Siporta: PvP, Complete-the-Story result, Loril run over by a newbie
/ Issue 121 - December 2007 \_________________________________________________
Interview with Siporta - by Kadgeon HELP CRY2 to CRY6
Kadgeon's Corner - by Kadgeon HELP CRY7 to CRY9
Nation News
Human - by Tonitrus HELP CRY10
Hobbit - by Kadgeon HELP CRY11
Rukhas'dul HELP CRY12
Uruk'hai HELP CRY13
Guild News
Guild of Paladins HELP CRY14
Order News
Sanctus Irae HELP CRY15 to CRY16
Fun and Games
Loril got run over by a newbie HELP CRY17
Story Challenge - Community HELP CRY18
Story Challenge - Ringbearers HELP CRY19 to CRY20
Room of the Month HELP CRY21
Funny Titles - Contributions HELP CRY22
Write a Story Results - by Vachu HELP CRY23 to CRY24
Realms Knowledge Quiz (Quest) HELP CRY25
Desk of the Hobbit - by Fiebin HELP CRY26
Organization Website Competition HELP CRY27
Page: 001
/ Interview with Siporta - by Kadgeon\________________________________________
Interview with a Deadlie Immie-Siporta Silverwolf
**Warning: This interview may contain swear words, if it may offend you
please continue to the next page of the CRY. Thanks :D
You exclaim 'Okies, well first off let me start by saying thank you for
taking the time out to do this!'
Siporta says 'Np'
Siporta smiles happily.
Siporta wonders 'So, what do you want to know?'
You say 'Usually when people interview deities or leaders of organizations it
is most likely a peaceful deity and organization. So I thought it would be
interesting to see how the 'other side' lives so to speak'
You grin.
You wonder 'So my first question is, in your opinion how much of a difference
is there between a guild/order and a clan?'
You say 'And like Linda I understand you were once in GoR, so you kind of get
to see both sides'
Siporta says 'There's not a whole lot of difference, except for the whole
killing thing. There's not as many pkers, but when they're on, everyone chats
within the clan just like on guildtalk'
You nod solemnly.
Siporta says 'I haven't been a pk deity for very long, but I was leveling up a
pker before I Immed. Linda got me started playing one'
Continued... Page: 002
/ Interview with Siporta - by Kadgeon\________________________________________
Siporta says 'Most pkers are actually a lot more helpful than peacefuls.
They'll take the time to teach you the ins and outs and almost fully equip you.
Of course there's a few people that aren't, and those are the ones everyone
always point out, but for the most part, everyone is really helpful'
You say 'Yeah Linda said the same thing almost. Makes me want to make one
myself almost lol. '
Siporta says 'The biggest problem I see with pk, is that they're always
wanting ideas to make more peacefuls play pk, but then they won't listen to a
peaceful's ideas on what would make pf play more'
You nod solemnly.
You wonder 'As someone who hasn't been playing pkill for very long, do you
think it would be harder starting out as a deadly rather than a peaceful?'
Siporta nods solemnly.
Siporta says 'Yup...a person really needs to make a peaceful first to learn
the game. mobs are pretty hard, but it's 5 times harder fighting someone who
can think'
You nod solemnly.
Siporta says 'And if you're having to learn how to play as well, you'll most
likely just quit'
Continued... Page: 003
/ Interview with Siporta - by Kadgeon\________________________________________
You say 'Yeah I think I would have if I would have made a deadly first'
You say "tee hee" showing off your cute dimples.
Siporta seems to get a laugh from something saying, "heh heh heh".
You wink suggestively.
Siporta wonders 'Have you tried pk?'
You say 'I'm a lover not a fighter'
Siporta grins.
You say 'But yes I have'
You say 'I kind of like it'
Siporta nods solemnly.
Siporta says 'Wartalk is a little more open in what is allowed...somewhat
refreshing sometimes'
You say 'Takes a little getting used to, and yes I found wartalk to be
interesting. Are there any pointers you can give to the readers who might
think of making a deadly?'
Siporta thinks, 'Hmmmm.'
