Anatomy of a Roleplay Scene and Realms 101 – Mapping
/ Issue 131 - October 2008 \________________________________________________
Roleplaying with Fire - Oct 2008 - Alessio Help CRY2 to CRY8
Realms of Despair 101 - Mapping - Juliana Help CRY9 to CRY12
Ask Imm Responses Help CRY13
Guild News
Guild of Clerics - Indira Help CRY14 to CRY15
Clan News
Maleficae - Menta Help CRY16
Nation News
Quendi - Annale Help CRY17
Uruk'hai - Klaatu Help CRY18
Elohai - Stela Help CRY19
Ilythiiri - Alzeria Help CRY20
Tyrrhenu - Farlina Help CRY21
TS News - Akael Help CRY22
Quest News
September CoD Quest Results - Linda Help CRY23
November CoD Quest - Siporta Help CRY24
Fun and Games
Funnies - Romani Help CRY25
Announcements and Advertisements
Org Website Contest - Romani Help CRY26
13 Days of Hallowe'en - Annale Help CRY27
Cry of Despair Help CRY28
Ask COE Help CRY29
Wanted - DEAD Help CRY30
Letter from the Editor Help CRY31
A Note from Linda Help CRY32
From Falennt's Inkwell Help CRY33
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
[ 18] Alessio: Roleplaying With Fire, October Edition (I)
Roleplaying With
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Volume Two: The Anatomy of a Roleplay Scene
If one were to list the greatest complications for any newcomer to the
Realms of Despair roleplaying community, it is highly likely that 'completing
my first session' would easily break the top five.
Reasoning for such a response would vary, no doubt. For some players,
the greatest challenge to overcome with regards to the first 'scene' is
finding his or her scene partner(s). Others may contend that getting
accustomed to the actual playing of their character was the hardest part.
In this edition of Roleplaying With Fire, I intend to address these
challenges (in the very least, the most prominent of them), by explaining
in detail the definition, purpose, and structure of a scene, as well as
the generally accepted guidelines (or rules, if you will) which are held
as law by the community at large.
Perhaps more so than the first issue, older players may find that this
article is filled with information that they already knew and understood.
I would encourage all to read, nonetheless, as there could very well be
a rule that is commonly forgotten, or a technique that has slipped the
mind of our most seasoned players over time.
In advance, thank you for your time, and I hope you find some use in
what is contained within!
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
Section I: Definition and Purpose
A roleplaying 'scene' could be described as any segment of roleplay
which has occured between two or more players, and which has a clear
beginning and end.
Some players would argue that the definition of a scene is far more
expansive than this, but in the end, this is essentially what lies at
the heart of one.
The purpose of any given scene is variable. While some scenes are
intended to further a character's development (these are most frequent
among newer players), there are also those which are intended to
advance a running storyline, or 'plot'.
Whatever the reason for a scene to be played, it is considered
common courtesy to involve all players whoare willing to participate,
in a manner which is engaging and entertaining for everybody involved.
Obviously, this is not always possible. Large scenes are frequently
chaotic and, at the best of times, difficult to complete. In addition,
not all characters have a narrative purpose for being involved in any
given scene. To prevent any sort of conflict over the matter, players
are encouraged to exercise good manners and common sense.
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
Section II: A Glimpse into Scene Structure
Structure of a roleplay scene, like purpose, is often variable,
and the two are not entirely separate from one-another. Often, the
reason for a scene (character development, or plot advancement, or
player introduction) sets the format through which the scene occurs.
What follows is a description of the four most common scene
1) Spontaneous, standalone:
A spontaneous and standalone scene is one which occurs with
no initial planning or forethought. These scenes quite often
consist of two or three characters at the most, owing to the
difficulties which arise in trying to find more players at
short notice.
This format is most frequently used for new character
development and/or introduction, which has given rise to an
alternative title ('character driven') among some circles. On
occasion, roleplay plots have been launched through such
2) Spontaneous, plot-driven:
Any scene which itself has not been planned beforehand, but
which contributes to a running storyline within the roleplay
community, can be defined as spontaneous and plot-driven.
Due to their relatively open nature (in the context of the
storyline, of course), scenes such as these are most often
played when a new character is joining an existing plotline,
or when an existing plot is changing narrative direction.
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
3) Planned, standalone:
When a character is trapped in a narrative jam, or needs
further development, the player may resort to a planned and
standalone scene to resolve the issue.
