          lv40, they can always find enough mob to kill, after that, they have
          to share those little mobs.. 
          Too little high level level mob, that's what I want to say. And 
          because from lv30 to 49, you have little eq to change, most eq level
          above 45 is too hard to a newbie.
 Waack:   Well, for my first character, I found finding places to level a bit 
          hard. That was mostly my unfamilarity with the Realms, now that I 
          know where places are to level, it's slightly better. I find I'm 
          limited to Shattered,CD, Spectrum, MH. Places like shattered, CD, 
          spetrum and mh are too crowded actually to level. I have yet to find 
          a guide for people who don't have avatars. 

 Rakhim:  Kinda hard, especially since I can't buy recalls. Well I'm not of 
          the right level to buy recalls... and i just got jumped by a snake 
          in some area that seemed at my level.


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  Thoughts On Realms - A New Player's Perspective         by Tatyana


 Araine:  Post-shattering I think things are well set up. For me the learning 
          curve was adjusting to all the new stuff. When I started, there 
          wasn't even a new area or an auth area - so there was a lot less 

Dregreno: I found it difficult, but my friend helped me a lot, you might have
          heard of him. His name is Kaan. I knew three different people that 
          played irl that went to my school. I think I like the changes. It 
          was weird because the differences in devoting and Tagetarle and the

 Frayn:   When I first began it was hell. It was reasonable for a standard MUD
          where getting to level 50 basically means finishing the game. In 
          that perspective, it would have been justified to take such a long 
          time to level. But, considering that getting to level 50 is just the
          beginning of the game, and having many alts is almost essential to 
          playing this game, it took a huge while to level and it was boring 
          and totally unfair considering that the older players had it much 


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  Uncle Sarakin's Storytime - Interview with Kurrem       by Sarakin


 Gather round all you young'uns, it's UNCLE SARAKIN'S STORYTIME!

 Yeah I'm talkin' to you .. the weird lookin' kid .. dont make me take off my 
 belt .. thought so. Ok all you new players, and those of you at a low level, 
 this storytime is so I can share my wisdom with you all about getting the 
 most of your youth! Every month I'll help you have fun and learn by 
 interviewing one of you, featuring a fancy piece of equipment for you all to 
 go and get and telling you about a land far, far away where you can go and 
 kill stuff to get experience! Let's start with my lil buddy Kurrem who is a 
 level 12 Augurer, and see what he had to say...

 Uncle Sarakin: What made you choose an augurer?

 Kurrem: Well, after experimenting with some classes that sounded good to me 
 (insert cheerful laugh), I found that augurers are a very well rounded class, 
 they have a little bit of everything.

 Uncle Sarakin: Do you think you'll be applying to the Guild of Augurers when 
 you grow up?

 Kurrem: Guilds are a bit quiet now, I think a lot of people go in and just 
 sit there doing nothing after that!


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  Uncle Sarakin's Storytime - Interview with Kurrem       by Sarakin


 Uncle Sarakin: Having played pre-shattering do you like the big changes to 
 you little ones, like the new academy and levelling areas?

 Kurrem: It seems like a whole new improved game, lots more newbie friendly, 
 especially at the start. It really assumes the newbie is a complete idiot .. 
 which I like! (Uncle Sarakin cackles and chokes on his pea mush).

 Uncle Sarakin: How easy are you finding new equipment for you to use, lil 

 Kurrem: It's about the same as before the changes, I like getting stuff from 
 the warehouse and the academy is also good for me.

 Uncle Sarakin: Are people happy to help you when you need it?

 Kurrem: I find there's a nice handful of people always willing to help, most 
 of the time it's the same people and I've come to form a nice bond with them.

 Lots of thanks to my buddy Kurrem! He got a big marshmallow. If you want a 
 big marshmallow, you should let Uncle Sarakin interview you too. No .. not 
 you .. the sticky kid .. you've had enough.


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  Uncle Sarakin's Storytime - A Moment In Nature          by Sarakin


 This month's feature piece of equipment is .... lizard gaitors! If you go and 
 buy a magical tablet from darkhaven and recite it on an item, you'll see 
 something like this, young'uns....

