Romani announces organization website awards, Babui reports on player demographics
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Number 148 |::| | | _) \ \___|(_ (_ () | . | | () |
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[Editor] |::| | [This Issue's Writers]
Falennt |::| | Annale, Klaatu, Versetch, Kadgeon, Babui,
|::| | Excane, Eisengrym, Meddon, Klessenia
|::| |
[Sponsor] |::| | [Imm Contributors]
Falennt |::| | Romani, Stoneheft, Kinux
|::| |
|::| |
|::| |
|::| | [Issue 148, December 2010 - January 2011]
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See HELP CRY2 for the table of contents.
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Page 2 \/ Table of Contents
This Month's Special:
Realms Research Project - Babui CRY2-13
Realms Awards 2010 - Romani CRY14-20
Monthly Article
Realms Olympics Report 2010 - Romani CRY21-24
The Lotus Sanctuary - Anon CRY25
Nation News
Quendi (Elf) - Annale CRY26
Uruk'hai (Half-Ogre) - Klaatu CRY27-29
Khazad (Dwarf) - Stoneheft CRY30
Gith - Excane CRY31
Hobbit (Halfling) - Kadgeon CRY32
Quest News
Ausguteptember CoD Quest Results - Falennt CRY33-37
December/January CoD Quest - Falennt CRY38-39
Realms Living
Realms Heroes 2010 - Romani CRY40
Storytime - Poor Iori - Excane CRY41-44
Knights of Edel - Eisengrym CRY45-46
Orders, Guilds and Clans News
Arcanes - Klessenia CRY47
Baali - Meddon CRY48
Guild of Augurers - Excane CRY49
Catarhh - Gangrel CRY50
Funny Bones
Funnies - Various Imms CRY51-53
Announcements and Advertisements
Shop with Guts'n'Glory! CRY54
Advertise with the Cry! CRY55
CoD Readers Reward CRY56
2010 Annual Website Results CRY57
Roleplay Wiki: CRY58
Cry of Despair Staff
Write for the Cry CRY59
From Falennt's Inkwell CRY60
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Page 3 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
In a conversation with someone, I was musing how everyone on RoD seems to be a
teacher, or be working in IT. With that thought, I decided to verify or to
test that hypothesis, and conduct a Realms research project on general
demographics of our player base. Huge hugs and thanks to all those who
participated in this research survey, and was very patient despite receiving
tells on multiple alts. For those who showed an interest in seeing the
results, I hope this report would reveal new insight and be an amusing read.
Over a span of one month, from 11th August 2010 to 12th September 2010, at
varying days and times, samples were collected via 'who 2 60'. Initially, 10
samples were collected each given time, beginning at the bottom of the who
list, and moving up until I have gathered 10 responses.
However, this approach began to encounter more alts than not. With this in
mind, my data collection method altered, and while still seeking samples from
the 'who' list, there was no rigid requirement of collecting 10 samples for
questions included Gender, Age, Location, Occupation, whether one MUDs at
work, and organizational affiliations (optional).
In the end, 131 responses were collected. Unfortunately, 1 response was
removed due to inaccuracy, leaving a sample size of 130.
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Page 4 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
Potential Bias/Inaccuracy
Although attempts have been made to minimize sampling errors, such as
questioning on different timezones and days; adhering to the 'who' list, and
thus players online, rather than contacting friends/players via other means; I
acknowledge there are still room for potential bias. This includes timezones
missed, and players giving incorrect or misjudged answers.
Please also be aware that from the time of the survey until now, age,
location, gender, occupation, and organizational affilitations (active or not)
may have changed.
Data on organizational affiliations should be taken with caution, as answer
given was their "perceived" organizational affiliations. Some preferred to
have it "unknown", while others may have "missed" naming some of their
organizations. Some also claimed although they are in a number of
organizations, they are not active in all of them. Perceived organizational
affiliations should be interesting!
Furthermore, 'occupation' was classified in order to group responses, but it
must be noted that ones job may encompasses more than what the category
suggests, as well as the possibility that it fits into more than one category.
For the purpose of this research project, each persons full-time occupation
was classified into one group only.
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Page 5 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
-- Gender --
Frequency Percentage
Male 107 82.31
Female 23 17.69
Total 130 100.00
Realms' gender population is made up of 82% male and 18% female.
-- Age --
Mean N Min Max Median
Male 30.11 97 14 65 28.00
Female 30.43 21 21 53 26.00
Total 30.17 118 14 65 28.00
The mean age for males, females, and in general, is 30. The median is 28 and
26 for males and females respectively.
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Page 6 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
-- Location --
Frequency Percentage
Australia 7 5.38
Canada 22 16.92
China 1 .77
Ireland 1 .77
Italy 1 .77
Jamaica 1 .77
New Zealand 2 1.54
Singapore 1 .77
South America 1 .77
Sweden 1 .77
Taiwan 1 .77
UK 5 3.85
USA 85 65.38
Total 130 100.00
A significantly large percentage of RoDers reside in USA (65%), followed by
Canada (17%) and Australia (5%).
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Page 7 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
Frequency Percentage
Accounting 2 1.54
Artist/Musician 5 3.85
Food/Beverage 2 1.54
Cars/Mechanic 2 1.54
Construction 3 2.31
Contracterasual 3 2.31
Education 9 6.92
Engineer 8 6.25
Housewife/husband 2 1.54
IT 17 13.08
Lawyer/Legal 2 1.54
Machinist/Factory 4 3.08
Marketingales 4 3.08
Medical 2 1.54
Military 4 3.08
Miscellaneous 13 10.00
Office 6 4.62
Retail* 7 5.38
Retired 3 2.31
Student 15 11.54
Technician (other) 4 3.08
Unemployed 13 10.00
Total 130 100.00
* Retail/Warehouse/Manufacturer
Contrary to the initial prediction that the majority of RoDers works in IT
and Education, it was found that Realms has a diversely skilled population,
from Glass Glazers to Lobbyists (grouped in Miscellaneous). Although IT did
prove to be the leading occupation with 13%, it could hardly represent the
majority of realms.
