Interview With A Vampire – by Mari
/ Contents - Cry of Despair, Issue 103, January 2006 \________________________
News From Around The Realms - Sub-Editor: Aslan HELP CRY2-8
Order News
Ringbearers - via Aslan HELP CRY2
Sanctus Irae - via Romani HELP CRY3
TS/VC/CoE Updates - by Mari HELP CRY4-9
Fun and Entertainment - Sub-Editor: Babui HELP CRY10-14
A Game of Chance - by Babui HELP CRY10-12
Cry of Despair Quest - by Alysira HELP CRY13-14
General Knowledge - Sub-Editor: Genge HELP CRY15-22
Interview with a Vampire - by Mari HELP CRY15-22
RP, Poems and Stories - Sub-Editor: Mari HELP CRY23-36
Nations News
Gralthai - via Mari HELP CRY23
Uruk'hai - via Romani HELP CRY24-25
Ilkhan - via Romani HELP CRY26
RP/Poems/Stories Submissions - by Mari HELP CRY27
Story Submissions HELP CRY28-35
Poetry Submissions HELP CRY36
Realms Website Design Logo Contest - by Kinux HELP CRY37
Page: 001
/ Ringbearers News - via Aslan \______________________________________________
___ ___ __________________ ___ ___
____/ _ \__/ _ \____ (------------------) ____/ _ \__/ _ \____
( _| / \/ \/ \ | ) \ Ringbearers / ( | / \/ \/ \ |_ )
\( \| ) ( |/ ) (___) __________ (___) ( \| ) ( |/ )/
` ` \`'/ ' (_________) (_________) ` \`'/ ' '
|| ||
`' `'
First and foremost - we would like to congratulate our beloved Reatha
on her recent Immhood. We will miss her dearly, and wish her the best!
This brings us to the next reason for celebration, the recent promotions
of Micael the Honorable, and Zabanire the Brave.
Elections are currently in taking place for Order 2nd. Grontak the Wise
and Xogo the Steadfast have both been nominated for this most honorable
position. The order eagerly awaits the outcome, as both are worthy and
hardworking candidates. Good luck to both!
Finally, we would like to welcome back Fiebin to our ranks. Welcome
back, old friend!
Happy New Year and happy hunting!
(End) Page: 002
/ Sanctus Irae News - via Romani \____________________________________________
|| Happy New Year from Sanctus Irae!!! ||
|| ||
|| As life returns to its normal pace, ||
|| the Yuletide season is finally coming||
|| to its close. The city council's Yule||
|| decorations have been removed from ||
|| her streets, and the shops once more ||
|| resume their normal business. ||
|| ------------------ ||
|| The Moon Raven, after a successful ||
|| season of celebration, is once again ||
|| frequented by only its regulars, with||
|| the exception to a few new patrons. ||
|| ------------------ ||
|| Rumour carries like the ocean wind ||
|| throughout Irae, carrying promises of||
|| an upcoming ceremony to be held ||
|| within the City Barracks. ||
|| ------------------ ||
|| All of this and more is expected in ||
|| Irae's attempt to usher in the New ||
|| Year. If you wish to join in the fun,||
|| pay a visit to the Inn of the Singing||
|| Rose. ||
OOC: The Order of Sanctus Irae would like to extend their best
wishes for a Happy New Year and a great 2006.
(End) Page: 003
/ TS/VS/CoE News - by Mari \__________________________________________________
+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|T|S| |V|C| |C|O|E| |N|e|w|s|
+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
TS November 21, 2005
Hall of Heroes and adding a written description about the reasons for the
character being there.
Although this was a nice idea, it was not seen as something overly valuable to
the game. Further, the content could be unwanted by some of the nominees which
should be avoided.
Management of the text would also be an addional strain on resources that was
perceived as unnecessary.
Config +noexp for Peacefuls
This idea has been brought up in the past and was denied mainly for abuse
reasons. It was also suggested that if you have a low level character who you
wish to remain that way, you can simple die a sufficient number of times as to
lose enough experience to have levelling not be an issue.