 Object 'lizard gaiters' is infused with your magic...
 It is a level 3 armor, weight 2.
 Locations it can be worn:  legs
 Special properties:  none
 This armor has a gold value of 80.
 Armor class is 3.
 Affects hp by 10.
 Affects charisma by -1.
 Affects constitution by 1.
 Affects moves by 50.
 See that? It will give you 10 hitpoints, 50 extra moves and 1 extra 
 constitution point! (wow!). But it takes 1 charisma off, so you're gonna get 
 a liiiil bit uglier .. yeah you, the weird kid again .. *choke*.


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  Uncle Sarakin's Storytime - A Moment in Nature          by Sarakin


 What's that? You .. eating the paste .. oh? You don't know where to get it? 
 Well let me tell you! It's in a faraway place called A Moment in Nature. You 
 can get to A Moment in Nature by paying a visit to the friendly robed figure 
 at the academy, and then going as far west as you can and typing 'enter' to 
 enter the portal! Once you're inside, search around and once you come across 
 A scarecrow, kill it and you can get yourself a pair!

 Since we're talking about A Moment in Nature, it is also a great place for 
 you little ones to level. There are lots of things you can kill there! You 
 might find some giant ants, small mice, black crows and even a fearsome 
 alligator! If you're under level 4 you should be afraid! Yes you .. who needs 
 to change pants now .. *choke*.

 That's all the time I have, little ones, I have to go and sleep until the 
 next issue! And you .. the big one .. don't jump on me to wake me up next 
 Uncle Sarakin


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  Censorship Aside, Stop Cryin'                           by Qaulorn


 As I routinely log onto this game, day after day, my observations as to its 
 current state multiply and compound. Interestingly, I am not alone, as every 
 Tom, Dick, and Harry on the planet has an opinion... if not a thousand 
 opinions. What's wrong with gameplay?! How can we fix it? Does it even need 
 to be fixed? Is Cher a man or a piece of plastic? Stop blaming everyone else 
 because "Your text game" is different now. Find a way to deal with it. 
 Immortals can't help you, I can't help you, your God or Gods can do nothing. 
 All we can do is give the game our best effort and let the more opinionated 
 (and often untalented) take their hacks at the builders, the coders, the 
 leaders and whatnot.

 Well, that makes me a tool right? Im happy in my little corner, ignoring the 
 "travesty" that has befallen our precious text. I don't want to see the game 
 changed, improved, destroyed, or returned to its pre-shattering "glory". I 
 just want to play. Is that so wrong? If half the whiners on this glorified 
 chat room took the time to go out and actually make an effort we would all 
 have much more peaceful lives.


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  Censorship Aside, Stop Cryin'                           by Qaulorn


 I can imagine that nobody would consider themselves to be in this group I 
 have labled "whiners". Sure, you have "valid arguements" and "worthwhile 
 comments", we all do. What do you think this little rant of mine is? The 
 _point_ ladies and gentlemen, is that for once... stop crying about what you 
 don't like and start finding things you do.

 And if you find that you simply can not tolerate the current state of the 
 game, there is a brilliantly obvious solution... quit. Duh. It's a game, 
 entertainment, you CAN live without it.

 In conclusion, I would like to make note of my intentions with this literary 
 slice of heaven. It is not my desire to offend you, if I did I would've 
 posted this in a non-censored forum. I do not want to discuss it with you. It 
 is not open for debate... and if you manage to blurt your opinion to me, i'll 
 ignore it. Have a nice day.


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  The Cry's Criss Cross                                   by Simone


 Hey everyone,

 The Cry is proud to bring you the "Criss Cross", our new personal's column. 
 This new section should give all you hopeful availables some help.

 It's very easy, and it's free, so why not! 
 Just mail me your name, gender, age and a little blurb about yourself and 
 we'll get you into this new and happening pool of people.

 By next issue we'll have our first batch of personals up and running, make 
 sure you don't miss out!


