Kadgeon Whimpers in the Dark, Poetry Quest results
/ Issue 128 - July 2008 \_____________________________________________________
Ask CoE Responses Help CRY2
WANTED - Badrol - Mack Help CRY3
Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante Help CRY4 to CRY14
Role Playing Dictionary - Prina & Falennt Help CRY15 to CRY17
Unholy Rantings - Beleth Help CRY18 to CRY19
Whimpers in the Dark - Kadgeon Help CRY20 to CRY21
Comparison of Shields - Vache Help CRY22 to CRY24
Pixie's Pwnt the Powerful Players of PK! - Fatanza Help CRY25
Guild News
Guild of Clerics - Indira Help CRY26 to CRY27
Guild of Vampires - Taye Help CRY28 to CRY29
Order News
Sanctus Irae Help CRY30
Clan News
Excordis - Fatanza Help CRY31
Feralis - Matanza Help CRY32
Band News
Band of the Boar - Ahzir Help CRY33
Nation News
Quendi - Annale Help CRY34 to CRY35
Hobbit - Kadgeon Help CRY36
Uruk'hai - Klaatu Help CRY37
Gralthai - Fatanza Help CRY38
Tyrrhenu - Farlina Help CRY39
Council News
IOQC - Fiebin Help CRY40
Quest News
June CoD Quest Results - Fiebin Help CRY41
July CoD Quest - Fiebin Help CRY42
Akael's Poetry Quest - Akael Help CRY43 to CRY48
Linda's Birthday Quest - Fiebin/Petrograd Help CRY49
Other Quests - Fiebin/Petrograd Help CRY50
Fun and Games
Room of the Month - Fiebin Help CRY51
Funny Titles - Romani/Falennt Help CRY52
Funny Logs
A good night's rest - Falennt Help CRY53 to CRY54
Announcements and Advertisements
Cry of Despair Help CRY55
Ask COE Help CRY56
Wanted - DEAD Help CRY57
Desk of the Hobbit Help CRY58
A Note from Linda Help CRY59
From Falennt's Inkwell Help CRY60
Page: 001
/ Ask CoE Responses \_________________________________________________________
1) Vindur gong adepts at 80%, however, it seems to fail far more than 20% of
the time with max. int and luck stats. What else determines its casting
sucess rate?
This one will be a multiple choice answer.
a) The amount of time you hold down the enter key. It's a complex formula.
b) We aren't going to give direct answers in this column to game formulas,
puzzles or secrets.
c) Your mom. Yes, it's all about lineage.
2) Class balance is very important but very difficult to achieve in Realms as
the usefulness of a character is greatly determined by the situation.
Nevertheless, some classes are often cited as needing improvements to strike
the 'correct' balance. Which classes do you think require development in
order to strike the 'correct' balance?
In my personal opinion, I would rank my top three as: cleric, augurer and
vampire. A quick consensus poll of other CoE members concurred.
(End) Page: 002
/ WANTED - Badrol \___________________________________________________________
| ___ __ _ /
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| | / \__/ \ | |
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| | _.\ \|--|/ / | |
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| .----------DEAD------------. |
| |
|The Umbrageous Ruins is a place where |
|the poor, and meek are unwelcome. |
|Their poverty and disease are a plague|
|on all of the deadly world. Recently,|
|Badrol has been seen eating from |
|dumpsters, playing showtunes in the |
|subway for tips, and urinating without|
|unzipping his pants. The very |
|existence of this hobo is a slap in |
|the face of Gravoc, and as such Mack |
|would like to offer 5m per proof of |
|death, until the infidel drifter is |
|driven from our lands, or killed five |
|times. Which ever is cheaper. |
(End) Page: 003
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
Sometimes it can be hard to decide what class to try and play as a deadly.
Maybe it's your first deadly or maybe you're bored of your current class. In
the following pages you will see some flowcharts constructed to help you
decide what class is best for you.