Continued... Page: 004
/ TS/VS/CoE News - by Mari \__________________________________________________
TS December 5, 2005
Auctions show auctioner, allow ignore - It was felt that to be able to
ignore a few spammers it was an unnesessary change and some people would
rather not be shown when they auction it.
TS December 12, 2005
Add Keywords to both Identify and Auction
My suggestion is to put Keywords into both Identify and Auction
This would be beneficial to all the members of the realms, as the only person
who truly needs to know keywords is the person who would be id'ing the item,
but it would help if you are about to go run that av mob that disarms, sac's
the weapons that include the "xx" keyword, and you'd like to make sure they're
Proposed by: Lyn
Continued... Page: 005
/ TS/VS/CoE News - by Mari \__________________________________________________
VC/CoE Updates, November 28, 2005
Passed to CoE
Give Mercuria to peaceful rangers
Mail forwarding
Crowbar moustache physical trait
Make flail the Augurer preauth weapon
Denied by VC
Custom Colourschemes - Many MUD clients allow colour mapping.
Please see News 9.
Getting multiple items from containers - Aliases are available both here and
in clients. There are means to repeat commands.
Make the Staff of Baradur usable by all classes - We are not generally open to
changing a builder's intent. It was not built that way in error. Other items
are available.
Make sentinel mobs ranged-weapon fireable if they are engaged in battle with
someone in their room. - The concept is wide open to abuse, with one or two
people tanking and the rest sitting next door shooting with no risk to
Continued... Page: 006
/ TS/VS/CoE News - by Mari \__________________________________________________
VC/CoE Updates, December 19, 2005
Passed CoE and on project list.
Mail forwarding
Induct / Outcast messages
Augurer weapon becomes flail
Auctioning containers with items
Denied by CoE
More character physical traits
As it is, the mustache is long. The facial hair is a toggle between goatee
/mustache/sideburns, with beard not being allowed with the previous. It seems
fine as is.
Continued... Page: 007
/ TS/VS/CoE News - by Mari \__________________________________________________
o(__ ___ _ __ ____ _ __ ____ _ __ ____ _ ___)o
| |
| o( TS Member List )o |
| |
| |
| Immortal Head: Cappadocius |
| |
| Immortal Member: Akael |
| |
| Mortal Head: Mari |
| |
| Aeryn Mobine Qaulorn Vibra Zistrosk |
| Fenrir Myceran Rikkath Wiglaff Mainwarric |
| Haviland Ordem Sumitra Wren |
| Maratsade Oxnyx Syniad Zabanire |
| Matanza Padraig Reuel Zanzidor |
| |
| |
|__ ___ __ _____ __ _____ __ _____ __ _____ _|
Continued... Page: 008
/ TS/VS/CoE News - by Mari \__________________________________________________
, ,
/( )`
Have you ever thought \ \__ / |
about making a difference /- _ `-/ '
in the Realms? (/\/ \ \ /\
/ / | ` \
Ever thought about how O O ) |
things work here? `--'`< '
(_.) _ ) /
Ever have an idea that `.___/` /
you thought would improve `-----' /
gameplay? <----. __ / __ \
<----|****O)))==) \) /========()
Well now here is <----' `--' `.__,' \
your chance to stand out | TS |
from the crowd and be \ /
part of something exciting. ____( (_ / \______
,' ,----' | \
`--{__________) \/
Applications are now being accepted for Open Positions within
The Symposium, Please visit [ ]
for details on how to apply.
(End) Page: 009
/ A Game of Chance - Babui \__________________________________________________
And so..the results.......
--- Question 1 ---
what's your favorite quote?
Soda Popinski
ok, well maybe I don't have a favorite quote, but a good quote is:
"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not
giving the kiss the attention it deserves."