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  IOQC Report - October                                   by Wiglaff


  At the DH assembly it was announced that Baali and RnF had both defaulted on
 their turn at setting the inter order quest; So Destre and Shadrack had taken
     pity on the remaining orders and set their resourceful nephandi wit to
                         finding a suitable diversion.
      Hence, at the invitation of the IOQC immortals: Arcanes, Ascendere,
     Dragonslayer, Innconu, Maidenstone and Ringbearers collected together.
   The gathered mass heard the plight of Gasterix the Ghoul, who had numerous
   body parts stolen by mischievous Jack O Lanterns, each order's team was to
   find hidden pumpkin seeds to trade with the pumpkin headed tricksters for
    body parts, the fly in the ointment being that the said tricksters were
  hanging out in graveyards where lurked very grumpy skeletons and werewolves.
       Just to keep everyone on their toes occasionally team members were
                  transported to spend quality time with Hades
   Everyone had a lot of fun on this well written and entertaining Halloween
                                 themed quest.


<-- HELP CRY17 -->

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  Guild/Order News - GoR                                 via Angelea


 This past month, GoR has seen several old players return to the guild along 
 with brand new pledges. A warm welcome to Caldrick, Calira, Emery, Gabrialla, 
 Peredur, Raynor and Verik.

 Calon, Lykeas and Theodore all passed their reviews and became full members. 
 Congratulations to you all.

 We'd also like to wish Shareed a very happy birthday. Hope you had a great 

 If you're level 20 and interested in joining the guild, feel free to stop by 
 the tree to pick up a guide and talk to an RQC member.


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  Guild/Order News - GoM                                 via Angelea


 Greetings Realms from all in the Guild of Mages.  

 This month was a busy month for us.  We had many new initiates join us 
 (Arakabit, Adrienn, Ellbelymar, Xandir, Nasubi, Nanka, Richard) while several 
 from last month joined the ranks of full members (Montainge, Lorana, Fyndra, 
 Petra, Serdi, Rentuke, Samsa).  Our pride for our guild grows as our 
 membership increases.  

 We also welcome Dobby as our new Guild 2nd and thank Treva for all his help 
 as he steps down from his position. 

 Several new leaders have stepped up to fill old positions as well. Gisselle 
 takes over as the head of our Web Page Council, Tenabren takes over for our 
 War Magi Council, and Lyvelias takes over for our Quest Council.  

 That's all from us in GoM, if you'd like to join the Guild of Mages, please 
 contact an IT person, and have a good day.


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  Guild/Order News - GoA                                 via Angelea


 In this month, the Guild of Augurers said farewell to Taokor, a long-time 
 guild member. He is retiring, and as good faith will guard the donation room.

 The Guild again showed great teamwork and cooperation in this month's IGQ. 
 Hosted by GoV's Zya, the Auggies came in first place in both the semi-naked 
 pKill and the dash back to Darkhaven.  Congratulations to Adaez, Sycoraxe, 
 Vercalmingz, and Fanalon for a job well done!

 If you are an augurer and are looking to come join the Guild, we are a close 
 and friendly bunch of people and are always looking for new members to join 
 our ranks.  Find our recruitment board at nw 3w nw of DH Square, and you can 
 always talk to an Induction Team member or guild leader about being 
                             The Guild of Augurers:
                                Wizards of War,
                              Unity in Knowledge.


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  Guild/Order News - GoV                                 via Angelea


 The Guild of Vampires greets you!

 The big news in the guild this month is that Aleir has stepped down as guild 
 first and that Fuil has moved from second to Aleir's vacated spot. Aleir is 
 still in the guild and we wish her well as she finally has a little time to 
 catch her breath.  We will be holding elections to select a new guild second.

 As you may notice, inductions have been very busy this month.  The following 
 Chylder were inducted since last time:  Myceran, Gabriale, Cindra, Justinian, 
 Eucail, Rakhim. We also wish to congratulate our newest full members: Dinop 
 and Erox.  May Aalakab have mercy on their souls.

 The guild has been enjoying killing some less familiar mobs and some of its 
 own more familiar members in the arena.  We've also enjoyed in-guild trivia 
 contests and quests.  