00) Mage
+-----|Did you play a Mage in Dungeons && Dragons?|-----+
| +------------------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+---------+ +---+----+
|Don't play Mage| +--------------------|Continue|
+---------------+ | +--------+
+-----|Do you like being bashed?|-----+
| +-------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+----+----+ +-------+--------+
|Play Mage| |Play Bladesinger|
+---------+ +----------------+
Continued... Page: 004
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
01) Cleric
+-----|Are you happy with your life?|-----+
| +-----------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+-----------+ +------+------+
|Don't play Cleric| |Roleplay Drow|
+-----------------+ +-------------+
Continued... Page: 005
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
02) Thief
+-----|Do you like stealing from players?|-----+
| +----------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+----------+ +---+----+
|Don't play Thief| +---------------|Continue|
+----------------+ | +--------+
+-----|Are you new to PK?|-----+
| +------------------| |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+----+-----+ +-----+------+
|Play Thief| |Play Vampire|
+----------+ +------------+
Continued... Page: 006
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
03) Warrior
+-----|Do you like doing massive damage?|-----+
| +---------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+----------+ +---+----+
|Play Bladesinger| +---------|Continue|
+----------------+ | +--------+
+----|Is Hercules dreamy?|-----+
| +-------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-------+------+ +-----+------+
|Join Maleficae| |Play Warrior|
+--------------+ +------------+
Continued... Page: 007
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
04) Vampire
+-----|Do you cut yourself?|-----+
| +--------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+-------+ +-----+------+
|Buy some rope| |Play Vampire|
+-------------+ +------------+
Continued... Page: 008
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
05) Druid
+-----|Do you want Ceirana to love you?|-----+
| +--------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+----+ +---+----+
|Play Druid| +---------------|Continue|
+----------+ | +--------+
+-----|Do you like popping satchels?|-----+
| +-----------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+---+----+ +-------+--------+
|Don't PK| |Don't play Druid|
+--------+ +----------------+
Continued... Page: 009
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
06) Ranger
+-----|Do you want to kill mobs?|-----+
| +-------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+-----+ +------+-----+
|Play Ranger| |Play Warrior|
+-----------+ +------------+
07) Augurer
+-----|Is cake better than pie?|-----+
| +------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+------------+ +-----+------+
|Don't play Augurer| |Play Augurer|
+------------------+ +------------+
Continued... Page: 010
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
08) Paladin
+-----|Do you like having confusing loot?|-----+
| +----------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+------+ +------+-----+
|Play Paladin| |Play Neutral|
+------------+ +------------+
09) Nephandi
+-----|Can you pronounce Qlippothic?|-----+
| +-----------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+-----+----------------+ +------+-----------------+
|You'll still only ever| |Good. We didn't want you|
|cast Mind Fortress | |in our club anyway. |
+----------------------+ +------------------------+
Continued... Page: 011
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
10) Fathomer
+-----|Are you new to PK?|-----+
| +------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+------+------+ +---+----+
|Play Fathomer| +-|Continue|
+-------------+ | +--------+
+-----|Do you like acting like a pirate?|-----+
| +---------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+------+---------+ +------+------+
|Join GoF instead| |Play Fathomer|
+----------------+ +-------------+
Continued... Page: 012
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
11) Bladesinger
+-----|Do you like dealing damage?|-----+
| +---------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+----+---+ +-----+-----+
|Continue|----------------+ |Play Ranger|
+--------+ | +-----------+
+-----|Do you like taking damage?|-----+
| +--------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +-+-+
|Yes| |No |
+-+-+ +-+-+
| |
| |
+--------+-------+ +----+-----+
|Play Bladesinger| |Play Thief|
+----------------+ +----------+
Continued... Page: 013
/ Choosing the Class to PK on - Amante \______________________________________
12) Barbarian
+-----|Horses are cool. Yea or Neigh?|-----+
| +------------------------------+ |
+-+-+ +--+--+
|Yea| |Neigh|
+-+-+ +--+--+
| |
| |
+-----+--------+ +--------+---------+
|Play Barbarian| |Puns are hilarious|
+--------------+ +------------------+
(End) Page: 014
/ Role Playing Dictionary - Prina and Falennt \_______________________________
Intro to Role Playing/terms:
Role playing is an art form that is highly creative and challenging. Most
dedicated players take RP to the highest form possible. They do their best
to be expressive in both actions and words as well as interacting within the
RP community that will enhance RP for everyone and inspire the creativity
of others. Many contest there is nothing like a good RP scene where all are
able to join in and add to the scene in a constructive manner.