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Page 8 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
-- Number of Organizations --
Frequency Percentage
0 12 9.52
1 38 30.15
2 29 23.01
3 23 18.25
4 11 8.73
5 7 5.55
6 4 3.17
7 1 0.79
8 0 0.00
9 0 0.00
10 1 0.79
11 0 0.00
Total 126* 100.00
*4 people did not disclose their organizational affilations.
Most RoDers are in one, two, or three organizations. There is one person who
strayed far from the "majority", and is in 10 organizations on realms. For
the purpose of this table, NC, TS, Immortalhood counts as an organization, as
are guilds, orders, clans, and tribes.
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Page 9 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
-- Organization by Location --
DS 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
MS 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Arc 5 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8
RB 9 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Inc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Baa 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9
SI 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Asc 2 5 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 15
GoC 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
GoD 6 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
GoM 18 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
GoR 18 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 23
GoT 13 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
GoV 18 6 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 30
GoP 13 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
GoW 8 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12
GoN 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11
GoA 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
GoF 4 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10
Cat 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 9
Mal 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
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Page 10 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
Fer 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
NC 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
TS 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Imm 2 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10
Barb 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Unknown 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Ascendere is most diversed in terms of its members' location, spreading over 8
different countries. This is followed by Guild of Vampires over 7 countries,
and Catarrh with 6 countries. To group numbers, all Tribes were categorized as
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Page 11 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
-- Organization by Age, Gender, Number of Organizations --
DS 28.82 28.00 10 1 3.55 3.00
MS 38.00 38.00 1 1 4.00 4.00
Arc 28.71 29.00 7 1 2.25 2.00
RB 30.00 29.00 12 1 3.23 3.00
Inc - - - - - -
Baa 26.75 24.00 6 3 2.78 3.00
SI 25.00 26.00 3 0 2.67 3.00
Asc 29.07 27.00 9 6 3.07 3.00
GoC 31.14 30.00 4 3 4.29 5.00
GoD 30.69 29.00 13 1 3.64 4.00
GoM 29.62 28.00 17 6 3.48 3.00
GoR 28.73 27.50 21 2 3.57 3.00
GoT 31.18 29.00 15 2 4.12 3.00
GoV 31.24 28.00 25 5 3.60 3.50
GoP 26.35 24.00 13 4 3.35 3.00
GoW 29.67 27.50 9 3 4.25 4.00
GoN 29.67 28.00 10 1 2.82 3.00
GoA 28.10 27.00 8 2 4.90 4.00
GoF 33.44 29.00 9 1 5.00 4.50
Cat 28.33 28.00 8 1 3.78 3.00
Mal 25.00 25.00 3 0 1.67 2.00
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Page 12 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
Fer 29.80 29.00 4 1 3.20 3.00
NC 36.71 34.00 5 2 2.57 2.00
TS 32.30 29.00 9 2 3.73 3.00
Imm 36.33 35.00 5 5 2.70 2.50
Barb 29.50 29.50 4 1 3.80 4.00
Unknown 29.75 30.00 4 0 0.00 0.00
In an overall table, the mean and median age, the number of males and females,
as well as the number of organizations' mean and median can be seen, in
relation to each organization.
Maidenstone, Newbie Council and Immortals have the highest average age. On the
otherhand, Sanctus Irae and Maleficae have the lowest average age.
Maidenstone and Immortals have a relatively even ratio of males to females, as
does Ascendere and Guild of Clerics. The highest number of females can be
found in Ascendere and Guild of Mages.
People in Guild of Fathomers on average is in 5 different organizations. Guild
of Augurers follows as second most spread across organizations. People in
Maleficae are in the least number of different organizations, averaging at 2
(rounded up).
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Page 13 \/ Realms Research Project - Babui
Although effort was made to collect a significant sample size to ensure
representativeness, all statistics here cannot be taken as a 100% accurate
reflection of Realms of Despair's population. However, I do hope that it
provided some interesting perspectives on our players and their affiliated
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in this project. Special
thanks must go to Valky, for he is the master of Excel formulas and his elite
skills puts me to shame.
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Page 14 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
Over the past few years, the Cry of Despair have brought you a little sunshine
known as the RoD Awards. We have dozens of categories for you to vote for all
your friends, or maybe even the people who you feel deserve these awards.
The votes will be collected by myself via MUDmail, by the 1st of January.
To vote, please mudmail your entries. You can purchase a note in Darkhaven
at the Quills and Parchments shop (#5 on HELP MAP).
mail to Romani
mail subject RoD Awards Votes
mail write
Category 1: (Player1), (Player2), (Player3)
Category 2: (Object1), (Object2), (Object3)
And so forth. Only three nominations per category will be accepted, and the
order in which you vote will be considered the preference of choices.
If there are any questions, please direct them to me (Romani) via tells or
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Page 15 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
Rules to Voting:
* You may only have one voting sheet per real-life player. If it is known
that you have used more than one character to vote, all of that players
votes are nulled.
* You do not have to vote in every category, you can vote in whichever
categories you wish.
* Entries handed in after the 1st of January are not valid.
* Keep your nominations within reason.
The categories will be listed on the following pages. Remember, you do not
have to vote in all categories, but please remember to write on your voting
note which categories you are voting in.
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Page 16 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
1. Best Male Immortal
Which male Immortal works the hardest for the MUD?
2. Best Female Immortal
Which female immortal have you felt have done their best?
3. Best Male Role-player
Who's the most natural male role-player?
4. Best Female Role-player
Who's the greatest drama queen we have?
5. Best RoD Couple
Who are the cutest couple to hit the scene?
6. Best "New change" to Realms
Over the past few months, what's the best change that has happened?
7. Worst "New change" to Realms
And which recent change has made you cringe?
8. Best Guild
Which Guild has been the greatest in all aspects of the game?
9. Best Order
Which Order has proven itself worthy?
10. Best Clan
Which Clan has the most feared reputation?
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Page 17 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
11. Best Area
Which area always has you on the edge of your seat?
12. Best Nation
Many nations are springing to life. Which is the livliest?