 If you are a vampire level 20 or higher and are looking for a home, why not 
 stop by our recruiting board (help map) and fill out an application today? 
 Visit our web site at:



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  Guild/Order News - GoT                                 via Angelea


 We've had quite a bit of activity in the past 4 weeks.

 First we saw Ein, our guild 1st take a difficult decision and step down. We 
 thank him for his work and wish him well. Elections are now in the process 
 and soon we will have a new 1st and 2nd. Good luck to all the runners for the 

 We had a grand time one night with a very special guest host for an 
 interesting trivia. Thank you to Wren from GoC for a wonderful night of movie 
 trivia and some great laughs.

 The ranks of the guild swelled with some new faces in the catacombs. A warm 
 welcome to Ralthrak, Dabecira, Dila, Irandel, and Medion. May the catacombs 
 become your home as it has for so many others in the past.

 Mandor, Kahl, Guenevere, S/O, Shade, Justice, Jade and many others have met 
 their death at the hands of the thieves. Well done thieves.


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  Guild/Order News - GoT                                 via Angelea


 The IGQ Council quest saw the thieves running around the realms madly seeking 
 for equip to dress themselves, the madly run around the arena defending 
 themselves and finally making a mad dash back to the Kinship. Great fun for 
 all who participated.

 The Scribes of Stealth have been busy exploring, finding and figuring out 
 puzzles, mini quests, rare items hidden within the realms. Many challenges 
 have been met and have not withstood the power of the our Scribes. Areas and 
 mobs, beware, our Scribes will find and beat you :)

 That's it for this month. If you are level 20 or higher and wish to join a 
 great family down here in the catacombs. Come 3s 2w 1n w to the guild 
 recruiting office and read up about us. Contact an IT for your interview and 
 quest. Hope to see you here soon.


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  Nation News - Elf                                         via Romani


 The Quendi people have seen much turmoil over the past month.

 Their trade embargo continues to be enforced with the small armed forces that
 remain loyal to the throne and are still tied to Irrybis.  Meanwhile those 
 members of the guard who have taken asylum under the protection of Rol Na 
 Feinne are still there, awaiting such time that negotiations for their return

 Furthermore, some unkown enemy managed to sneak its way onto the Island and 
 sow seeds of some dangerous, magical poison.  The sacred Ash Tree and spirit 
 of the Quendi people, Fealithyrn is suffering from the poison as members of 
 the Elven Fellowship named Gwaith en Tel'Arda (The People of the Earth) work 
 day and night to cure the Spirit.

 A young apprentice druid who was foolhearty enough to bond with the Spirit 
 and attempt the healing alone has fallen ill and is unconscious.  Little is 
 known about her condition, or when she will recover.

 The Quendi people are always seeking out young elves who are interested in 
 becoming a part of the nation to aide in these times.  If you are interested 
 don't hesitate to speak to a nation representative today!


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  Nation News - Half-Elf                Submitted by Rebeca via Romani


 Recent happenings in the Elohai nation include the kidnapping of our esteemed 
 leader, Amalia and the razing of an Elohai settlement by the half-orcs. Both 
 things are being investigated and should be resolved soon, we hope. 
 All else within the nation is quiet and as far as we know, all alliances 
 stand firm.


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  Nation News - Sea-Elf               Submitted by Lyvelias via Romani


 And yet another month goes by in our peaceful Lagoon.

 Once again I'd like to congratulate Wren on her leadership of the Sea-Elves. 
 She is doing an awesome job of making our nation grow stronger every day.

 Another great asset to our Nation, Gendalf, our ambassador to the other 
 Nations is working very hard on maintaining the communications between all 
 the races.

 A new General of the Sea-Elves has arisen after completing his Coming of Age 
 quest. Myself, Lyvelias, has taken the job of teaching the young the way of 
 the war. I will also bring you monthly news about our Nation.

 May the tides bring all of you only peace!


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  Nation News - Lizardman                Submitted by Roo via Romani


 A slow but very OOC active nation.  With members ranging within the 5 mark it 
 has been the most active for many years.  Lizardman plots have not came into 
 effect as of yet, but we are butting heads to get us moving and known among 
 the RP World.

