The Baali were out on a mision …
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Number 8 |::| | | _) \ \___|(_ (_ () | . | | () |
May 23 1999 |::| | |______/______|__)____) __|____|_;___;___|\_\
------------ |::| | --------------------- |___| --------------------
[Editor] |::| | [Staff]
Mystaric |::| | Anaisse Apollonia Cyniq
|::| | Dacoit Conran Deevlit
[Printer] |::| | Keroppi Kuah Louellin Mea Ranstlin
Bede |::| | Thabo Tunclon Vestia
|::| | ------------------------------------------------
[HTML] \:| / Feature Story Funny Bones
Grishnakh \| / Poems and Stories Quest Central
\/ A Cry for Help Announcements
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-------------------- The Cry of Despair Feature Story --------------------
Stories from the Bloodbath.
Death of a Labomba
This text pertains to the reaming of Lazaros:
My Tremere companion and I came upon the hapless Lasombra unawares,
in the ruins -- now Gravoc's haven. He turned, just as we set upon him as a
pack of flesh-starved wolves might a hobbled lamb, and tore into him with
The fear in the poor fellow's -- I call him thus now, though at the time he
was quite frankly, dinner -- eyes drove nigh to insanity; drops of blood
decorated the dirty stones first, as his defenses weakened. Next, gashes
sprouted on his extremeties, from knife and talon, further coating blade and
stone with blood. The last glimmer of hope in his eyes plummeted like a
falling star; the already-dead beast turned and sprinted for the horizon -- my
companion kicked hits feet from beneath him, and loomed high over him,
It stood, then, and I caught a sharp exhale in my throat. My blade arced, a
short, vicious arc, toward our victim's shin, and left its dirt-encrusted
boot quivering in a quickly drying puddle of blood. It screamed,
mind-numbingly, and fell forward, face making a rather pleasant thud as it met
I stepped forward, and pinned the poor fodder's be-knifed hand to the ground
with a knife; an altogether happy sound, the tearing of tendons, ensued. A
deep breath later, I set the tip of my blade at the small of its back, and
applied slow, deliberate pressure. It screamed again, this time accompanied by
a Barentin: gurgle, and small fountain of blood from its mouth. When the
blade's point grated against the stone, I stopped, and took hold of the beast's
hair. I yanked its head back, viciously -- it thrashed with abandon, the
last futile motions of a dying animal -- and peered into its already glassy
"Are we having fun yet?" I asked, rhetorically, of course.
The sword-bearing hand twisted, slowly, and the poor fellow tried to scream
again -- it broke off in the middle, to hack up a veritable bucket of blood,
and perhaps the portion of a lung. I bestowed it with a harsh, arrogant slap
with my begloved hand, before its face again made contact with stone.
I took ahold of the blade, with two hands, now, and yanked it from the man's
back. A small geyser of blood poured out, and what appeared to be part of
his kidney was shortly wiped off on his dust-covered shirt. He thrashed for
a while, after that, while my companion and I watched. We shared a chuckle
when the poor lamb crawled to its feet, and quickly collapsed in a pool of
its own blood and vomit. This, I took as a sign that it was finally dead.
I lifted its severed head by the hair, then, and peered into the half-lidded
and foggy eyes. A quick thump from my palm sent it spinning about by
the hair, and I chuckled, amusedly. I recovered my knife from its hand, and
made use of it, in sawing the vermin's ears off, and popping them into
my bag, as one might a tooth-picked olive into his mouth.
I dangled the head by the hair then, now that I had my prize, and swung
my booted foot at it, goalie style -- the dismembered head hit the ruins of
a nearby wall with a gruesome thunk, shortly accompanied by a wetter
thud, when it slammed into the ground, and splattered open like a
watermelon dropped off of a roof.
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I am the rider of dragons. I am the one who would soar above
the sky, master over the greatest of beasts. I am the one who
would ride on the wakes of dreams through the darkest of shadows
to emerge in a greater light. I am the one who would stalk soul-
killing nightmares the the gates of hell and across rivers of
fire. I am the one who would hold the realms of the universe
in the palm of my hand.
I am the one.
I am the rider of dragons. I am the one who stands on the
shoulders of noble giants, bonded by a spiritual link. I am the
one who burns the day so the night may belong to the one I serve.
I am the one who rises to the stars and beyond on wings of fire,
frost, and lightning. I am the one who belongs to the earth,
set here for a purpose I can't possibly understand.
I am the rider.
I am the rider of dragons. I am the one who is two, Master
and servant, king and slave. I am the one who would join the
winged beasts in their effortless spirals around the sun, moon,
and stars, and back to earth again. I am the one who is trapped
by my own desires in endles circle of pain and sadness, with
times of great joy to compensate. I am the one who climbs the
tower only to fall again, who fights a glorious battle only
to be cut down by the blade of the fallen, and who dares to hold
the heart shaped candle only to be burnded by the dripping wax.
That is what it means to be the rider of dragons.
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Pandry wants to trade you eq! All kinds of eq for every align for
trade for the right offer. If you got glory for trade, he's the
man to go to! Seth/La Chute/SoT, its all for trade!