This is designed for those who wish to learn how to RP on RoD. Please
keep in mind that these are not rules set in stone but merely a guideline to
enhance and help promote enjoyable play.
RP or Role-Play. Involves making a character and playing that character much
like an actor/actress on a stage. All actions, says, thoughts, emotes,
whispers are realistic for the character that has been created.
IC or In Character: Keeping all emotes, socials, says, whispers, etc. as
the character not as the real life player behind the character.
Continued... Page: 015
/ Role Playing Dictionary - Prina and Falennt \_______________________________
OOC or Out Of Character: This is where the 'acting' is left behind and the
character now reacts as the real life player. Considered bad form to
interrupt a scene with OOC unless asking for clarification of what is
happening. Even then its best to use a tell if possible.
Blending: Mixing IC and unnecessary OOC during an RP scene. Considered
extremely bad form as it tends to destroy the illusion the players have
SL: Story Line: A story that has been planned in advance, much like a
script. Each RPer involved has been given a defined plan of action. The
plot when played out accurately comes to a predefined ending
FF: FreeForm: Play that has no direction. All players interact as the
scene develops. While there is no set SL to follow there is, however, an
RPers creed in effect.
FF SL: FreeForm Story Line: A SL that has a basic outline, a basic ending
to strive for, but each player is given the freedom to act out how this
ending is arrived at. This form can be very challenging for new players.
Continued... Page: 016
/ Role Playing Dictionary - Prina and Falennt \_______________________________
Power play: When a player plays in such a way that he/she will never
lose, never take an attack, or plays in such an outrageously impossible
manner that it effectively stifles further play of that scene. Also when
a player's emotes and actions control not only their own character but
establishes the outcome for other players.
Player: The real life person behind the character. (Any and all references
to the player are OOC.)
Recap: To give a replay of the most recent RP in the event someone has
missed posts. It is considered polite to ask if they wish a recap.
Lead: An action that is designed to lead the other players and further
the flow of play in its intended direction. It is considered acceptable for
the player who has introduced a particular RP scene to have the right to
lead others. Leads are subtle and not to be confused with power plays.
Character Development: Many find it easier to RP when they have their
character defined before they begin. Race and class can limit your RP so choose
carefully. IE Drow are "usually" considered evil. A description, personality,
any quirks of habit are helpful to give your character life. Finally, a
history should be constructed for depth and believability.
[Role playing dictionary was collated by Prina and republished by Falennt.]
(End) Page: 017
/ Unholy Rantings - Beleth \__________________________________________________
What is in the eye of the beholder?
Beauty so they say...
What I regard as beauty is not what you may regard as such.
What is not in the eye of the beholder is what cannot be seen. When you look
at me you might consider that my attire gives me a somewhat ferocious
appearance. You may be knowledgeable in such armours and know the path I
have chosen is evil. What you cannot possibly know is the intent of my will.
So, the rant is about the intent of evil, my will to do evil deeds.
I look out in the lands that I travel for pieces of armour that might enhance
what I already wear. I find that most of it comes from kin that I need to
betray, most likely kill, and then plunder their stores.
What infuriates me about this is not the demise of one of the legions of
darkness, that doesn't trouble me in the slightest, there will always be more.
The matter is this. Upon my final blow, that sends the wretched soul reeling
back to more torture, and torment, in the dark voids of the underworld. I am
lorded as a hero, and made divine by some degree!
Continued... Page: 018
/ Unholy Rantings - Beleth \__________________________________________________
Whilst this is not a troublesome matter in the fact I cannot purge the piety.