-Albert Einstein
If there's a will, there's a way.
my favorite quote is.... Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the
most" - Ozzy
Mr. T and the A-Team
"Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"
***** Alvius aka SALGON is eliminated *****
Everyone responded with equally good quotes, and I couldn't eliminate Mr. T
and the A-Team, I pity the fool that would try....In the end honestly I just
got a die, and rolled to see who would be eliminated.
Continued... Page: 010
/ A Game of Chance - Babui \__________________________________________________
--- Question 2 ---
What is your favorite Song?
Soda Popinski
my favorite song is probably Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog
Mr. T and the A-Team
My Favorite song is Faint by Linkin Park.
***** Soda Popinski aka GAFFANEY is eliminated *****
Soda Popinski got eliminated cause I just don't like the Beastie Boys.....
--- Question 3 ---
There was Robin Hood, his enemy billy, and his girlfriend Jessica. Billy
kidnapped Robin Hood and threatened his life, and he told Jessica that the
only way to save him was to Sleep with Billy..... Jessica agreed to sleep with
Billy for one night, Billy set Robin Hood free, Robin Hood left Jessica for
what she did, and Billy took Robin Hood's place.....
In order, place these three characters in order from most moral, to least
Continued... Page: 011
/ A Game of Chance - Babui \__________________________________________________
1. Jessica
2. Robin Hood
3. Billy
Mr. T and the A-Team
Robin Hood, because he didn't really do anything wrong.
Jessica because she cheated on Robin Hood and then went to the person who she
cheated with.
Billy is the least moral, because threatening someones life in order to get
sex is basically rape which is the least moral of all actions that took place.
***** pillowfightsarefun aka JOANNE is eliminated *****
the A-Team won for two reasons, they matched up perfectly to myself in
answers of when I saw that question, and in addition, I liked that he
explained why he thought what he did.
***** Tada. Mr T and the A-Team aka ORCADIAN gets to meet...LYN *****
They said hello to each other, but didn't give each other hugs and kisses like
I asked.
(End) Page: 012
/ December Quest Results - by Alysira \_______________________________________
Last month's quest was to tell us your ideal Christmas gift. There weren't
many entries, but the two "best" were selected. Congratulations to:
Tortall and Qaulorn!
Their entries are below. This month's quest is much more fun. I promise.
Tortall: a Dragonslayers ideal xmas present
* _ _
* _/( -\ /- )\_
* .- --. /--- .-- -.
* .-- --._ : /-\/-\ : _.-- --.
* .-- ----.__: \0/\0/ ;__,---- --.
* / ./\. ^ ./\. \
*. | ( )( ) | .
*-----. _.---._ /- U`'U -\ _.---._ .-----
* --. .--- ---| |--- ---. .--
* - | : : |_ - Die Wyrm *$*!
* DEAR SANTA, `\,' : : `./' ----._ /
* Please make there .(___.' `,___),--.___---. /
* be more dragons in - (((( ---- )))) _.- _) | 0
* the Realms for us --- ---/`.--- _.--- '-|-]
* to hack up.(ps pbliv 2 plz) \,----- / \
Qaulorn: December CoD Quest
At the risk of sounding monotonous;
with vim, vigor and much fuss...
True to my way...
On Christmas day...
All I want is boobies... HOORAY!
Continued... Page: 013
/ January's Cry of Despair Quest - by Alysira \_______________________________
This month's quest finds many immortal names hidden within the puzzle
below. Find as many as you can and mudmail your entries to Alysira by
the 29th of January.
A big thank you to Reatha for writing this month's quest!
(End) Page: 014
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Greetings All, I had the chance to interview Cappadocius for this month's Cry
Issue, Enjoy.
Mari: What are some of your duties as an Immortal?
Cappadocius: Well, I am Head of the Symposium, the Deity of Inconnu and
I handle the implementation of socials.
As well as the other shared duties that we all have in terms
of administration and general day to day dealings of the MUD.
Mari: You have a full plate then! Which of your jobs here would
you say you like most?
Cappadocius: That's difficult to say. They all have their merits. I enjoy
all of it to be honest. Each for their own aspects.