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--- funny - bones --------- |______| |______;______;____|_;______|__)____)
Funny Titles
Ambu-lance, the Pixie Paramedic! {PN}. (Order of Ascendere)
Zhin Treves is Sick. Need Drugs. {Guide} {Prophet}. (Order of Ascendere)
Amoria Expects little and is never disappointed. (Order of Dragonslayer)
Durex condoms.... are you covered in latex?.
Deevlit ain't no scrub! [Arcane-Scout|Cry of Despair]. (Order of Arcanes)
Socials that didnt quite make it!
You try to explain to Sally why you're so worried.
Akael tells you about the worries plaguing her mind.
Akael and Sally are sitting around getting paranoid together.
You fret nervously, pacing back and forth.
Akael frets and fusses as she wears a groove in the floor.
You collapse into a shivering pile of paranoia.
Akael collapses to the floor, overcome by her own worries.
The new social : INSANE
The message that people see :
To yourself : Thulkinn is placed into a straight jacket, and escorted
away by men in white coats.
On Others : Thulkinn says, "Take (name) away boys, Insanity is the works of
the Devil himself!"
To Nobody : Thulkinn starts to sing, "They're coming to take me away,
OH NO! hehe! ha ha! To the funny farm.."
What YOU see :
To yourself: Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
To others : You should be proud of yourself. They could have hurt
themselves or others. Hope they give them a sticky pacifier.
To Nobody : La la la To the funny farm we go. Pack a tooth brush?
There once was a mage in the guild
who was scared of being pkilled
back in the alley
he killed a baali
and said now my quest is fulfilled
The Baali were out on a mision
they thought to be easy as fishin
the mages we'll kill
their blood we will spill
but Baali was only just wishin
There once was a Journo named Thabo,
Who wracked his brain for the whole Arvo,
He spent all of his time,
Tried to write a good rhyme,
When he got it he just shouted "Bravo".
There once was a bored av named Icculus
who usually remain inconspicuous,
But this quest he did try,
after reading the Cry
Though his limerick was very ridiculous.
Quest Central
Quest Results
Wordmine Quest
The following is a list of winners to last weeks wordmine.
Jezabyliayzy 70
Zephranix 53
Drake 51
Ceirana 49
Ranthor 47
Krahl 36
Thulkinn 31
Auldarnik 28
Xantryke 26
Kronin 20
Nitsuj -23
Leaman -157
Reinso -266
Points were awarded as follows:
-3 points for illegal words (all words had to be 5-letters no plurals)
-2 points for misspelled words
1 point for correct words
Open Quests
Boggle Quest
The objective is to make as many words as possible by following
these simple rules.
1. Each word must be 3 or more letters long.
2. Each tile can only be used once in each word.
3. To form words you have to move from connected tiles.
Example: BAM is a legal word, while BUM is illegal.
All entries must be mud mailed to mystaric by Tuesday May 25th.
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Word Mine Quest
Form all the 6-letter words you can by using only the letters of the given
phrase below. You may uses a letter more than once in a word only if it
appears more than once in the given words. Words beginning with a capital
letter, contractions, plurals, hyphenated, obsolete, slang, archaic,
foreign, and dialect words are not allowed. Please mud mail your list of words
to Mystaric by Friday May 28, 1999.
This weeks phrase -----> Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
The CoD would like to congratulate it's very own Vestia. This past Friday
she took the plunge with her wonderful husband Pryce. We wish them the
best of luck.
The CoD has a new public board for you to post suggestions and ideas for the
paper. The board is located in our New Front Office which is located
e,s,u,u,s,w,s from dh[].
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Guild Pkill Schedule
May 5th, 9pm EST Druid-Vampire VS Cleric-Thief
May 8th, 1pm EST Nephandi-Warrior VS Mage-Paladin
May 12th, 1pm EST Nephandi-Vampire VS Mage-Warrior
May 15th, 9pm EST Ranger-Paladin VS Augure-Thief
May 19th, 9pm EST Mage-Vampire VS Cleric-Paladin
May 22nd, 1pm EST Ranger-Warrior VS Thief-Druid
May 26th, 1pm EST Cleric-Mage VS Nephandi-Augure
May 29th, 9pm EST Mage-Ranger VS Druid-Augure
June 2nd, 9pm EST Warrior-Vampire VS Thief-Augurer
June 5th, 1pm EST Nephandi-Paladin VS Druid-Ranger
June 9th, 1pm EST Augurer-Vampire VS Warrior-Paladin
June 12th, 9pm EST Nephandi-Thief VS Cleric-Ranger
June 16th, 9pm EST Cleric-Vampire VS Nephandi-Ranger
June 19th, 1pm EST Mage-Thief VS Druid-Paladin
June 23rd, 1pm EST Druid-Warrior VS Cleric-Augurer
Order of Rol Na Feinne
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
In honour of our fair queen and castle, each week a feast will be held.
Story-telling, food, wine and good company... Come one, come all
After our skills shall be tested in the Arena, whether we unite with our
friends or try for victory by ourselves.... Fun is had by all..
The feast begins each week at Saturday 11pm (EST)
Hope to see you there =)
Always Dame Mea Krogenstar-DarkBlood
**signed with the crested blood-red rose of the vampire**
Thanks for reading the Cry of Despair!!!!!