Siporta says 'Don't get all pissed off because someone jumps you as soon as
you get to level 5. You should ask your killer what you *should* have done to
stay alive a little longer'
You nod solemnly.
Siporta says 'You'd be surprised when they tell you what you should have done
and soon you'll be holding your own. Oh, and always have sanc...never let it
run, even in a safe room'
Continued... Page: 004
/ Interview with Siporta - by Kadgeon\________________________________________
Siporta grins.
Siporta says 'If you get mad that someone killed you while you were leveling,
you won't make's just part of pk life'
You exclaim 'So patience and a willingness to learn is a must? Oh and the
ability to take criticism!'
Siporta nods solemnly.
Siporta says 'Yup...and any insults must have an appropriately funny comeback
within 15 seconds'
You seem to get a laugh from something saying, "heh heh heh".
Siporta says 'More than that and it's a late hit'
Siporta grins.
You say 'Awesome'
You say 'I think I will make a deadly'
Siporta seems to get a laugh from something saying, "heh heh heh".
You say 'Reminds me of high school.'
You wink suggestively.
You say 'And I only _just_ graduated'
Siporta says 'You should check out the only clan with a webpage...excordis'
Siporta says 'Click on the 'player kill' link. Lots of tips for new players'
You nod solemnly.
You exclaim 'See? I don't think a lot of people know that there's even a site
for deadlies! '
Continued... Page: 005
/ Interview with Siporta - by Kadgeon\________________________________________
Siporta says 'My favorite one is 'Deadlies are dicks, that's what we are
supposed to do, suck it up and don't take it personally.'
You grin.
You say 'That's great'
Siporta nods solemnly.
There ya have it! Not exactly finished as we both had things to do, but we got
most of the important stuff asked I think! Hope you enjoy reading it as much
as I enjoyed writing and doing the interview! Thanks again Siporta for doing
(End) Page: 006
/ Kadgeon's Corner - by Kadgeon\______________________________________________
Poll Results: What is your favorite type of pie?
All- 10 Cherry- 6 Fail Pie- 6 Dutch Apple- 5 Pumpkin- 3
Sweet Potato- 3 Chocolate- 2 Cheesecake-2 Rhubarb Crme- 1
Fudge Nut- 1 Pecan Creme- 1 Strawberry Rhubarb Pie- 1
New Poll
How old were you when you first started playing Realms?
Mudmail your answers to Kadgeon.
Continued... Page: 007
/ Kadgeon's Corner - by Kadgeon\______________________________________________
Answers to Riddles from the last issue:
You want to build a stone wall around your 12'x20' garden. If the bricks are 6
" high 6" wide and 1' long,. How many bricks will you need to make a wall 6"
wide 4' tall ?
Answer: You do not use bricks for a stone wall
What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?
Answer: Silence
Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me, When I have flown.
Answer: Time
New Riddles:
A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement.
If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll
sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the
judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?
A man is lying dead with a backpack on, face down in the desert. What happened?
A word I know, six letters it contains, subtract one and twelve remains. What
am I?
Continued... Page: 008
/ Kadgeon's Corner - by Kadgeon\______________________________________________
Gift Ideas
For Her
An Amethyst Crystal A bit of Green Opal A Black Opal
A Black Pearl A Blazing-Blue Sapphire Flowers
A Small Purse of Pearls An Antique Porcelain Doll
For Him
A Deck of Playing cards A Golden Chess Set An Ember Encased in Glass
Tall Mug of Frothy Beer! A Pair of Black Silk Boxers A Toy Knight
A Toy Sailboat A Pair of Leather Chaps
For now this is all I can come up with! But there are lots and lots of items
out there for you to choose from! There is even a heart-shaped box that you
can put things in! But like I said there are lots of things to choose from so
just think of the person you are getting the gift(s) for and think what would
suit them best! Ask yourself if they might need a particular piece of eq, or
do they like the really funny, and random things? Oh and don't forget! Aegir
does last minute gift wrapping and delivery! Enjoy! Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!