Helping ideas come into the game is very rewarding. Being
Inconnu has always been an honour.
And everything I do lets me interact with some great people.
Mari: What are some of your responsibilities as a Deity?
Cappadocius: Inconnu keeps to ourselves but I would imagine my role is not
very different from that of other orders.
Continued... Page: 015
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Mari: For those who may not know, What is it that TS does?
Cappadocius: TS is the main conduit for players to suggest ideas that would
better the game for everyone.
It serves as a direct means for players to let their thoughts
be known to the Immortal community.
It uses the collective input of players to develop ideas that
can make the game more enjoyable and player friendly to all.
We encourage contributions from anyone. And no idea is too
big or too small.
Mari: How does the system work once it is passed or failed by TS,
what happens then?
Cappadocius: Proposals are brought to a TS Rep who then fleshes it out
and presents it to the group of TS members.
The TS members review the idea for its benefit to the game
being as objective as possible.
The proposal is then voted on by the members and a decision
is made of whether to pass it forward or to deny it.
If the idea passes, and most will in fact pass, it will be
forwarded to the Visionary Consortium for their review.
We then await their feedback.
Continued... Page: 016
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Cappadocius: If it fails, the player who proposed the idea will be
They are made aware of the concerns TS had on the idea and
if they so choose they can rework it and bring it back through
the process.
And if the merits are there, hopefully it will pass.
The role of TS is never to censor. It is rather to give an
idea the best chance of being passed upward in a clear and
concise manner.
Mari: Where can players find all the info on passes and fails?
Cappadocius: The Tome of Conception in Town Hall has all of our meeting
minutes and reasons for the voting.
We are making efforts to make those explanations more detailed
than have been there in the past.
And any questions would be welcome. We are happy to explain any
of the reasoning behind a vote beyond what is posted.
Continued... Page: 017
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Mari: If anyone wishes to join TS what should they do?
Cappadocius: We are always looking for new, fresh opinions and people with
an interest in the workings of the game are always welcome.
As far as joining the ranks of TS, players should first contact
me and I will guide them through the process.
Mari: Is there anything more you would like to say to players about
Cappadocius: The most important thing is having people who care about the
game and want to be active. Not entry requirements.
TS is in the midst of many very beneficial and exciting changes.
We are quite aware of past shortcomings and we have been
working towards making proposals go through the process faster,
being more responsive and helping players to really develop
their ideas.
What most people need to realize is that TS is the starting
point. It is the foot in the door so to speak. There are many
things to consider about proposals. Mainly coding resources and
implementation issues. We try not to make those issues sway the
voting but that being said, we try our best to work the proposal
into the most sucessful that it possibly could be.
Continued... Page: 018
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Cappadocius: This is something that you would not benefit from using
something such as the 'idea' command.
I would also like to address class changes for a second. Classes
are very large and resource intensive projects.
And understandably, they are some of the most interesting and
popular proposals and concerns.
However, because of scope, TS has little influence in those
regards. So please do not perceive us as unresponsive.
TS members are just as excited and anxious for those changes as
everyone else.
Resources are at a premium and that needs to be managed through
the immortal community.
Mari: Off Topic, there have been many changes on Realms over the
years, what would you say your fav/least fav is?
Cappadocius: As far as the changes that have gone in, I would have to say
that the shattering is still one of my all time favourites.
It opened the door for a lot of beneficial changes. A new
philosophy of class distinction and restoring the subtle
nuances of the game.
Continued... Page: 019
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Cappadocius: Changes so that not every hitter wears identical equipment
are great and the fact that eq can be tailored to fit your
objective is also a wonderful benefit.
We have had some great creative areas come in too.
Kudos to the people who have made that possbile.
I enjoy them as an Immortal but far more as a player.
As much as I love being an Imm, I also love playing as a
mortal and do so regularly. It helps me keep in touch with
the game and the players.
Mari: What is your least favorite change?
Cappadocius: The limitations on astral travel had me very disoriented for a
long time. I wouldn't say that I disliked it, but it really took
some getting used to. Long walking travel times really makes you
have to pull up your pants and explore.