These scenes are usually small, consisting of at most
three players. Common issues that are addressed through the
use of such a scene include the closing of a plot hole or
extraction of a character from a running storyline (usually
when said character has been written into a corner).
While this kind of scene is not typically used to further
a particular plot, elements of such a scene are commonly
used in launching a new one.
4) Planned, plot-driven:
A scene of this type is one which has involved a great deal
of plotting and OOC discussion long before it has even begun.
The most common example of a scene such as this would be
one which contains a major plot-point, or the resolution of
a running storyline.
The scene itself can vary in size and length. Some, such
as those depicting key conflicts, or the rise to power of a
new ruler, typically involve many players and, as a result,
are quite lengthy. Others, such as the negotiation of a truce,
rarely consist of more than a few characters and typically
run under an hour.
These, as promised, are the four most common scene structures
which have been employed within the Realms roleplaying community.
Though there are certainly others, they usually take aspects of
one or two of those detailed here, and as such they have not been
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
Section III: Guidelines
When asked what they would appreciate most in a potential scene
partner, it is likely that a majority of roleplayers would claim
'courteousness' or 'good manners' as their top priority. And just
what, exactly, do they mean?
In the Realms of Despair roleplaying community, much like any
other large group, there can be found a number of commonly accepted
and upheld standards to which all roleplayers are expected to
These guidelines exist for one purpose alone: to promote an
RP environment and experience that is fun and engaging for all who
have been involved.
They are as follows:
1a) Do not force another player's actions during a scene.
"Forcing" can be defined as the playing of another character
which is not your own, without the consent of its original
1b) Do not godplay.
Believable characters, like real people, have flaws and
weaknesses, as well as strengths.
2a) What happens while out of character (OOC) should stay OOC.
2b) Likewise for in character (IC) happenings.
3a) Roleplay is equal parts creativity and patience.
It is considered impolite to rush your scene partner(s), so
3b) It is equally impolite to make your scene partner(s) wait.
Don't take a half-hour between their last emote and your own.
4) If you are going to start a roleplay, always make sure you
have the focus and the time to finish it. If you don't, it
is considered polite to explain this before you begin.
5) If you are mid-plot and discover that you can't finish, for
whatever reason, always try to resolve any loose ends with
regards to your character before you withdraw.
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
6) Practice common sense and courtesy at all times, and without
exception. It doesn't hurt you to be polite.
As storytellers, we all have a penchant for the dramatic. It is
precisely this quality that makes roleplaying as fun as it can be.
But, if we let this trait run unchecked, it can also cause bitter,
personal tension between players within the community.
As a general rule, it is almost always better to log off and stay
off if you're in a miserable mood, since such a state of mind can
easily lead to misinterpretation of another player, or worse.
Please remember these guidelines, and exercise them at all times
and in all of your dealings with other members of the community.
In this article, I have endeavoured to impart upon you, the
reader, some of my understanding of the roleplay scene, including:
a) The purpose and definition of a scene ('What is it?' and
'Why are scenes important')
b) The general structure of a scene, and,
c) Commonly followed guidelines of the community.
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/ Roleplaying with Fire Oct. 2008 - Alessio \________________________________________
While I can't guarantee that this information is relevant for
all sections of RoD's large roleplaying community, I can say that
it is, in a general sense, in every corner of the community to
which I've belonged during my stay here.
Next month, I will address plotting and roleplay storylines. Have
a safe and fun Hallowe'en (or Samhain, or what have you), and
stay tuned in November!
--October 2008
Alessio di Rossetti is the current leader of the Order of Sanctus Irae
and has led the half-orc nation on several characters for the past half-
decade. If you have any questions, comments or compliments regarding
this or any roleplay issue, feel free to MUDmail him or send him a tell.
Perhaps it will be featured in a future edition of 'Roleplaying With
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/ Realms 101: Mapping - Juliana \____________________________________________________
This section may become get a bit technical. In order to immerse oneself
completely in the atmosphere of an area, it goes without saying that it
is also possible to become hopelessly immersed and lost in mazes.
Appreciating maze construction is different from enjoying the theme of
an area. To understand a maze, it is necessary to examine a maze from
a bird's eye view.
Ways That Builders Complicate Mazes
1) Identical Room Descriptions
The standard uniform of rooms typical found in a "maze" depict room
descriptions all the same. Give each room a unique description and
players can easily where they are going. This is true even if the
exits are one-way or do not quite link in logical ways. Give each
room the same description, and people tend to become confused and
Note that there are pseudo-mazes in the Realms where two-way exits
are completely static and line up in perfect Euclidean geometry.