 The lizardman nation throws their wishes to Dazamo who has lost a family 
 member.  We hope him the best to find peace, and we are here for him through 
 thick and the thicker.

 Also, Lizardman nation are looking for more lizardman character owners to 
 become active among the lizardman nation.  If you are interested in becoming 
 active within the lizardman nation or even play a behind the curtain person 
 please contact Roo (Lizardman Nation Leader).  Either via mud-mail or tell.

 A few things that are going on within the nation:
      1. A slight new look for the lizardman hometown *under the works*
      2. Creation of the Ancient Lizardman Language *under the works*
 Happy RP'ing from all those in the Tribal Swamplands


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  Nation News - Half-Ogre                                   via Romani


 The Opallinoc news bureau has sent out the following bulletin.

 Gathered around the Great Bonfire in Opallinoc, some nation members discussed 
 the current events occurring in the Northern Plains. Klaatu, the Leader of 
 the Uruk'hai, quickly got bored of the 'talk' and thought of an adventure.

 Calling on Muluk, Raj and Xar, all warriors of reknown, Klaatu enticed them 
 with lore of a fabled ring in the Dragon Tower area. Warnings of the risks 
 involved fazed none. The adventure was hailed with a battle cry and the band 
 of warriors departed Dark Haven equipped for whatever they came upon.

 Upon gaining entrance to the Dragon Tower, the band of warriors swarmed 
 through the upper level quickly. Now it was onto the Dragons. One by one, the 
 mighty band slayed the Green, Red, Blue, White and Black Dragons. Even the 
 Dragon Master succumbed to the artistry of true warriors, bloody hacking to 
 the end.

 All that remained was Tiamat, herself, and the prized ring. It was here it 
 fell apart. The four warriors rushed in and stumbled over each other. Klaatu 
 was stunned, Muluk was flayed by the Dragon's tail, Xar and Raj leaped on the 
 Great Dragon's back, started climbing toward her head, mercilessly drawing 
 blood as they went. Klaatu finally rolled underneath clawing aimlessly. 
 Tiamat bellowed a huge roar as her death rattle. It was over and with bad 
 results. Muluk was dead and the fabled ring had gotten scrapped in the fight.
 But the adventure had occurred and that made it all worthwhile.


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  Nation News - Gith                   Submitted by Aslan via Romani


The Circle and the Snake - Part One

 Each generation has a legend to tell, a story passed down from father to son, 
 only our story is endless and its origins will never come to light. 
 There are some who say that the Shattering of our world was caused by a rift 
 between the Gods and the lesser powers who sought to overrule them, there are 
 others who believe something more sinister was at work. This is where our 
 legend begins.

 The Gralthai Nation had been fighting on the peak of Mount Courage, it was 
 there that the army noticed the increasing power of the growing chaos. It is 
 said that Dragon warriors suddenly took flight and tried to warn the other 
 Nations that the world was being torn apart. The Gralthai had been given news 
 that the main cause of the chaos was the army led by Black Rose. The Gralthai 
 sent scouts to summon help from the other nations and mustered a mixed army 
 of over one million strong. The Generals for each nation decided that it 
 would be suicide to attack Black Rose on Mount Doom with her Godslayers 
 leading the pack, and her army was twice the size of the allied nations. It 
 was decided that the allies would attack Black Rose by circling around her 
 army, stopping her from using long range tactical dragon and mage warfare. 
 The main problem would be the God slayer generals who were watching the chaos 
 away from the main army. 
 On the dawn of the Day of Blood, third month of the Unholy Trinity, the 
 Allies marched forth into the unknown and un-decided fate. What happened? And 
 how did the legend unfold? That is another story...
 [To be continued...]


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  Public Relations Poll #1 - Levelling Areas              by Alysira


 Greetings all!

 I know most of you have participated in the usual informative polls, where 
 someone comes up to you and asks a question based on a hot current affair. 
 Well, this soon-to-be-regular column is somewhat like that, only the results 
 taken from this poll will be used by the Herald Assembly to see what you all 
 think, feel, want, and need from this game. All the votes are collected 
 annonymously, so no one except you and I will see your votes.