And honestly, I can't say that is entirely a bad thing :P
Continued... Page: 020
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Mari: If you could change just one thing what would it be?
Cappadocius: One change? That's tough. Every little change has its merit.
Well to extend your question a little, I think there are two
things I'd like to see. One being the further work on the
Classes. That has always interested me. Different uses,
different personalities. That is what this game has mostly
been about for me.
Secondly, I would like to see development for the lowbie side
of the game. This game should be as newbie friendly as possible.
And we should always keep that in mind.
(Proposals along that line are very very welcome)
Also, maybe making less of a race to avatar and having more
lowbie development. Fun at lower levels instead of number
crunching to get a good av base.
Those are the couple that pop into mind.
The learning curve is high. And NC does a fantastic job but it
is all too easy for us long time players to lose sight of how
hard it is to start out.
So especially if TS can help put things in game to help out
our new players, everyone would be better off.
Continued... Page: 021
/ Interview With A Vampire - by Mari \________________________________________
Mari: That's all I have I think, anything you want to add?
Cappadocius: I would just like players to know that TS is there to help them.
I don't take the position of TS Head lightly. I am here for a
reason. A reason that I think is very worthwhile. Every member
of TS has taken a promise to voice the concerns and
contributions of the players.
And we will do everything possible to fulfill that promise.
Mari: Thanks for taking time to talk with me and keep up good work.
(End) Page: 022
/ Gralthai News - via Mari \__________________________________________________
Kingdom of Gralthai news:
| | |
)_) )_) )_)
---------\ /---------
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^
^^^^ ^^^
First Mate Log
9 o'clock pm, Day of the Moon, 7th the Month of the Battle.
We have sailed to a new land, I have not yet gone ashore.
The seas are rough and show no signs of breaking. We will
dock here for the night. I will add more information to the
log once I have more to report.
Anshuna D'Advient, First Mate Gralthai
(End) Page: 023
/ Uruk'hai News - via Romani \________________________________________________
From the Opallinoc News Bureau -
Dateline Western Trade Route: Uruk'hai attend Trade Talks
The Falcon's Nest Tavern was the site of commerce discussions by Nation's
Leaders that have interest in the Northern Plains. Organized by the Ilythiiri
Valsharess Suliss, Quendi, Dwarven and Uruk'hai leaders and their agents
master reprsented the Uruk'hai interests. Merchandise and services for commerce
between the nations were listed and discussed. No set agreements were entered
by the Uruk'hai, at this time. More conversations on trade among the Northern
nations is in the near future.
Dateline DarkHaven: Festivus Begins
The pole is up in Darkhaven Square. Various activities are being done. Watch
for announcements. Remember about putting your tongue to the pole
Continued... Page: 024
/ Uruk'hai News - via Romani \________________________________________________
Dateline Opallinoc: Donations Thefts
Some inconsiderate half-ogre has been picking through the donations room.
Taking a half dozen Neptune Tridents, almost all of the containers, most
of the Dragon Pass hides and other various 'choice' equipment has crossed the
lines of greed and abuse. The hard work and generousity of the Uruk'hai that
regularly put quality items in the donations room has been tested to the limit.
The final straw was the theft of the haversack containing the food and drink
needed for the Solstice Festival. This almost caused the cancellation of this
prestigious Uruk'hai event. One bad apple spoils it for the rest.
(End) Page: 025
/ Ilkhan News - via Romani \____________________________________________
It has only been a matter of a few short days since the restructuring
began, and I have been hunted since. Fleeing from bands of Il'Khan is
not how I intended to usher in the change of the year. However, I am
a fugitive now, my power no longer means anything and neither does
my title. The new council has willed it so.
And so I have been played like a fiddle, and now my strings shall
be cut and I shall be sent into eternal silence. But not while I
still have strength left to fight.