(End) Page: 009
/ Nation News - Human \_______________________________________________________
I trust this letter finds you well. As you may be aware, Lord Sealom Bancridhe
has gone missing. In all likelihood, he has been killed. If you or your
assassins have dispatched of him, I would certainly understand, but I request
that his body be returned to Lomar to be put on display preceding a very
public funeral, to quell the public's view of a curse that affects the
leadership of Lomar. If this is not the case, then, as a matter of some
priority, make every attempt to locate him or his remains. For my part, I am
reasonably certain that I did not kill him. Given the history of Lomar's
kings and their counterparts, it is also somewhat likely that he has gone mad.
Again, I assure you that I had no involvement in this matter. If he is indeed
mad and has gone into wandering, he must be secured immediately. If he cannot
be peacefully contained, he is to be eliminated and his body is to be returned
to Lomar. If others have witnessed him in such a state, they are to be noted,
contained if necessary. I assume I need not inform you that they are not to be
harmed. I will pay them a visit as soon as I am able.
Your work of late has been commendable.
(End) Page: 010
/ Nation News - Hobbit\_______________________________________________________
Many things have happened this past month it seems. But first I would like to
congratulate Alzeria for her rise to Valsharess, may your rule be long and
prosperous. I would have sent out my congratulations sooner if word would have
reached me, but as it is I have been away for a little while. It seems there
is a prophecy unfolding before us at the moment. I dare not reveal too much
here but I feel you all have a right to know that soon something that will
affect us all will be coming. It is to my understanding that it will require
many of us to band together and stand as one, granted there will be some who
do not wish it to be so. I ask that that the Chieftain of the Lizardmen, Queen
of the Elves, Chieftain of the Half-Ogre's, and all others that we have been
allied with in the past and even those who we have not been, to contact me as
soon as is convenient. With the Holiday's going on and such I send out my
prayers that all is well and I hope everyone enjoys the festivities! All are
welcome to come to the Burrows at any time to join in ours!
Forever in the Service of her people,
Thain Kadgeon Silverblood
Hobbit Nation Leader
P.S. It has come to my attention that once again people have referred to us as
Halflings, or 'halfers' I would ask that everyone used our correct name and
call us hobbits. Whereas some of us may not mind there are some who find it
insulting to call us otherwise.
P.S.S There are still many council positions open, if any are interested they
should contact me.
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/ Nation News - Rukhas'dul \__________________________________________________
As winter encroaches upon the Rukhas lands, their numbers have once
again reached the limit which Krozloy and the surrounding valley
region can sustain. Striking out into the surrounding mountains
of the Southern Mountain Range, the half-orcs begin a long and
ceaseless toil: to construct various tunnels, fortifications,
and finally, homes for the many Rukhas'dul citizens who are
currently without due to overpopulation and overcrowding.
While many Rukhas, gnomish and halfling slaves captured from
conflicts and bartered for in trade agreements from years past
are put to work in carving out the future dwellings of their
masters, the bulk of the Krozloy tribes are busy fighting
amongst each other in claiming ownership of homes, caves, and
other places within which they can reside.
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/ Nation News - Uruk'hai \____________________________________________________
From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Winter Solstice Fest
You know the when. You know the where. You absolutely must be there.
The Solstice Fest committee is looking forward to a big turnout this year.
The bountiful Fall harvest means plenty of food and Meeka has made a special
batch of her "swill" just for the Fest. The reciting of feats, legends and
tales of lore at the Great Bonfire should not be missed.
Dateline Opallinoc - No Calendars
Due to the departure of the famous and fortunate, there will be no issue of the
"Women of Opallinoc" calendar this year. Instead, a new scam, err enterprise
of handmade yuletide decorations is underway. Orders are being taken now.
Wreaths, bows, ornaments and various knick-knacks are among the unique items
available to the discriminating shopper. Contact Klaatu to place your order.
Dateline DarkHaven - Wandering Warhorse
It has been seen on several occasions, a spirited warhorse in battle armor,
wandering the streets of DarkHaven. This fine steed is a pacifist and seems to
be unmountable. The warhorse runs off and disappears after tossing its rider
to the ground. Any information as to just who this horse belongs to or even
as to why it is lose on the streets of DarkHaven, will be rewarded. See Klaatu.