13. Best Food Item
Which food can you almost taste in your mouth?
14. Best Drink Item
Which drink quenches your thirst the best?
15. Best "Treasure" Item
Which is the most prized treasure of the land?
16. Most Likely to DT
Which player always gets themselves into sticky situations?
17. Best Dressed
Which player just leaves you in awe when they enter the room?
18. Most Likely to be Balzhured
The one award you DON'T want the pleasure of winning.
19. Best Rename
Which player has the greatest rename, in your opinion?
(When voting for this category, please be sure to list the rename beside the
nominee's name).
20. Most likely to be mudding from a hand-held device
Which techno-geek player is such an addict he muds from his phone, etc.?
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Page 18 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
21. Best Social
Which social do you find a use for in EVERY situation?
22. Best Male Player
Which male player has inspired you?
23. Best Female Player
Which female player leaves you with a good impression about herself?
24. Most likely to get illegally PKilled
It happens, we know it does. Who do you think would deserve this award more
than anything?
25. Most likely to be the one to illegally PKill them
People and their short tempers. Who would be the one to snap and attack?
26. Most charismatic deadly
Which deadly stands out above all others with their outstanding personality?
Be it bad or good.
27. Most charismatic peaceful
Which peaceful comes to mind when you think of most charismatic?
28. Most interesting help file
Out of the hundreds of help files, which one still makes you laugh, cry or
scream when you think of it?
29. Most interesting room
Some rooms come to mind when you want to hang out or just idle. Which one do
you prefer?
30. Best Runner
Who comes to mind when you have an itch to go on a run?
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Page 19 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
31. Best explorer
Who is the first one to have directions and EQ to the new areas?
Someone that you trust to guide you to safety.
32. Next-to-Imm
This player has contributed a lot to the realms community in the last year and
if another person was to Imm, this person should be that Imm.
33. Most eligible Bachelor
What gentleman invades your dreams at night, ladies... and some men as well?
34. Most eligible bachlorette
Which graceful bachlorette invades your daydreams, men... and some ladies as
35. Best Female Character Played By A Male
Many players make their real identity no secret. Who plays the female character
the best?
36. Funniest person
Who makes your sides hurt and your lips sore from laughing so much?
37. Sickening Goodness (the biggest Goodie Two-Shoes)
Someone in the Realms tries very hard to be the best, the most
pure, the most innocent, never to do anything wrong. Who is it?
38. Ugliest Player Name
Whose name just reeks of unoriginality and ugliness?
39. Nicest Player Name
Who has the most original, best looking name?
40. Most Unique rename.
Not necessarily the best. Who owns the rename that stands out the most?
(When voting for this category, please be sure to list the rename beside the
nominee's name).
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Page 20 \/ Realms of Despair Awards 2010 - Romani
41. Craziest Player
Who is the most outspoken, weirdest, and just generally insane player?
42. Most Dedicated Leader
Which leader shows the most exceptional skills when dealing with their
organisation? (They may be a Guild, Order, Clan, or Council Leader)
43. Best Quest of 2004
Which quest gave you so much thrill and suspense last year?
(When voting for this category, please be sure to list the name of the Immortal
who ran the quest)
44. Most Frequent to X-Chan
Who always lets the most awkward sentences slip onto the wrong channels?
45. Most Likely To End Up With QWERTY On Their Forehead
Who idle so much that you swear they fall asleep at the desk?
46. Most Likely To Have No Life
Which player seems to lurk here 24/7?
47. Most Frightening Immortal
Who strikes fear into your heart whenever they log?
48. Most Frightening Player
Which player intimidates you every time you see them?
49. Beauty contest winner
Which player is most likely to win a beauty contest in RL?
50. Sacrificial Player
Which player is most likely to sacrifice their things to their deity by mistake?
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Page 21 \/ Realms Olympics Report 2010 - Romani
Top Olympic Contestants
1st - Klaatu (Half-Ogre)
2nd - Eisenbeard (Human)
3rd - Illidias (Half-Ogre)
Overall Rankings:
1st place: Half-Troll
2nd place: Human
3rd place: Half-Ogre
Olympic Torches (Opening Ceremony)
1st - Human - Eisenbeard, Brandal, Yoshio, Trella
2nd - Half-Ogre - Klaatu, Illidias
3rd - Half-Troll - Gaonllyx, Lunnalkann
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Page 22 \/ Realms Olympics Report 2010 - Romani
Rabid rabbits quest
1st - Half-Trolls - Tibineleon, Gaonllyx, Nomak, Telesana, Petrograd
2nd - Half-Ogres - Klaatu, Drulialirica, Illidias, Ubamakaji
3rd - Half-Orcs - Slake, Ayla
1st - Humans - Eisenbeard, Brandal
2nd - Half-Trolls - Prithvi, Gaonllyx
3rd - Elves - Orchid
Body Part Hunt
1st - Half-Trolls - Karalee, Petrograd, Gaonllyx, Thaq, Prithvi
2nd - Gith - Gibbs
3rd - Half-Ogres - Klaatu, Illidias, Mezzacre
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Page 23 \/ Realms Olympics Report 2010 - Romani
Treasure Chest
1st - Ogre - Klaatu tied with Human - Eisenbeard, Babui, Trella
2nd - Gith - Vlanak
3rd - Orc - Drylon
Monster Build-Off
1st - Half Troll - Petrograd, Prithui, Meddon, Gaonllyx
2nd - Half Ogre - Klaatu, Drulialiria, Mezzacre, Illidias
3rd - Elf Dwarf - Orchid, Semiramia, Bratac, Littera, Jaxxon
Sea shells
1st - Humans - Eisenbeard, Babui, Aleq
2nd - Dwarf - Grunthos
3rd - Half-Orc - Ray
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Page 24 \/ Realms Olympics Report 2010 - Romani
1st - Humans - Eisenbeard, Aleq, Babui, Brandal,
2nd - Elf - Orchid, Semiramia
3rd - Half-Ogre - Klaatu, Drulialirica, Illidias
Duke Luther's kitchens
1st - Human - Aleq, Babui, Eisenbeard
2nd - Gith - Vlanak, Vachu, Melancholia, Sharil
3rd - Half-Troll - Nomak, Prithvi, Meddon
Mr. Potatohead
1st - Half-Troll - Gaonllyx, Nomak, Prithvi
2nd - Elf - Orchid, Semiramia, Kean
3rd - Half-Orc - Phyre, Slake
Gathering of the Medals
1st - Half-Troll - Madazanirt, Lonsmamaivuh, Prithvi, Nomak, Serdiucka, Fayrae
2nd - Half-Ogre - Illidias, Klaatu
3rd - Gith - Vlanak, Gibbs
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Page 25 \/ The Lotus Sanctuary - Anon
**Skulls and Bones line the top and bottom of this article**
Not long after the journal of Jerl was found (pknews 134), there have been
many more deaths of young deadly adventurers. They all seemed to be linked
to a hidden sanctuary found somewhere within The Isle of Nethescuros.