 Every month I will post a new poll in this column. To participate, just send 
 me a MUDmail (the format for these MUDmails is on the next page). Remember, 
 all your information is confidential and shall be kept private.

 This month's poll is asking you how you feel about the current amount of 
 levelling areas for each level, and is posted on the next page.


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  Public Relations Poll #1 - Levelling Areas              by Alysira


 Poll #1- Levelling Areas
 Which level range do you think we need more levelling areas for?
  1) Levels 2 - 10
  2) Levels 10 - 20
  3) Levels 20 - 30
  4) Levels 30 - 40
  5) Levels 40 - 50
 To participate in this poll, send a MUDmail to Alysira by the 20th of 
 November in the following format-
   To      : Alysira
   Subject : Poll #1- Option 3
 And in the body of the note;
   My vote is for option 3) Levels 20 - 30.
 You MUST include the option you are voting for in the subject of your note.
 Thank you, remember your information will be kept private, and the results of
 this poll will be used by the Herald Assembly.
 Thank you all =)


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  Player Titles                        Compiled by Khaimran && Juliana


 Avatar      Abelard. {BOT} That stands for Beautiful Old Thief damnit.
 Avatar      Elbanon BlackMoon got a henna tattoo that says "Forever"
 Avatar      Eve, "When I said eat, I didn't mean the apple"
 Avatar      Frogsbreath is proof evolution can work in reverse.
 Avatar      Gallant. 
 5 Mage      Glandor the mouse slayer.
 Avatar      Korisaurus- We aren't dead! We are hiding!
 Avatar      Larson: Luck can't last a lifetime unless you die young.
 Avatar      Neon the Neon Neon Neon. 
 Avatar      Onli Tell me heal. Play with me I love it.
 Avatar      Relark:Think..if the world didnt suck, we'd all fall off.
 Avatar      Tokai Du'ithil loves you from the heart of his bottom. 


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  The 'Who' Contest                                       by Sarakin


 Hi folks,

 I've decided to run a mini contest. It's based on the 'who' command. For 
 instance, typing who GoD will show all the Guild of Druid members online. Who 
 shivvan will show all players devoted to shivvan.

 The aim of the contest is to make the longest possible string of things you 
 show up on, for example, the longest string I show up on is: who elf druid nc 
 rp shivvan

 Can you beat this? Please mudmail all entries to me. There will be some kind 
 of prize for the winner :D

 Thanks, Sarakin


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  October Quest Summaries                                 by Alysira 


 We all know that all of the wonderful quests we play come from various
 hard-working Imms, but what actually goes on in these quests that we DON'T
 see? Well every month, I shall be bringing you summaries of just a few 
 quests that run each month. This month we have a summary from one of my
 own quests, and one of Yeroc's quest.
 Creator/Organiser-  Alysira
 Date of Quest    -  26th October, 2003
 Main Winner(s)   -  Baralis
 Player Numbers   -  Max. number of 10 players
 Summary          -  A mini-arena where 10 players had to run
                    around, killing ducks and collecting the
                    golden tokens they dropped. Whoever got the
                    most tokens in the end was the winner, after
                    each round whoever had the least amount of
                    tokens was eliminated.
 Creator/Organiser-  Yeroc
 Date of Quest    -  29th October, 2003
 Main Winner(s)   -  Zwanth
 Player Numbers   -  Many players, no limit
 Summary          -  Assassins were bent on killing various notable
                    targets within the realms. Questors were to 
                    locate the assassin and identify his target 
                    based on clues, at which point it could be


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  October Quest Results                                   by Alysira


 We had an overwhelming response to last month's quest, thanks guys! Also, a 
 special thanks to Jexia who wrote the Find-a-Word quest and let us use it =) 
 Remember, if you have a quest you've written that you think could be used in 
 the Cry, just MUDmail it to me (Alysira) and we'll see how it works out.

 Congratulations to these two lucky people, who were chosen at random from the 
 loads of entries we received:
                           Valkor and Zanalani!