Though Mac Morna and his servants think they can cast me aside
in such a manner, I will remain loyal to my kingdom, that of Krozloy,
until I am killed. The people must know what is going to happen
to them.
--Torn from the Lesser Chieftain's journal
and found, splattered in blood, beside
a rotting corpse in the Barren Peaks.
OOC: The Il'Khan would like to wish the rest of you folks in the Realms
a very Happy New Year and the best of 2006.
(End) Page: 026
/ RP/Stories/Poems Wanted - by Mari \_________________________________________
.__ .__ __..___..__..__ ._..___ __. .__ .__..___. . __.
[__)[__) (__ | | |[__) | [__ (__ [__)| |[__ |\/|(__
| \| .__) | |__|| \_|_[___.__) | |__|[___| |.__)
BBB HH ,z.
=== .___. HH %%%% .o. ,zZZZ>
BBB | | HH 838 \\\\ EEE AAAAA ,0X0' ,zZZZ"
BBB |<<<| HH 838 %%%% EEE ## DDDDD ,0X0' ,zZZZ"
BBB | C | HH 838 %GR% +++ ## AAAAA ,0X0' ,zZZZ"
BBB | O | HH 838 %%%% EEE ## <> ,0X0' ,zZZZ"
=== |<<<| HH 838 //// EEE ## AAAAA.0X0 zZZZ" EE$EEEEEEEDDEE$EE
The Cry needs you! Please send your poems and RP stories to Mari!
If you wish to submit simply follow the criteria below.
1) Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated
2) All notes are to be mud mailed to Mari before the 15th of every month.
3) If your submission is a continuing story please inform me.
4) Have fun!
Mari Fyremusik-Ke'Miravn, RP/Stories/Poems Sub-Editor
(End) Page: 027
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
The Rain Drenched Cloak
By: Prina
Prina pulled her dark brown cloak around her tightly as she made
her way through the streets in the pouring-icy rain. Despite the
oilskin of her cloak she felt the chill as she hailed for a carriage.
The carriage whisked past her, barely missing splashing her in
the puddles on the cobblestone streets of the city. The air so
cold and wet she hardly noticed her hunger until she met the eyes
of a man in passing. His pale gray eyes met hers with a smile.
She felt him behind her as she continued to walk, finally with the
tap on the shoulder she stopped and turned. He was a big man, well
dressed with his button over suit and umbrella. He held the umbrella
over her too, and inquired, "Miss, the streets are not safe this
time of night, and in this storm you should not be in where it is
warm. There is a boarding house down the street, or a cafe a block
over. May I be so bold as to escort you to?"
Continued... Page: 028
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
Prina smiled politely, her dark green eyes leaving his as they lingered
down his face to his neck. The white collar turned up slightly under
his black coat, the vein in his neck pulsing as he talked. He was a
strong one, good heart, and not usually the kind she sought to feed upon.
"You are most kind, good sir. I am quite sure I must look a mess, however
I was merely going to the tavern down the..."
His words cut her off as he raised an eyebrow. "Goodness dear lady."
His words sounded startled as he spoke, then softened, "My dear lady,
that is no place for you. Allow me to escort you to the boarding house.
I am quite sure that a night there will allow you to warm and rest from
this terrible storm. Forgive my manners, I am a Doctor here in town..."
His words trailed off as she listened to him and he hurriedly tried to
walk her past the tavern towards the boarding house. The scent of fresh
blood wafted from the bar, causing her body to tremble, the good doctor
took her elbow to steady her, carefully guiding her down the street.
You are weaker than I thought miss. We should be there in a few minutes.
He said, his eyes growing with concern as he leaned her against him.
Continued... Page: 029
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
The scent of fresh blood lingered in her mind as she looked to him, her
eyes meeting with the vein that pulsed forth his life's blood. Unable to
take it, and overcome with the rage and need of blood she pressed closer
still, her lips touching his neck. The good doctor did not notice until
it was too late. In her blood lust she pressed to him further, pushing
him to the wall, her lips clamping onto the vein as she bit down, piercing
it with a popping sound that sent a delicious chill through her body.