"How can we help?" some might say..
Beware! The helpful are usually the fools that die first! Stay away from
this "sanctuary" if you value your life.
- A public service announcement from the committee of boring safe living
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Page 26 \/ Quendi Nation News - Annale
Nation Olympics
Tari Annale would like to congratulate the Elves on their showing with the
Nation Olympics. Our Olympians brought home 1 silver medal and 2 bronze
medals! Well done!
Fall Colours
Radiant red and vibrant orange hues have graced the leaves of the trees in
Irrybis. It looks as though the entire island has donned a new cloak,
inspiring a new trend in fashion for the Elves. Cadriendir now offers the
thistledown cloak in these new, fashionable colours.
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Page 27 \/ Uruk'hai Nation News - Klaatu
From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Triumphs in the Nations Olympics
Congratulations to Team Uruk'hai on their performance in the Nations Olympics.
Team members were Klaatu, Illidias, Drulialirica, Mezzacre and Ubamakaji. The
oustanding efforts and sacrifices made by them has brought honor and glory
to the Uruk'hai. A total of 7 medals were won in 11 events. One gold, four
silver and two bronze were earned by the team. This was the best showing by
the Uruk'hai since the Nations Olympics was begun.
Dateline Darkhaven - Final Olympic Standings
The final standings for the top three Nations in the Olympics was announced
First place went to the Human Nation
Second place went to the Olog'hai half-trolls.
Third place went to the Uruk'hai !!!! How sweet it is !!!!
Dateline Opallinoc - Autumn Equinox Fest
The festivities of the Olympics carried over into the Autumn Equinox Festival.
Endless replays of Olymic events, strategies used and glory earned were told
at the Great Bonfire. The crowds gathered early and stayed way late, into the
wee hours. The glowing embers of the bonfire added to magic of the tales told.
And with each round of Meeka's potent swill, the embelishments of the tales
reached new heights making this one of the great Equinox Fests of all time.
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Page 28 \/ Uruk'hai Nation News - Klaatu
From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Fall Harvest
The harvest of the crops this fall has been quite good. There is enough food
and maybe even a surplus for trading. The Inahir Protectorate has given us
reports harvesting feed and fodder for the eltor beasts. They also are
interested in quantities of Meeka's swill. Given the potency of the swill and
it known effects on those that do not imbibe it on a regular basis, it will
be considered by the Council as to the amount allowed for trading purposes.
Dateline White Pines Camp - Fishing
Zontar became hungry while exploring and came upon a nice trout filled stream
in White Pines Camp. Catching a few and eating them raw gave him an idea.
Salted fish as a new food for the Uruk'hai. As Opallinoc is near the Azure and
Blood Seas, there is plentiful fishing to be had without going on the accursed
watercraft. The Council is taking this under advisement as it means a change
to the diet of the average half-ogre everywhere in the Plains.
Dateline Isle of Monkeys - Secrets
Again it has been reported of mysteries on the Isle of Monkeys still not found
Seems the talking parrots are just not talking. Maybe the headhunter knows?
Surely Capatains Cooke and Eldyr have some clues. At least survival on the Isle
is easy with the supply of water, bananas and coconuts plentiful.
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Page 29 \/ Uruk'hai Nation News - Klaatu
From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Solstice Fest
It is that time. You know the date. You know the where. So be there.
Klaatu the Benevolent is still in joyous elation over the Uruk'hai efforts
in the Nation's Olympics. As such, the old cheapskate ... err glorious
leader has opened his fabled retirement fund to fund the festivities. Let's
be sure we get our monies worth, a filled belly and druken stupor.
Dateline Ocean Keep - Lanie
Zontar, of the Uruk'hai Expeditionary Force, made a visit to Lanie in Ocean
Keep. It seems she was a bit depressed and asked Zontar to bring her some
flowers to brighten up her day. Oh the surprise Zontar got for doing this.
Dateline Troll Den - Accursed Hides
Volstagg the Catacomb Dweller obtained a number of troll hides from the Troll
Den. His first brilliant idea of where to take them was to the seamstress in
Winterlight Isle, a long cold fruitless trek. Being full of fail, he then
tried various tanners, leather workers, shopkeepers, those well known and
the not so well known. Alas, again he came up full of fail. The embarassment
became even more when the hides soon started to decay and vanish.
Perhaps the Giant Ribbit Beast that wanders the Ashen Forest ... or maybe the
mysterious Shadow Lord ... but the Volstagg realized something that was found
in all areas touched by Romani that was missing ... the rune !!!
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Page 30 \/ Khazad Nation News - Stoneheft
It's good to see that things have settled nicely for not only the city of
Edel, but for our brothers far out in distant regions with whom we only
rarely have contact. Here in the comfort of the kingdom, the quarries are
in double production as Edel's growth has kindled expansion in the housing
Be sure to explore. There's always resources to be discovered in our kingdom
and far better it be that they be discovered by us rather than one of the
clumsy, plundering races that would probably just waste a good opportunity.