The News Bureau wishes everyone the best of the holiday season.
(End) Page: 013
/ Guild News - Guild of Paladins \____________________________________________
Guild of Paladins would like to welcome back Chet and Ralton. We also have
Tyrian and Maxivik as new pledges. This past month, the guild celebrated our
guild second's birthday...Graet! Happy Birthday Graet! It will also be
Brakkor's birthday this month. The Guild has been doing some runs like Sin and
Olsen, Mountain of Lost Souls, Nevermore and of course, the old reliable guild
Keep up the good work guild!
(End) Page: 014
/ Order News - Order of Sanctus Irae \________________________________________
A thick blanket of snow has been cast across the city of Sanctus
Irae as the winter season draws in on her. The port, its waters
having frozen over considerably early, is seemingly asleep as
activity has faded to a bare minimum with the inability for ships
to move to and fro.
A large convoy of gypsies and merchants, trapped in the city
until Frost releases his hold upon the lands surrounding the
City of Lions, continues to peddle what wares it still carries
in order to afford meals, housing and supplies to last through
the harsh winter.
Coming with the bitter cold is a new scourge, one which threatens
the city's security and that of its Marquis, as well. Already,
a number of brutally maimed and butchered corpses have been
discovered in various regions of Irae. Rumor spreads quickly that
these bodies have been left by an ancient evil, and one which
seeks to dispose of the city's newfound nobility. The Iraenian
Guard is left scratching its head at each new find, the killer
still managing to evade being spotted, let alone captured.
The local businesses survive much as they always have, with an
extra boom in sales compliments of the gypsies and others whose
caravans were unable to depart.
Continued... Page: 015
/ Order News - Order of Sanctus Irae \________________________________________
The Valdislav Conservatory has witnessed a growth in its student
population after a large contingent of elven scholars arrive from
Darkhaven, seeking the library of almost mythical repute that lies
In the Poor Quarters of Irae, business continues much as it always
has, even as the major gangs and underground organizations fall
silent with the sudden disappearance of their latest leader. The
Raven remains open, though it would seem that there is no proper
owner of the place, and it remains to be seen just how long the
Tavern will avoid the scrutiny of the Trade Primogen.
Refusing to be intimidated by recent threats upon his person,
Alessio di Rossetti, the Marquis of Irae, begins to plan a
celebration for the festive season. Already he has hired on a
band of minstrels to play seasonal songs within the Singing Rose,
and a massive fir tree has been placed and decorated in the
What wonders and challenges await the citizens of Irae in the
upcoming weeks and the New Year? Only time will tell...
(End) Page: 016
/ Loril got run over by a newbie - Anon\______________________________________
CHORUS: Loril got run over by a newbie logging out from mudding Christmas
eve. You can say there's no such thing as Thoric, But as for me and Stoneheft,
we believe.
-*-She'd been drinkin' too much egg nog, And we'd begged her not to go. But
she'd left her medication, So she stumbled out the door into the snow. When
we found her Christmas mornin', At the scene of the attack. There were tiny
hoof prints on her forehead, And incriminatin' newbie marks on her back.
-*-Now were all so proud of Stoneheft, He's been takin' this so well. See him
in there watchin' football, Drinkin' Guinness and playin' cards with cousin
It (Yeroc).
-*-It's not Christmas without Loril. All the imm's dressed in black. And we
just can't help but wonder: Should we open up her gifts or send them back?
-*-Now the goose is on the table And the pudding made of fig. And a blue and
silver candle, That would just have matched the hair in Loril's wig.
-*-I've warned all my friends and neighbours. Better watch out for yourselves.
"We should never give a license, to a man who creates a world to play with
(End) Page: 017
/ Story Challenge - Realms Community\_________________________________________
The concept is simple. Random members of the community were asked to write
the next sentence of the story and the writer is in brackets after their
sentence. The second story is by RB. This is how it went:
I finally made it past Sunless Sea...