 Well done! Please see me for your prizes soon =) And for everyone else, 
 here's the answers to the Find-a-Word quest.
     * 1a-4a MYRA        * 8b-2h CEIRANA     * 9f-9k DESTRE
     * 10a-6a TICAL      * 9b-1j THALASIAN   * 6g-10g NIVEK
     * 2a-2e YEROC       * 8c-4c HERNE       * 8h-4h KINUX
     * 6a-6e LORIL       * 0c-0i PHEAYRE     * 3i-8i CONRAN
     * 0a-8i DARSHANIN   * 5d-1h PHRED       * 9j-4j ROMANI
     * 7b-0b MOONBEAM    * 1f-1c KALI        * 10k-10e BLODKAI
     * 10b-5g THORIC     * 10f-5f ADONIA     * 8k-0k STONEHEFT
 And yes, the secret phrase was meant to be THANKS TO THE IMMS, but 
 unfortunately a typo made everyone boggle over that. Don't worry, it wasn't 
 included ;)
 Good luck in this month's quest!


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  November "Imaginary Interview" Quest                      by Alysira


 Greetings, questors!
 Last month we had an overwhelming response to Jexia's Find-a-Word quest. 
 Since this has proven to be so popular, the Cry will work on bringing you 
 more of these types of quests in the near future =) 

 This month, however, we have another quest which will require you to spend 
 some time and think. Oh my!
 We'd like you to write an imaginary interview on any mob in the game, anyone 
 from the pacifist blue-jay to Justice, from Bahamut to Seth. Your interview 
 can be about anything at all, but please no longer than a note's length (24 
 lines). Just mudmail your interview to Alysira by the 15th of November, the 
 winner shall be chosen by a small panel of Immortals and based on creativity 
 and imagination.
 If there are any questions please direct them to me. Good luck, and have fun!


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  From the Quill of Alysira                                 by Alysira 


 Greetings, readers.

 Apologies for this month's Cry being posted late, but I'm sure we'll all
 survive the extra day without a new issue ;)

 We've got a few new sections this month, including Sarakin's 'Who' contest,
 which I encourage you ALL to enter, Simone's MUD-dating service, a summary
 of only some of the quests that happened last month, and many more new
 features. We also welcome back with open arms 'Ask CoE', thanks Sarakin
 and Kali for doing this! If you have any questions for Ask CoE, please
 MUDmail Sarakin with them.

 That's all from me. Good luck with this month's competitions and quests,
 and enjoy the new CoD!



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  Advertise In The Cry of Despair!


          | /-----------------------------------------------\ |
          | |                                               | |
          | | Have something important to say, but don't    | |
          | | have anywhere to say it?                      | |
          | |                                               | |
          | | Consider advertising in the Cry of Despair!   | |
          | |                                               | |
          | | Organization leaders, wedding planners,       | |
          | | anything and everything appropriate will be   | |
          | | considered, formatted to your liking, and     | |
          | | posted here free of charge!                   | |
          | |                                               | |
          | | Just MUDmail your annoucement to Alysira, and | |
          | | you'll receive it back just as it will appear | |
          | | in the CoD, open to changes if neccessary.    | |
          | |                                               | |
          | \-----------------------------------------------/ |


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  Cry of Despair is Hiring!


            | /-----------------------------------------------\ |
            | |                                               | |
            | | Are you looking for a new challenge in life?  | |
            | |                                               | |
            | | Want to meet interesting, and even not-so-    | |
            | | interesting people?                           | |
            | |                                               | |
            | | Want to discover new aspects of the game?     | |
            | |                                               | |
            | | Want your voice to be heard by the whole MUD? | |
            | |                                               | |
            | | And... Want to get paid for it all?           | |
            | |                                               | |
            | | Then look at a career in journalism! Send a   | |
            | | short application and sample article via      | |
            | | MUDmail to both Juliana and Alysira if you're | |
            | | interested in joining the Cry of Despair      | |
            | | staff.                                        | |
            | |                                               | |
            | | Hope to hear from you soon!                   | |
            | |                                               | |
            | \-----------------------------------------------/ |


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  Write a Review For RoD!


        Help our MUD prosper! Submit a review for us at these websites:



  Your positive reviews will help attract more players to the game, and will
  give recognition to the hard work which people put in every day. Thank you!