*Signed in purple wax on the Gemstone Crest* Stoneheft
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Page 31 \/ Gith Nation News - Excane
My fellow githfolk,
Long has the absent overlord slept while his githyanki bands scrambled
about the city, losing their grip on Teracchei. The Githzerai have retaken
and refortified their strongholds, the Pirates have recaptured their territory
and now, my own faction has taken residence in the southwest.
The rule of Menta is crumbling. Now is the time.
Many of you will remember Ikses, my brother. He reawakened a hope within us,
that we would someday rule ourselves and not be at the mercy of some absent
queen or her somnolent regent. We still hold to that. And we will move now
in preparation for his glorious return and the freedom he has promised us.
Join me now. Go to the noteboard in Teracchei and join my faction and
together we shall rule. I swear it.
-Excane Azralon Vancour, the Zombie King, Warlord of Teracchei
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Page 32 \/ Hobbit Nation News - Kadgeon
* | *
* \|/ *
* * * \|O|/ * * *
*From the desk of the Thain*
I have the highest hopes that everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Olympics this
year and I apologize for not being able to be a part of it as I was hoping I
would be able to! It seems Windows 7 is not very understanding!! I am asking
that everyone please keep an eye on the Hobbit HT board I should have new
posts going up soon for everyone to read and perhaps a new website too! In the
mean time I will try and keep everyone posted.
Forever in the service of her people,
Thain Kadgeon Silverblood
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Page 33 \/ Augusteptember CoD Quest Results- Falennt
In the last Cry of Despair Quest, we invited readers to submit wedding gift
basket ideas to the Cry and we received these two submissions that won!
Firstly, from Babui, and secondly from Meph&n. Congratulations!
Please see/tagend a tell to Falennt for your prizes.
The picnic basket submissions are continued on Help Cry34.
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Page 34 \/ September/October CoD Quest Results- Falennt
Picnic Basket Submission Quest from Babui
Theme - Colours of the Rainbow...
Rainbows are an interesting phenonmenon. They arc across the skies, a symbol,
a vision, a bridge, between heaven and earth. A beautiful spectrum of colour,
one can only be amazed at how this sight only comes after the rain.
Thus, this is my wish for you, Annale, and your husband. That regardless of the
rain and storms in life, the sun will shine through, and you two will always
see that rainbow that's waiting for you at the end of the day.
With this rainbow in hand, the heavens are within reach. I wish you two the
most blissful marriage, a living fairytale, under a beautiful rainbow.
Continued... Help Cry35
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Page 35 \/ September/October CoD Quest Results- Falennt
Picnic Basket Submission Quest from Babui
Picnic Basket -
A wicker basket appears to be nearly empty.
A wicker basket contains:
a bottle of Tielton Valley Red wine
a steaming cherry pie
an orange
a tall mug of frothy beer
a slice of yellow cheese
a flask of buttermilk
a bottle of green drow spice wine
a head of lettuce
a glass of blue oasis
a blueberry pancake
a bottle of Shadowport's blue cider
a yummy blueberry pie
a glass of violet wine
a bunch of purple grapes
a small cup of rainwater
a guiding light
a Rainbow's End rose
Continued... Help Cry36
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Page 36 \/ September/October CoD Quest Results- Falennt
Picnic Basket Submission Quest from Babui
For each colour of the rainbow, there is a food and drink item. To fully
represent each colour, one of the item has the name of the colour in it, and
one is simply of that colour. Furthermore, torepresent how far across the
realms this rainbow stretches, each food/drink item is from a different area.
Hopefully where ever you are, where ever you go, there will be a part of this
Red - a bottle of Tielton Valley RED wine, a steaming CHERRY pie
Orange - an ORANGE, a tall mug of frothy BEER
Yellow - a slice of YELLOW cheese, a flask of BUTTERMILK
Green - a bottle of GREEN drow spice wine, a head of LETTUCE
Blue - a glass of BLUE oasis, a BLUEBERRY pancake
Indigo - a bottle of Shadowport's BLUE cider, a yummy BLUEBERRY pie
Violet - a glass of VIOLET wine, a bunch of purple GRAPES
Disclaimer - Indigo is kind of like blue. Its a spectrum of colour... =P
Gifts -
A small cup of rainwater in those rainy days, but a guiding light to guide
you through the dark, and most of all, a Rainbow's End rose to remind you
to keep smiling =)
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Page 37 \/ September/October CoD Quest Results- Falennt
Picnic Basket Submission Quest from Meph
You take a closer look at a large, grass woven backpack in inventory...
Woven from the extraordinarily tough grasses that encircle the island, this
backpack has extraordinary resilience. Though mainly utilized for carrying rice
it is sturdy and large enough to hold most items easily.
A large, grass woven backpack appears to be empty.
A large, grass woven backpack contains:
a woolen blanket
Groom's globe of moonlight
a drink made from a blend of eight vegetable juices
a small, circular rice cake
a piece of smoked eel
a plate of sauteed salmon with wild rice
a loaf of freshly baked bread
a handful of fresh strawberries
a moist pumpkin pie on the baker
a miniature painting of Crystalmir Lake
a pink candy heart
a soothing mint lotion
What better than to spend a picnic by the lake as a newlywed couple with
fresh food, beautiful scenerey, good company, and sourvenir to take home
and remember the good times while they last? Plus, a lotion rub down
for later... :)
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Page 38 \/ December and January CoD Quest - Falennt
This issue we are featuring two sets of quests. One for Christmas and
the other to herald in the new year! So you have a chance to win prizes for
the months of December and January.
December's CoD Quest
The frigid lands of Otherland and Wild Tundra beckons the adventurers
forth for this quest. Seek out clues to the following rooms and name them.
** Do note that some of the room names are repeated.
Room 1
The endless fields of snow and ice blanket the southern terrain; this
land is the true south of the realm...
Room 2
Many sailors have been known to return from a voyage across the oceans
and refuse to be without the company of others ever again...
Room 3
The numbing water crashes against the ice-bound shore as if attempting to
drag it, too, into its frigid grasp.
Room 4
A large finger of ice-covered snow blocks the eastern view of the
tundra and casts a long shadow over the snowy trail.