I came upon a dark Robed Figure and asked him where I could train, but he
seemed selfishly uncooperative.(NoCtUrNe) His silence did not dissude me
from my task, I carefully wielded the bone blade in my hand and opened
the door to my west, hearing the shriek of mice as I did so...(Abalon)
when it dawned on me that I had been cruelly tricked.(Anon) I ventured
west anyway and faced the trickery that lies ahead in the realms.
(Brimstone) Walking through the door, I saw the biggest mouse I've ever
seen - 10 feet tall with ugly yellow fangs.(Anon)
He asked me for some cheese, but the closest thing that i could offer was
Merit's smelly socks!(Brakkor) Obviously this was not enough, so the mouse
started approaching me with a grin on its face.(Gindor) Sweat was beading
from my head and I was feeling very nervous, when suddenly the big, ugly
mouse transformed into an Immortal.(Gatersade- edited) With each step of
this Immortals approach, I wondered if I was being tested or perhaps if I had
violated some code of the heavens.(Dorin)
Thinking it was a test, I attacked him swinging the bone blade like nothing
could stop the onslaught.(Basferion) I swung aimlessly with my eyes
closed, only to watch it all vanish infront of my eyes, and realize I was
still in Potions class. (Threndil) My mind obviously wandered from
the boredom of learning the difference between blue, violet, and purple.
(Lilcal) And then I remembered I was quite mad, so I had a pleasant chat
with myself about the weather which helped a lot.(Gwydion) The end.(Anon)
Continued... Page: 018
/ Story Challenge - Order of Ringbearers\_____________________________________
I finally made it past Sunless Sea...
I came across the meanest avatar i've ever seen, and his name
was...(Jimothy) barely whispered amongst those who knew it, for to speak it
meant certain death!(Anon) As I approached this avatar, it became apparent
that he had taken an unnatural interest in procuring for himself ladies'
underwear.(Stuyve) As the Ancient Pandaren saying goes,
'Blessed are those who love panties.' (Chubbs)
What I didn't know at the time was that this dark and deadly avatar
was being blackmailed by a coward. (Lorana- edited) Dirty, sinister
thoughts continued to occupy my mind, and this story, until I was reminded
of my oath to walk the lighted path of the peaceful by a divine
presence.(Fiebin) Grasping my weapon ever tighter I continued along the
path that would take me to my destiny.(Jethren)
Meanwhile, in a galaxy not two parsecs away, lance-corporal Brrnghth
was kissing his larvae goodbye before departing on a two-week trip to the
Milky Way to conquer earth.(Poromenos) Oblivious about the imminent
invasion, I made my way along the northern trade route...(Shunnie) in
search of a gift for my special friend, I make my way toward the Town
of Solace, where I lost my footing and tripped down the steep road,
hitting my head.(Fabinyre)
Continued... Page: 019
/ Story Challenge - Order of Ringbearers\_____________________________________
I woke with a headache and a bad taste in my mouth several hours later
=(.(Eisengrym) I couldn't help but wonder where that foul taste had
come from.(Lleryt) Then it came to me, the foul sorceress's concoction,
hopefully it...(Belkira) would not cause any permanent side effects
other then this headache, initially I feared the worst, thinking I could
wake up with a permanent neckbeard, or some sort of visage disorder.
Slowly tottering to my feet, I cast my gaze about and shook my head; this
loosened the bug between my teeth, and spitting it out, I realize that I'm
surrounded by an eerie silence.(Loril) The streets are empty, the noise
of the locals absent during the usually busy daytime bustle of
Solace....(Barrnet) but from the corner of my eye I noticed a slimy,
furry, hideous(Urmum) pile of dismembered body parts, the rank smell of
which has burned a place in your mind forever.(Drax)
I decided to poke at the body parts to make sure they were indeed dead,
they were...(Venita). Indeed they were. (Anon) Around the morbid heap, I
noticed an entourage of folk in the finest of garb, with fair smiles and
fragrant parps. Scowled they did, upon approach, in fear that perchance, I
may encroach. Secrets gleaned and stories spun, the leader cries,
"omfg get away from my kirre parts."