Euclidean geometry means that only one line can be drawn through a
point parallel to anotherline. However, people do get lost in these
mazes, because the descriptions are all the same. Try to name a few of
these types of mazes.
2) One-Way Exits
The next easiest way to confuse wanderers involves one-way exits.
Players are accustomed to a consistent grid of rooms that allow
walking in straight lines and back Upon moving north and finding no
south exit, one's spatial direction is lost. These confusing exits
may be linked to another room, or even back to the same room.
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/ Realms 101: Mapping - Juliana \_____________________________________________________
3) Shifting Exits
On top of the mayhem that one-way exits may cause,certain mazes are
set to shift. This means that the north exit that once lead to room
B is now a southeast exit that leads to room B. The north exit now
leads to room C. Generally, exits only complete this merry-go-round
imitation just after the repop message when the area resets.
4) Transferring
To make matters worse, sometimes it is not possible to see the
intended destination because it is a "trans" room. These rooms look
just like any other maze room, except That they will magically transfer
you to another room if you stand about long enough.
5) Opening and Closing Exits
On occasion, room exits open and close causing confusion. As to which
ways one can and cannot go.
6) Basic Maze Strategies
Some maze rooms that are nodrop and/or nomagic. They prevent easy mapping
of the maze with simple marking techniques, and norecall rooms create
panic when people give up solving the maze. They player wants to get
out the "easy way," but cannot.
Lil' Secret: At the present moment, there are no dynamically generated
mazes in Smaug. In simpler terms, the code (the computer) does -not-
make mazes, human builders do. Builders may program the computer to help
complicate matters a bit, but mazes are made by people.
This very significant fact means that all mazes are quite finite. A
computer may string 10,000 rooms together without qualms, but a human
would have a headache after a few hundred. As long as the builders intend
for there to be a start and an end to the maze, explorers may find them.
It may take persistence, but it -is- possible.
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/ Realms 101: Mapping - Juliana \_____________________________________________________
At least 90-95% of the mazes in the Realms of Despair are solvable with
two basic strategies. If it is a big maze,it may take patience,
persistence and determination.
1) Track
If a trackable mob or player is available beyond the maze, track will
normally create a path straight to the target. Only in complicated mazes
that are constructed differently will this not help.
2) Room Markings + SCRY
These two concepts are the basic foundation of nearly all maze solution
techniques. The idea is to place different "entities" in each room.
This allows for recognition that the explorer has visited a room and
can tell the individual rooms apart.
The most commonly used ways of marking rooms:
- drop coins
- create and drop balls of light/food
- create firepring
- drop other items
- etc.
The scry spell is the easiest way to determine which rooms are linked to
the one explorer is currently standing in. Variations on this include
scan and actually walking into the next room to see.
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/ Realms 101: Mapping - Juliana \_____________________________________________________
+ Minimum Effort
=> Mark Unmarked Rooms and Scry for the Exit
When not planning to walk through the maze more than once and others
(grouped players) do not need to follow the trail, the quickest way to
get to point B is the mark and scry method.
Drop a mark in the first room and scry for the intended destination. If
it is not there, step into an unmarked room, mark it (i.e., drop a coin),
and scry for the destination again. Continue to mark rooms and scry until
the destination is finally located.
With all of the room links on paper, the quickest route from point A to B
should be evident.
2 3 4 3 3 1 end
\-|-/ ----/ \---- --|-- --|--
| 1 |- 5 | 2 |- 2 5 -| 3 | | 4 | | 5 |
--|-- ----- ----- ----\ --|--
start 2 3
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/ Ask the Imms - Linda \___________________________________________________________
For the next couple of months we are going to be doing something different.
Instead of the normal "Ask CoE" segment. We are going with "Ask the Imms".
For this month, we have responses from Romani and Matanza.
Question: As an imm, what do you do to keep yourself having fun in the realms?
Romani: I enjoy questing, running with friends, exploring and of course RP with
several different characters in nations and in Sanctus Irae.
Matanza: When I get bored I'll sit at DH Square and chat with whoever stops
to chat.
Question: What do you like to do in your free time?
Romani: Off of Realms I play my string instruments: violin, viola, 'cello. I
especially enjoy gypsy, russian, and romanian music in addition to more well
known fiddle styles. I also paint, bellydance, and love a bicycle ride when
the weather is good.
Matanza: For free time I mostly play Team Fortress 2 or explore my city in China.