Continued... Help Cry39
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Page 39 \/ December and January CoD Quest - Falennt
Room 5
The path and the decline to the valley are gradual and could go easily
unnoticed in the swirling snow.
Room 6
These are the killing fields of Tirebean...
Room 7
At a distance, the structure would be easily mistaken as another mound
of frigid snow.
Room 8
Out here in this harsh climate, the signs of lift and civilization are
far different than anywhere else.
Mudmail your submissions to Falennt before December 26th to qualify for
a chance to win prizes.
The January CoD Quest will be updated in an addendum to this issue
of Cry after December 27th! Watch out for it.
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 40 \/ Realms Heroes 2010 - Romani
Once every so often, a player represents themselves as an
exemplary asset to the game. They may be silent, or may rise above
the crowds. However they are known, they are, and forever shall be...
The Heroes.
Congratulations to Annale and Babui for being named
Heroes for 2010.
___________ ___________
'._==_==_=_.' '._==_==_=_.'
|:. | |:. |
(| Annale |) (| Babui |)
| 2010 | | 2010 |
\_______/ \_______/
) ( ) (
_.' '._ _.' '.
`"""""""` `"""""""`
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 41 \/ Storytime -- Poor Iori - Excane
Poor Iori
About ten years ago I had gotte a bunch of my friends in high school to play
RoD with me. I had been playing about a year or two already, and was fully
addicted. Among that group there was an unfortunately awkward try-hard named
Iori (in the game, a ranger). He was a slow leveler (and a slow speaker, go
figure), and was lagging behind the others a bit. He was a level 9, chugging
along in the Gnome Village while others were level 30 exploring the glories
of the Canopy.
Now, the Realms of Despair back then was the Wild West compared to the tame
Realms of Despair we have now. Back then, we still had illegal pkill and the
odd mob wandering out of its home area and into a new one 10 levels below its
own. Back then people dueled high-noon style. Gauntlets were thrown, faces were
slapped, women lamented.
Well, one day, just for the hell of it, some Jerk came along and saw Iori
plugging away at some gnome in the Shattered Refuge. He figured that Iori would
be there for a while, so this Jerk made a new ranger and leveled it as fast as
he could. The new ranger strolled into Shattered Refuge and zeroed in on Iori.
He then typed 'murder iori', and all hell broke loose. Iori was busy fighting
a teacher, so all he could say was 'hey what are you doing', 'stop that' and
'why did you attack me, lol'
Continued... Help Cry42
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 42 \/ Storytime -- Poor Iori - Excane
Iori was dressed in the kind of gear that instantly tells you the wearer is
a noob. There's a mix of good and bad, of academy and new gear. Often times,
new players will wear their life stories on their bodies. A watch from Tull
manor, some neckwear from the gnome village, maybe they lucked out and got
some armguards from a stray doom goblin. They might even wear stuff that you
knew they thought sounded cool, because the item itself had no stats to speak
The Jerk knew that his ranger didn't need to equip himself too heavily to
defeat a ranger dressed like Iori was. He probably just enchanted the weapon
his ranger was using, and did the deed. The fight lasted longer than the Jerk
had expected. Iori was confused, and he was busy attacking a gnome teacher. His
arms were attacking the gnome while his head was still trying to talk to the
murderous ranger attacking him. 'lol, stop that', 'who are you' and 'seriously
what the hell' were some of the things he said.
Eventually, Iori succumbed to the rangers blows. The Jerk's ranger heard
the booming voice we all heard when we became killers. What to do next...
Recall? No, Harakiem slays killers on sight. Walk back to DH? No, DH Guards
attack killers on sight. Wait in Shattered Refuge and murder him again? No,
Iori would probably take advantage of the five minute rule and avoid murder.
But as the Jerk was pondering his options, Iori began talking on chat.
And the Jerk got a few other ideas.
Continued... Help Cry43
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Page 43 \/ Storytime -- Poor Iori - Excane
'lol why did u kill me jerk' 'why r u so gay' 'ill kill u man'
Iori had decided to sit and rest for a little bit. The confusion of battle
had obviously stunned him, and he needed time to collect his thoughts. In the
meantime, he would continue to slag off the Jerk.
The Jerk knew that Iori would take his merry time with getting back to his
corpse. And so he decided to prepare a welcoming party. He went into the Land
of the Fire Newts and charmed two lava newts (the ones that stand guard right
at the entrance when you go one down, you remember those) and walked them out
of the Obsidian Hills and into the Shattered Refuge. This was before the
Shattering, and so the path was very, very short. (u 3n w 3n w 2s w se sw s se
e, from the Lava Newts to the Gnome Guards, if you're curious). He dismissed
them at Iori's corpse. He dismissed the other at the entrance to the village.
The Jerk waited. This was a glorious trap. He didn't want to follow his
prey, so he had no way of knowing if Iori was on the move or not. But he waited
and his waiting paid off. For not too long after he set his trap, he heard...
'omg i died again' and 'wth is a newt doing in the GNOME village'
By now, Iori's cries had caught the attention of some other low level do-
gooders. They were confused as to what Iori was talking about. They didn't know
that he had been ambushed by a murderous ranger, that he was going back to
Continued... Help Cry44
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Page 44 \/ Storytime -- Poor Iori - Excane
get his corpse from a death wouldn't have gotten had it not been for the Jerk.
And so a level 20ish dogooder went off to the Shattered Refuge to investigate.
There he found that there was indeed a newt standing guard at the village
entrance and at his corpse. Peculiar, he thought. But whatever! and shrugged
his shoulders and reported the all clear to Iori.
'lol r u sure' and 'i dun wanna die again lol' were his responses.
The Jerk needed to act fast. This do-gooder had foiled his plot! Sure, Iori
had fallen to the village entrance lava newt, but he hadn't fallen to the one
at his corpse. He quickly went back to the village center, onto a main road
that Iori and this do-gooder would have to walk to reach the corpse. He needed
something bigger. A lava newt would not kill a level 20. But...a three-toed
sloth might. The Jerk's eyes widened in devilish inspiration. He summoned it
and hoped it wouldn't wander too far off the main road in the gnome village.