With a smirk, I walk away, safe in the knowledge that some folk are......
merry. :) (Alex)
(End) Page: 020
/ Room of the Month \_________________________________________________________
See Hell without tarnishing your record.
As if picked up by the scruff of your neck by a mighty hand, you find
yourself unceremoniously dumped at a strange gateway. Here is the
place which will determine your fate. Whether you will be sent back
to life as you once knew it, or proceed onto a far yet bleaker pathway.
The time has come for you to plead your case and await judgement for the
crimes that have been placed upon your head. Speak wisely and choose
your words carefully, for your testimony will be written in the ledgers
of the Gods, and will determine the path you will ultimately travel.
) | (") (
,(. |`/ \- y (,`)
)' (' | \ /\/ ) (.
(' ),) | _W_ (,)' ).
Exits: none
A mystical spring flows majestically from a glowing circle of blue.
A fountain of fresh blood flows in the corner.
(Red Aura) A demon imp hovers nearby...drooling constantly with a fiendish grin.
(End) Page: 021
/ Funny Titles - Contribution \_______________________________________________
Tyrian Darkmane, Mighty Slayer of Gerbils!
Seether Auguthtus, Lithplord of Myrr.
Cyxx is in ur donations, pwning ur loot.
Virktorlen wanders the keep, looking for trouble makers.
Vanskap, Everyone is entitled to MY opinion! {Raider}
Trinkia: I thought you were my fairytale...
Folio blame is for God and little children. Darkfaith..
Mirrante holds darkened shards of reality.
Akael. A day without sunshine is like night.
Abelard guards the shiny ball on the ground.
Torianne poked one. It was dead. [CoC]
Quan AFK and loving it.
Calaesto Volgren is Calafragilistic!
Ivo parties like a rock star without the drugz.
Thamopolis is watchin' you 'cause accidents cause people.
Mirrelyn has semi-pointy ears.
Marquis Alessio: Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stockedup.
Hokuten volunteers others to do the dirty work.
Xuon, Invader of your pants. (HeaD-Advo|QC|Nx-Gn)
Calaesto Volgren is Calafragilistic!
Taye thinks that banning is full of Fail
Chubbs decimates ranks of cake. [EFF-L|Pandamonium]
Krolos smashes heads, like every good Ogre should!
Arlo is writing a book entitled '101 things you can do withsoap'
Siporta Silverwolf Supports Surly Spartan Soldiers Slaying Savage Slimey Slugs
Sliced Sideways.
Calin notitled himself.
(End) Page: 022
/ Write a Story \_____________________________________________________________
The quest was to write a story which includes ALL the words in "the List",
(which are in capitals). The Winner is... Vachu! Congratulations. Please
contact Alysira for your prize. Below is Vachu's entry.
Hi, Welcome to the first annual RoD immortal pet contest. The judges are
now arriving, first we have myself of course, next comes a NOVICE to pet
judging, Vixy the cleric, and finally Vanskap, the third V in this little
experiment. Ok, first things first, I need to send Vanskap out to each
Immortal's OFFICE, to see who will participate.
Well that was very successful, we had 7 immortals respond to the pet
competition, unfortuantely i had to disqualify Romani, even though my
name is french for cow, I do not count as a pet, so put the leash
away please. First MEMBER of the immortal community up is Lord Kali.
Oh, dang, bringing in the heavy hitting pets, I believe thats the
first time I've seen teh great demon Balzhur, and not been turned
to nothing but an EMBER. *groan*, Apparently the demon scared away
L ady Vixy, thats ok we still have two of us judges left! Next up,
is Linda, ah what a nice pack of wolves.
(End) Page: 023
/ Write a Story \_____________________________________________________________
Shadrack is up next, oh my I hope that gigantic gremlin doesnt BREAK
the stage when its paraded around. Fourth is Falennt, odd i do not see
any pets with him, ah there it is, wth, a goldfish in a bowl? Hope its
not the VIOLENT type!