His heart, so strong, pulsed forth making the drinking as though it was
from a fountain. Each beat of his now racing heart flooding her mouth with
his delicious blood. She drank deeply, her body moving in rhythm to his
heart. She felt him begin to slump, the sad feeling from within her, as
she knew he was nearly drained. Withdrawing her teeth, she licked the
blood from the wound and whispered, "It is a dream" before she stepped
quickly into the shadows. She watched him for a time, he remained leaned
against the wall for a few moments before he began to look around, seeing
nothing, finding no one.
Continued... Page: 030
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
She made her way back to the tavern she had heard was frequented by those
of her kind. As she approached, she took sent of the blood, now cold. She
pressed her petite hands to the door, glad for the strength found from
her recent feeding. She pushed the door open and slipped within. Eyes
from those within turned towards her, the flashes of light reflecting in
many, signaling she was indeed, where she had intended to come. She made
her way to an empty table near the fire, sat down, and untied her cloak
from around her neck. Her dark green eyes glanced about to see if there
were any familiar faces as she ran her fingers through her wet hair. She
was far from home, and doubted any would know her.
.... (To Be Continued)
(End) Page: 031
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
Naughty or Nice
By: Prina
Prina sensed the hunter as she made her way through the snow covered streets
between the buildings. "Where to hide", she thought to herself, she had not fed
tonight and felt weak. She knew she should have risen earlier and made it to
the pub, even the toughest of hunters would not enter there. Finally seeing a
window open a bit in the distance, she made her way through a snowdrift
towards it. She gazed in the window from the side, noting how lovely it had
been decorated for the holidays.
The scent of pine, cinnamon and spices mixed with that of young blood from
within the house. Carefully she curled her frozen fingers under the edge and
lifted, careful to watch gaze into the house in hopes that the window would
slide easily, quietly. Finally having enough room to enter, a mere few inches
up, she slipped in and turned to lower it behind her. She watched out the
window for a few moments, seeing the hunters pass by, unaware of her hiding
Breathing a sigh of relief, Prina took in the sights of the house through
the moonlight. The tree was decorated with cookies and strung candies. Candles
were placed on the boughs of the trees, half burned down. She noted how lovely
it must look when they are lit. The house was silent, save for the crackling
of the fire. In her shivering state, she approached it, almost like
approaching her prey. Knowing it was nearing midnight, she felt safe from the
occupants and was in need of warmth. She picked up a quilt from one of the
chairs and placed it around her before snuggling into one of the chairs.
Continued... Page: 032
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
She half dozed in the chair, savoring the warmth. She sighed deeply before
she heard a little voice. "Are you one of Santa's elves?" Prina startled. The
blanket still around her as she sat curled up in the chair. She looked down to
see a boy rubbing his eyes as he looked up at her. "Yes... of course I am."
Prina replied as she tried to regain her composure as she forced a smile. The
child moved towards her happily and climbed into her lap. The scent was
overwhelming and she tried to push the thoughts of dining on his tender flesh
and blood from her mind.
Trying to stick to the part, Prina asked, "Have you been a good little boy
this year?"
The little boy nodded and pulled himself into the covers, snuggling up to
her. His tiny little neck just inches away from her face. Her senses were
reeling as she breathed in his youthful scent. Unable to resist, she nuzzled
against him, he giggled as she first brushed her lips to his neck. Her mouth
began to water as she parted her lips, her eyes closing blissfully, her teeth
bearing down as the came to meet with the succulent young flesh. There was
barely a pop as her fangs broke into the flesh. She drank deeply from the boy
held to her beneath the blanket, his young body not able to do more than
As she opened her eyes, she saw before her Santa Clause. His mouth open in
shock, standing there with his pipe in hand and satchel over his shoulder.
Prina withdrew her fangs from the boy, sucked the blood from her lips in a
guilty fashion as she looked at him.