The Jerk recalled and waited for the glorious sounds of Iori's death on
chat, and perhaps even the do-gooder. He waited...and waited...and heard...
'Whoa, what's a sloth doing here! Almost killed me! No worries, though'
'thanks for helping me get my stuff man'
THWARTED! Argh! At least the Jerk had accomplished some murder and mayhem.
The Jerk took his victory and walked away. The Jerk was, of course, me. The
next day, Iori asked me if I was that ranger. Straight-faced, I said 'No'
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 45 \/ Knights of Edel - Eisengrym
Knights of Edel - - Eisengrym
The streets of Edel are once again bustling, now that the rat
infestation has been eliminated. Much thanks to the many pipers
who had a hand in helping. It has freed up a band of Knights
to return to their great search for the fabled gold dragonscale
plate. Rumors are now pointing at a shape changing dog in machine
Ironkev has hired the Knights to eliminate some of the giants
in the foothills, promising gold for compensation. Apparently some
of the wandering merchants that frequent Edel were being harrased.
Roovin mentions that he is still able to do work with ores, even
though the mountains around the smith's shop have gone dry. Word
has filtered in of a great deposit discovered near the kingdom of
juargan. Scouts have been sent to investigate.
Continued... Help Cry46
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Page 46 \/ Knights of Edel - Eisengrym
In addition We have been chartered to post a sign infront of the
mysterious rabbit cave, as many a young adventurer continue to
wander to their doom.
With the cold breezes coming in from the north, they bring with
them rumors of an ice island emerging, completely devestated by
an evil witch. Few of the knights have made it that far north,
and those that have return with tales of trolls wielding icy clubs,
and foul demons guarding an icy prison. More exploration is
required, and will be updated after I send a full band of knights
to investigate.
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 47 \/ News from the Order of Arcanes - Klessenia
Are you looking for a little bit more of a challenge?
Getting tired of seeing the same people around your guild?
Are you a magic user? Come join Arcanes!
Our members have much they can teach new comers and you might even have
something you can teach us!
-Klessenia Azralon LeadScout-
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_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 48 \/ News from the Order of Baali - Meddon
"A dream....a dream....a dream....
No! You must remember that you are actually here. The pain of your still
blistering throat may be fading, but you must not give in to the laughter....
resounding through your though the worms had already eaten into
it and release was soon to come....
The sadistic....yet it reminds you of your wife....or the
zombie she turned into....Your abdomen can barely feel a thing anymore, except
the frantic quivers of the voracious worms. A sharp light pierces your eyes,
and you seem to see a deformed slab of meat and sausages, in a square platter
before you....but why is the plate black? Why does the sauce pool like blood?
Why does it extend to your abdom--....
How long has it been, and how long will it go on? The smell of burning flesh
is making you sputter blood, again."
- the telepathed thoughts of the 4th adventurer, Month of Futility,
carefully imprinted on charred elven skin, signed by a clawmark.
The Baali welcome a new member into our midst. You shall regret hearing of
this evil, soon.
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 49 \/ News from the Guild of Augurers - Excane
. =O===
. _ %- - %%% The Guild of Augurers
(_) % < D%% congratulates and
| ' , ,$$$ welcomes its new members
-/- %%%% | Aeolus and Arina and
|//; ,---' _ |----. Pkunk, now a full member.
\ )( / )
| \/ \. ' _.|, \ The Guildmaster wants you to
| \ /( / / \_ \ know that while he deals in
\ / ( | / prophecy, he is not religious.
( , ___|/ ,` He's only in it for the sects.
( _/ ( | \_
_/\--// ,\\\ The Guildmaster calls upon
_______ _/\\ / | |_________ all prophets, sages and
|_______/ \\ / _/ , |________| diviners to join the
__|___#/ \ _ ' |##____|___ guild.
/______/ _ | / \ | /__________\
| / _/\_/
/_ '_,____\/ )( Seek ye the recruiting office
|/ \_ / ( \ northwest, three west, northwest
| /-\_/ Oooo of Darkhaven Square.
/ )
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 50 \/ A message from the Catarrh - Gangrel
.-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-.
.' `._.' C `._.' A `._.' T `._.' A `._.' R `._.' R `._.' H `._.' `.
( . .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. . )
`. `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' `._.' .'
) ) ( (
,' ,' A message from the prophets of the Catarrh, `. `.
( ( The scorched ground on which we walk is caked in the ) )
`. `. blood of our enemies. As predicted by Anaximander, .' .'
) ) 2010 was the year of the prophets. All of those who ( (
,' ,' opposed the Catarrh's reign and dominance fell `. `.
( ( victim to our wrath. Our undeniable power has extended ) )
`. `. out to all of the deadly territories; and our .' .'
) ) influence continues to progress into the peaceful ( (
,' ,' mainland. The year of 2011 will mark the fall of the `. `.
( ( few remaining pockets of resistance that lurk within ) )
`. `. the halls of our enemy clans. .' .'
) ) _ _ _ _ _ _ ( (
,' .' `. .' `. .'2`. .'0`. .'1`. .'1`. .' `. .' `. `.
( ' _ `-' _ `-' _ `-' _ `-' _ `-' _ `-' _ `-' _ ` )
`. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .' `. .'
`-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-'
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 51 \/ Funnies - Romani
You know you have been mudding too long when...
1. You legally change your name to your "main character" name.
2. When told to do chores around the house, you demand to be outcast.
3. You see a TV footage of a military hero and think "With that new Vamp I
could take him"....
4. You take your kids fishing and see another fisherman, you ponder if he has
an oar...
5. When people ask you what you want for your birthday, you say a fancy rename.
6. When ordering a pizza, you give directions to your guild/orderect/etc..
7. Despite no knowledge of engineering you manage to build a working trebuchet
in your backyard.
8. The Forestry Department writes to tell you that the local bears are not
trolls and they will never "pop a hide with stats".
9. You drive by a forest and wonder if the dwarf that built it was drunk or
sober at the time.