Haha, apparently our second judge, Vanskap, was afraid of a goldfish,
as he just ran away :(. Well, down to just me left for the judging,
I hope Kali doesn't ERASE me if I don't let him win. Next up is,
Herne, and what a lovely otter he has. Ah what a nice pet cow,
Tricops I think is after my own deluded heart. And finally we have
Destre. As Destre whistles a huge shadow flies in from the NP,
I hope that red dragon didnt RAZE the entire nothern plains before
you brought him to the competition! I know dragons are a hungry lot, but
the barbarians need _some_ food left on the plains to feed themselves.
Well, we seem to have a rather stellar group of immortals and their
pets. Let me take a few moments to ponder a winner and a prize!
...and the Winner is! heck you all win! The prize, is my eternal
gratitude, for showing up and not having your pets eat me, or each
other! Congratulations all, thanks for taking the time to indulge
this old elf's dillusions of greatness.
Continued... Page: 024
/ Realms Knowledge Quiz \_____________________________________________________
This week's quest is to answer the quiz below. One entry per person. Mudmail
the answers in a easy to read format to Fiebin and Alysira. In the event that
multiple participants have the highest score, 2 will be selected at random and
be entitled to claim the prize.
1) Angel General of the Left
2) From somewhere in the distance beyond view, a despairing wail echoes.
3) The Three Ages before the Shattering
4) Rain! Cool! Time to spash in the puddles.
5) Which Room can one find the extra description:
Southern Mountains Built by Stoneheft
Levels 2 - 65
Explore safely and enjoy.
6) Where can one find the extra description:
The words have been erased by sand and time...
7) Who's in the Quiet Church?
8) What is Bodschek's profession?
9) Where can one find rice paper walls (Room name required)?
10) What am I eating: You pop the small cake into your mouth whole and chew
with gusto!
11) Who is X:
X says 'Aye, go on back and select a room.'
X gives a grunt as you raise an eyebrow.
X brings you down a long hallway...
(End) Page: 025
/ Desk of the Hobbit - Fiebin \_______________________________________________
The Cry of Despair is looking at expanding its content and scope. In order
to achieve this, we are looking for reliable self-motivated individuals to
join the team. CoD Staff are also paid for their efforts in gold- A good
writer could easily make in excess of 25m gold for quality work. Positions
which are currently available are described below:
1) Whiner's Column- A monthly/bi-monthly column which reveals the whines of
the mortal and immortal community; whether fact or fiction.
2) Ask the Immortal Column- Many players often have questions which they would
like to ask a specific Immortal. This column aims to facilitate open and frank
disclosure of answers and responses without prejudicing other players.
The plan is for the CoD staff member to collate a set of questions and then
request the appropriate Immortal to answer them.
3) Quest Report Column- Simply find out the gist of quests which have occured
throughout the month, esp. IGQ. Find out the winners and any note worthy
4) Trade Column- What items are selling well? Which pieces of equipment are
overvalued in the market? Who would find the new equipment useful? Is the
item worth the effort?
5) Mortal Suggestions Column- Some don't like the way TS works, or find the
procedure too slow and arduous. Sometimes well reasoned suggestions are more
effective, plus, a greater audience can be captured. Perhaps you have a
suggestion on where to find new players and on how to retain them. Almost
everyone has something they would change about Realms if they had the power.
Lets find out what those are.
6) Freelance- Write about whatever you want...the caveat being that you
can't really...
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/ Organization Website Competition \__________________________________________
Please see NEWS 632 for more information...
The Organization Website Contest will take place over the next two months -
I know the news file says August/September, and I apologize for this.
Please read the news file for some brief instructions, more rules and
information will be posted on the Archives very soon.
The closing date will be 15th of January - this allows ample time over the
Christmas and New Year's break to get an awesome design set up for your
organization. Websites must be submitted by an organization leader but it's
up to you who actually designs/creates it.
A change to the news file - please MUDMAIL ONLY your URL and the details of
the designer/creator of the website to Alysira and Romani. Do not use email,
and it must be MUDmailed to the both of us.
As I said, more information will be posted on the Archives in the coming
days. Please see Alysira or Romani for any questions.
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