Continued... Page: 033
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
The boy cried and pulled from her embrace, running into Santa's arms. "Well,
and just what do we have here?" Santa said with a scowling look of shock on
his rosy-cheeked face as he clutched the young boy to him.
Prina did not know what to say as she was still in shock from drinking from
the boy to ease her intense hunger, and at the sight of Santa Clause before
her. Santa leaned down and examined the boy's neck, bleeding from the two
fang marks on it. He took a cross from his satchel, forcing Prina to blink
back a bit, and he placed it on the boy's neck. "This will sooth your pain
little one. Now to back to bed, you have had a very bad dream." He winked,
sprinkling some magical dust over the boy's head. The boy smiled and moved in
an almost dazed state back to the staircase and vanished back to dream land.
"I.. I just came in and.. there was a hunter.." Prina pointed to the window.
"Through there..." Prina stammered. Santa raised his hand as though to stop
her from speaking.
"I never knew you existed, your kind. I heard stories of vampires, but never
knew them to be real." Santa began to do his work of setting out presents
under the tree.
"I never knew you were real either." Prina said as she narrowed her brow.
She stood, taking off the blanket and folding it to place back in the chair,
just as she found it. Santa sat down in a chair across from her next to the
fire and began to drink a glass of milk and eat a cookie left for him by the
young family.
Continued... Page: 034
/ Story Submission - via Mari \_______________________________________________
"Well, my work is done here." He arched an eyebrow. "Is yours?" Santa said,
his words harsh and hurried as he had places to be.
"Yes." Prina said with an annoyed tone of voice. "I had not planned on that.
.. I just to hide in a safe place until the hunter passed."
Santa narrowed his brow, gazing at her for a moment. "Prina..." He paused,
"I remember you. You lived in the gypsy encampment in the edge of the woods in
the north." Santa chuckled. "That was many years ago, many years ago indeed."
Prina nodded solemnly and turned to leave.
"Wait.." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "I have something for
you. Prina turned to face him, gazing up into his sky blue eyes. He placed a
rag doll into her hands just like the one she had when she was a small child.
Prina smiled gently at him and wrapped her arms around in a warm hug. Her
fingers instinctively slipped into his purse and come out with a few coins. He
grinned and winked at her, he had expected nothing less from a gypsy. She
turned and slipped out the way she came, and to the safety of her pub.
(End) Page: 035
/ Poem Submission - via Mari \________________________________________________
Walk Away
By: Maridia
_.--. Walk Away
{(:{} y`-.`,_`--. We laugh
<`-;`-( _.'`.-`.' \ We cry
\ `i.' ` Y },-,) We live
.j-. | : / _j\ And then we die
<_ `! :_.'( / The rains pours where we are caught
>-, `---.,' .'-j So here we stand
/ `. ,<_ ( `. \ Lost in our own thoughts...
' j\ `- / .Y-f .\ knowing we can't
/ ,`--'\ :|\ \___ ` _.---.. I love you
/,' \:| \ \/ / /.'-'-`-,You say you love me
(' \| <\ \ <,' \ \ `_/ Well, this is our cue
.-|-._\ \//\ __..-' Are we meant to be?
.'-/- ,-\ Y___ And as I watch you walk away...
/- /.\ \| \ \/ I know everything is done
|-| \ `/ \ \ But don't worry, I'll be okay
|/ \ .' It doesn't matter very much now that it's all gone
\ .'
\' By: Maridia
(End) Page: 036
/ Realms Website Design Logo Contest - by Kinux \_____________________________
We are in the process of revamping the Realms of Despair website and thought
it would be a great idea to bring back a logo design contest, drawing creative
inspiration from our talented membership.
Information on the logo design contest is available via a link from the main
page of the website or by going to .
Be sure to check out the webpage as it also has a link to a suggested font to
be used, as well as important information regarding submissions.
The top 5 entries will be awarded prizes. All entries must be emailed to by January 31st, 2006. Entries will be judged by a panel of
immortals, based on criteria layed out on the contest website.
If you have any questions, please feel free to mudmail or email Kinux
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