10. A judge tells you that mailing your neighbors telling them to "stop idling
in their yards or you will report them for botting" is anti-social behavior.
Continued... Help Cry52
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Page 52 \/ Funnies - Romani
You know you have been mudding too long when...
11. You go to the store and you wonder if the prices would be less if you had
higher charisma.
12. You think your respective nation leader should run for president because
he has a better foreign policy than the current president.
13. You consider spelling up before driving on the freeway.
14. Your mail box is full of run notes.
15. Your mother mudmails you asking when you will move out of her basement.
16. When you get robbed you think to yourself: "Oh well, my clan will take him
17. When a friend wants to meet up you tell them you will meet them at the [].
18. You got to know your spouse while transing to Danbala.
19. When listening to your boss chew you out for being tired all the time you
wonder if is just "RPing being an omnipotent jerk" or if he is really like
20. Your car looses control for a moment and you wonder if you can CR from
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 53 \/ Funnies - Various Immortals
Cyril: Opulence
Cyril: I haz it - submitted by Romani
Ceirana looks at Kali.
Ceirana exclaims 'I so don't want to know what's in that meat locker!'
Kali gets the skin of the corpse of failure from the meat locker.
Kali says 'mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.'
&Kali puts the skin of the corpse of failure in the meat locker.
Kali says 'Also, the stretched flesh of Everyone'
Kali says 'and a slice of Faceripper and Herne's wedding cake'
- submitted by Kinux
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 54 \/ Shop with Guts'n'Glory!
If you are in need of some equipment at fair prices, look no further than
NW of DH[]! Kaleo and Lilkal are ready to help you with your equipment
With new items available on these bots, and constant restocking, Kaleo and
Lilkal can save you time and gold!
Just type whois kaleo or whois lilkal for a stock and price listing and
find them NW of DH[]!
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 55 \/ Advertise with the Cry!
Advertise with the Cry of Despair!
Do you own a bot?
Are you looking to sell a few things and make a little gold?
The Cry of Despair is a great place to advertise your wares!
Let people know where you park your sellbots, afterall, people need to know
where you are in order for you to get their gold!
Are you looking to buy something? Place an advertisement in the Cry!
Who knows, maybe someone is looking to sell what you are looking to buy!
Just write up a little advertisement and mudmail it to Annale, or post
it on the CoD Public board located e,s,3u,w from Darkhaven Square and
your advertisement will be published in the next issue!
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 56 \/ CoD Readers Reward
___ ,' \_________________________________________
/ /-/ dP / Cry of Despair //////////// ''--..._
\___\-\ dP \ Readers Reward \\\\\\\\\\\\ __..--'
The staff at the CoD would like to thank you, the readers for your support,
input, and for reading each month! For this reason, we have introduced
The Cry of Despair Readers Reward!.
Each month, 10 million gold coins will be made available to one lucky
How do you qualify? Just write to us at the Cry of Despair! Comprehensive
'Letters to the Editor', well-written feedback letters to an article, or
detailed suggestion letters are all qualifying entries!
A minimum of ten entries must be received in order for the draw to be
opened that month. If 10 entries are not received, the money is pooled
and added to the next issue's draw. The entries will also be saved for the
next draw. If, after ten issues there have not been enough submissions, the
pot will be emptied and restarted.
Who can submit? Why you, our loyal readers! Only one submission per
draw. Any person caught submitting multiple entries on alts will be
disqualified from the draw. CoD Staff, Immortals, and alts are not
permitted to enter the draw.
How do I submit? Mudmail your Letter to the Editor, feedback letter, or
letter of suggestion to Falennt or post your letter on the CoD
public board at e,s,u,u,u,w from DH[].
Submissions will be published in the same issue as the draw.
This month's gold pool is worth: 40 Million Gold Coins!
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 57 \/ 2010 Annual Website Results - Romani
Congratulations to our website winners this year!
1st place - Inconnu, web design by Velya
2nd place - Guild of Vampires, web design by Vapes, Minhiriath
Due to the limited entires only 2 places were awarded this year. We look
forward to next year being bigger with more organization websites involved.
Thank you,
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 58Y \/ Roleplay Wiki -
For those seeking to feed their Inner RP Demons there is a wiki site
available with many sections including (but not limited to) Nations, Roleplay
culture, literature, arena, RP archives, order RP, Places to RP, player
organized groups, diaries etc.
We encourage contributions to this mud-wide RP archive and history. If you
require assistance in helping to set up a section in the wiki please contact
Falennt or myself for information or follow the handy guide in the right hand
side of the wiki.
Take the time to become part of this RP rich world which lurks in virtually
every part of RoD. Visit!
Falennt and Romani
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 59 \/ Write for the Cry!
Write for the Cry!
Currently the Immortal Sponsors are looking for more and more writers.
If you are interested then please write a short note saying why you would
like the position. Please include your normal online times so that the
immortals can interview you.
We also welcome freelance editors. Do contact Falennt for more
We are also looking for more staff writers and freelancers. If you
would like to earn some income through writing just about anything, feel
free to speak with Falennt regarding your interest.
Our Current Payment Rates
Editor-in-Chief : 60 million gold per issue edited
Staff Writers : 4 million gold per page submitted.
Regular freelancers : 3 million gold per page submitted.
Organization Writers : 2 million gold per page submitted.
The Cry of Despair welcome all newbie and avatar writers alike. If
your passion is writing, do contact Falennt through mudmail or a tell.
Thank you in advance for your interest.
N.B.: Staff Writer : Cry of Despair Staff, Regular Submissions required.
Freelancer : Article submission not on regular basis, not required
to be on the Cry of Despair staff list.
_ )( _________________________________________________________
Page 60 \/ From Falennt's Inkwell
Much apologies for the long awaited issue of the Cry. We are currently
running low on manpower and real-life responsibilities during the
October-November period keeps me busy.
We have a lot of information and articles for this issue, so I hope it
will be a great read for a lot of you out there. Do watch out for a special
little issue by our new Editor upcoming next week which will be attached
to this current Cry.
Till then, have a good read!
- Falennt