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/ Guild of Clerics - Indira \_________________________________________________________
Greetings everyone!
The Guild of Clerics is quietly enjoying the coming Autumn and looks forward
to HALLOWEEN!!!! We're sure that the immortals will come up with great
quests and the like to celebrate this spooky event!
All the clerics of our fine guild, wish you a fantastic Hallow's Eve!
/ ^ ^ \
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/ Guild of Clerics - Indira \_________________________________________________________
Get married with us!
Are you getting married and still looking for that perfect location?
Well look no more for we can provide just that! We'd be happy to host your
special day in our blissful chapel! Need to know how it looks? Here it is:
A Blissful Chapel
Mmm! The lavish scents of dehydrated roses and lavender permeate this
chapel with a blissful fragrance. Golden pews are lined perfectly to
the left and right, reflecting the sun and all the colours it produces
through a stained glass ceiling. Framed prayer scrolls are neatly placed
on the brassy walls, and between each is a glass case containing various
trinkets of love, beauty, and devotion. A casual array of freshly-cut
flowers sits comfortably upon a large altar of stone, engraved with words
of wisdom and joy.
Our own Haviland would be happy to officiate but you can of course
choose a person to your own liking to preside over your ceremony!
Feel free to send a tell to any of the leaders if you have any further
questions, we'd be happy to answer them! <3
Join us!
If you would like to join the Guild of Clerics, just jot down the following:
Requirements: Level 15+
Directions: NW, 2W, 2N, E from []
Once you read the guide (retrieved in "The Clock Chamber" by saying "guide",
you can contact anyone with "CoC or CoC-T" in their title or a leader to
request an interview!
We hope you have a joyous October, feel free to come by or send us a tell
if you have any questions, concerns or just would like to chat!
Regards, Haviland (Guild Master), Indira (First) Torianne (Second)
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/ Maleficae News - Menta \___________________________________________________________
Insert ascii here
The clan of Maleficae would like to inform everyone of our new webpage. We
hope everyone enjoys it and hope to see many players trying out pkill. The
link to the new webpage is
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/ Elf Nation - Annale \___________________________________________________________
Gathering of Magical Minds
Elear Israfel has proposed a gathering of magical minds to discuss recent
magical discoveries and innovations since the Shattering. The time and venue
have yet to be determined, but all those who are interested are encouraged to
make themselves known at National Visions or direct to Elear Israfel.
Autumn has arrived
And with it, some of the best Elven wines. Head on over to the Fox and Fiddle
located south, south, southeast from the note board, for a refreshing glass
of the rare Elverquisst. Or, if you prefer something a little strong, speak
to Shirl about a glass of the potent Berdruskan Dark.
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/ Uruk'hai News - Klaatu \___________________________________________________________
From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Equinox brings trade talks
The Equinox has occured and the associated festivities were less than usual.
Apparently the Uruk'hai have been ill at ease over the change in leadership
of the Pixie nation. Increase of prices of goods and supplies from the Pixie
colony in Dunhill have caused many complaints to be lodged. A parlay with the
Pixie colony leaders was frustrating and fruitless. "Just following orders"
is not an acceptable reason in the mind of the Uruk'hai. Open discussions
with both Uruk'hai merchants and Inahir traders are taking place.
ruk'hai merchants and the Inahir traders are taking place.
Dateline Darkhaven - Isle of the Monkeys
Duke Luther has granted access to the hidden Isle of the Monkeys. This ia a
fascinating area with a large variety of primates. Treasures and unique items
are found throughout the area. Beware of head hunting cannibals.
Dateline Opallinoc - Harvest
The harvest is underway and this year is looking to a good one. The crops of
corn , rice and various vegetables has given a good return on the effort put
into cultivation and irrigation projects. The Inahir tribesman report many
new eltor kids romping the Northern Plains now. All seems well for winter.
Surplus could be traded with other nations for some of the more exotic items
that come from the furthest coners of the Realms.
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/ Elohai News - Stela \___________________________________________________________
It has been two days now since the return of the newly appointed Mirtoa of
Mallen Edaib, the House of Commerce, Aranvar Mithendair. With him comes his
trade ships like an angel upon the waters, the silver sails and white oars a
reminder of his family's longstanding wealth and experience with trade.
Mere hours after his arrival and slow drift towards Eldestra upon the River
Nenda came another, less expected...person. The red and golds of the
Lizardman ship have caused a bit of shock among those of the nation who
have come from the city to stare in wonder at its strange markings and even
stranger passengers. The Speaker has recently asked all citizens to stay
off the shores of the river as she attempts to discover why the Lizardmen
have appeared in Eldestra without notice or invitation.
As the hours have ticked by, they have stayed holed up in their ship, perhaps
waiting for Aranvar to move his ship further inward. The Elohai shall wait
however. As for now no obvious threat can be discerned by the ship's
appearance, and its relative distance from Eldestra proper makes it less
threatening than it would be had it been closer.
What do the Lizardmen want and why have they arrived in Eldestra?
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/ Drow Nation - Alzeria \___________________________________________________________
A Cry in the (Under)Dark
Utter silence reigned for so long these past months that recent developments
seem to scream in comparison. The silence of course had been caused by the
Valsharess's rebuke of those who thought her young age and inexperience made
her unfit to rule...a rebuke which thoroughly dealt with any challenges to her
power. And left thousands dead.
Be that as it may, there is life yet down here and I doubt more will be so
foolish as to attempt to wrest the reigns from Valsharess Alzeria's hands. And
now a new Matron has been declared. Matron Ilandra of the house Ul'Ilindith. A
frightening woman who's only equals would perhaps be the Valsharess...that is
of course except for Goddess Lloth herself. A word to the wise...treachery is
dealt with swiftly in this city of Iniquity. Do so at your own risk.
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/ Gnome News - Farlina \___________________________________________________________
With the drought broken and the harvest now underway, it remains to be seen if
we will have enough stores to see us through the winter. Preliminary numbers
seem fair though and we should be able to make it through on our stores.
Still, a missive will be sent to the pixies in hopes that new lines of trade
may be opened. They seemed the safest race for us to contact as they are
our closest cousins.
The Vale has been quiet for some time which suits us fine considering our
desire to keep to ourselves. Perhaps, all things considered in this time of
wars, this is not the best of practices and we should considering aligning
ourselves with at least one group of the tall-walkers. Which is best though
we are not sure. Perhaps the pixies can suggest a group for us.
All in all, nothing new to report from the Vale. Life moves on as usual but
of course, this being October and all Hallows Eve upon us, the pranksters have
been very busy. Seems one was very creative and this parchment was magically
pinned to the gates of the Vale.
On the mists of night-falls yearning,
Echoes through the leaves are forming,
Warning those who travel here to hold
Closely to all thats dear.
Tread softly over hill and dale as you
Approach this now cursed Vale,
A rider upon a vicious beast
Running down all that seek,
Safety among those small and meek,
Death to you who dare this road, turn ye back
To whence you came!
Enter not this Vale of woe,
Unless you would willingly seek
A death upon this very street!
We arent sure what this means really, seems a joke, but who can say? I do
advise travelers to use caution but nothing has been seen of any beast or
riders near the Vale.
A very merry All Hallows Eve to you all.
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/ TS News - Akael \___________________________________________________________
TS news from September 2008
Passed by TS
- Thief Professions
- Warrior skill "Reciprocate"
- Modification to Nephandi "Reveal"
Passed by Liaisons
- Succumb
- Benches with Benefits
- Pet Word of Recall
- Drink Command to Skip Blood if NonVamp
- Lastname command
Failed by Liaisons
- Hive Mind
- Label Layer EQ Tiers
- Paladin skill "Guard"
For older TS news, visit
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/ September Quest Results \___________________________________________________________
We had three entries for September's Quest.
Illidias found 17.
Rikkath found 15.
Ciska found 9.
Thanks for participating.
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/ November Quest - Siporta \__________________________________________________________
This month's quest is to write a short essay about your favorite item. Limit
it to one note. The imms will judge them. The top three will be printed in
the November issue. Others may be posted in coming months.
Thanks for your intrest and time.
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/ Funnies - Romani \___________________________________________________________
Jessel needs your discipline.
Tobi says fer a shilling I'll sell ye a treasure map! (Ringbearers)
Ruaidhri tries to pronounce his own name, but fails.
I saw another one but lost it somewhere in the spam.
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/ Org Website Contest - Romani \______________________________________________________
The contest will open this week and remain open until the 31st of October.
Limit of one entry (complete website) per organization, open to all guilds,
orders, clans, and bands (prizes vary depending on the organization type).
* Websites must follow the following guidelines:
- Appropriate use of images (Images will not be graded on their quality
however they must either be original or taken from a free website)
- Colors must be complimentary and appealing
- Text must be easy to read and in a widely used font
- Homepage information must be relevant to both the organization and
Realms of Despair
- Links must be easy to navigate
- Websites must be compatible with multiple browsers (eg. IE, Firefox,
Opera, etc)
- META tags must include "Realms of Despair"
- All pages must be the same style
- All pages must be neat and well presented
- Realms of Despair and Endless Medieval Enjoyment are visible on the
opening page.
Please also take note, we do not want you to purchase your website from a
professional designer/template. You can however use any means of creating a
site as you wish, eg. Frontpage, straight HTML, Java, etc as long as it
complies with the above guidelines.
Note : This note was given to us on Sept 21, 2008 so it is already underway. - Linda
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/ 13 Days of Hallowe'en - Annale \____________________________________________________
I found this on the internet and thought it would be cute in the Cry.. it is
not mine, but the creator gives permission for others to use it for non
-commercial purposes, as long as the initials in the images are left as they
The first link is the 13 days of Hallowe'en, the second link is the copyright.
-Annale Firestorm
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/ Calling for Writers \____________________________________________________
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For more information, seek out the Cry of Despair board in the Darkhaven
Townhall, Fourth Floor, West exit from the stairs. (look map if you get lost)
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/ Ask COE Announcement\_______________________________________________________
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If you had a chance to ask the Council of Elders something about
gameplay, what would you ask?
Do you want to know when we are going to have pasta somewhere?
Do you want to know why thief mobs only keep a percentage of what
they steal?
Or do you want to know something else?! If so, mudmail Falennt or Linda with
your questions today!
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/ WANTED - Dead \_____________________________________________________________
| ___ __ _ /
| | | /\ |\ | | | | \ |
| | x | :__: | \ | | |- | ; | The CoD Staff
| |/ \| | | | \| | |__ |_/ | invites any deadly
| | to post a bounty on
| /""""""""""""""""""""""""""\ | another deadly.
| | : ,''"((") | | |
| | | / | | | You set the bounty
| | ,-: .*" "*; | | and the number of
| | ; (o) (o)| | | bounties you are
| | `-. , | | | prepared to pay and
| | : ___ ' | | Linda and Falennt
| | |`. - / | | can collect the
| | _.: `-.__.' | | skived skin of your
| | ,-"'" `-.__.-''*-._ | | target from bounty
| .-------Dead---------------. | hunters. You may also
| _ __ _ _ | share your reasons
| | \ | | | /\ | \ | \ | for wanting the target
| |_/ |- | x | :__: |_/ | ; | dead.
| | \ |__ |/ \| | | | \ |_/ | The cost of this
|______________________________________| service is 1 million
0=(________________________________________)=0 gold coins. The Cry of
Despair may also award
successful bounty hunters
with additional gold!
(Thank you Romani for the Ascii art)
(End) Page: 030
/ Letter from the Editor \___________________________________________________________
Currently the Immortal Sponsors are looking for a new editor. If you are
interested then please write a short note saying why you would like the
position. Please include your normal online times so that the immortals can
interview you.
Thanks in advance for your interest.
(End) Page: 031
/ A note from Linda \___________________________________________________________
. .
... :``..':
: ````.' :''::'
..:.. : .'' :
``. `: .' :
: : : :
: : : :
I really don't have much to add : : : :
to what others have already said. : : :..''''``::.
So I will just leave you with a : ...:..' .''
rose. .' .' .::::'
' `::::
..:.:.::'`. ::'`. . : : .
Linda Silverwolf ..' `:.: :: :' .:
.: .:``::: : .: ::
.: ..'' :::.' :': :
: .'' .:: : : '
: .'`::
(End) Page: 032
/ From Falennt's Inkwell \___________________________________________________________
And yet another Issue of the Cry launches. This month, we have a lot
of interesting advice on roleplay, from Alessio, our staff-writer
and Leader of Sanctus Irae. Juliana's republished article would
be a great refresher for runners and newcomers to the world of
running alike too.
We -are- always looking for people who are interested to write
for the Cry on any topic under the sun, and related to the
Realms of course. Articles are paid by pages and interest; and if
you're a budding writer, do contact either myself or Linda
about topics and payment.
Finally, the 3 winners of the Heroes Quiz last month with correct
answers and as well, the first three to mudmail myself.
1) Nariel
2) Smee
3) Alessio
I will be visiting you at any time next week, when you be active
online, with your gift. :)
And till then, do have a great read.
(End) Page: 033