I can easily shrug a claim for my immortal soul by the powers of the divine.
It troubles me by two aspects. Who judged I should be made divine? Does the
malicious way I killed, to pillage, not factor in the deed?
I assumed I would be judged by my deity, Lachte. I serve to promote chaos, and
in the greater scheme I reflect the will of Ba'al, to obliterate all those who
seek to raise the banner of light.
I can tell you exactly what is in my eyes, it is not beauty...
For you, and your level of understanding, it is the merest hint of the
infernal chaos you will go through.
You will see it in my impassive gaze, as you look into my eyes searching for
some hint of mercy to abate your death.
You will feel the effect for an eternity!
(End) Page: 019
/ Whimpers in the Dark- Diary of the Captive Virgin - KadgeonW \_______________
**Dark spots litter the following pages, as if someone had spilled
something on the paper, or someone had been crying while writing.**
The last time I wrote I was about to make my escape, or try to at least.
As you can clearly tell I did not succeed. Even with the help of an
unknown man I could not escape this place. Right as I was about to pick
the lock to my door someone stopped next to it and whispered to me. 'I
will unlock the door for you, but you must hurry. When you get to the
doorway do not stop, our guardian is there and he will stop you.' I did
not get a chance to thank the man because by time I got outside the door
he had vanished. Remember his insistence on hurrying I began to walk as
quickly as I could with my candle still being lit. I do not even know how
I managed to navigate through the maze of catacombs and hallways, but
somehow I managed to make it up to the front door of what seems to be
a rather large mansion. I was just about to turn the knob to the large
doors when I felt a prickling along my skin, a feeling so cold it made me
shiver. Slowly I turned my head to look over my shoulder half expecting
to come face to face with someone, but to my huge relief I did not.
Frowning I gripped the knob and turned it slightly, as I was about to slip
outside I felt someone grab my shoulders in a viselike grip and throw me
back inside the mansion. Somewhere in between the time I was at the
door and the time I hit the ground I had closed my eyes, and I realized
this when I opened them to find myself staring into the most malevolent,
red eyes I have ever seen. I would have let out a blood chilling scream if
Continued... Page: 020
/ Whimpers in the Dark- Diary of the Captive Virgin - KadgeonW \_______________
it had not been for a hand as cold as death, but as hard as stone covering
my mouth. Tears slowly began to fall down my face because I was sure
that I was not looking into the face of the guardian to this house and its
inhabitants. As sobs racked my body I watched him trace one sharp nail
from my neck down to my stomach. 'Now, now little one. You were
told what would happen should you ever try to escape. None leave here
unless I am given permission to let them go, and I was not told you could
leave.' Another sob escaped my muffled lips as he laughed cruelly.
'Now I get to have more than just a taste of your precious blood, I will
take every last drop.' I quickly closed my eyes again so I would not
have to watch his mouth's descent towards my neck.
**The writing abruptly cuts off, and several small drops of wax dot the
last page.**
(End) Page: 021
/ Comparison of Shields - Vache \_____________________________________________
It's been brought to my attention, people liked my eq comparisons last issue
so i shall compare some more eq this article. I shall compare some eq near
and dear to my heart: two OOG shields and two in game shields that are not
as good. Golden shield / a lightweight shield of cold blue ...for OOG
Dark, Fated mists / a huge shield of oak .... for in game
Object 'Golden Shield' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 47 armor, weight 8.
Locations it can be worn: shield
Special properties: hum dark evil
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
This armor has a gold value of 0.
Armor class is 12 of 12.
Affects armor class by -15.
Affects hit roll by 6.
Affects mana by 55.
Affects resistant:blunt by 10%
Affects damage roll by 5.
Affects hp by 75.
(End) Page: 022
/ Comparison of Shields - Vache \_____________________________________________
Object 'a lightweight shield of Cold Blue' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 50 armor, weight 3.
Locations it can be worn: shield
Special properties: glow
Genres allowed: rogue fighter aberrant shaman
Alignments allowed: evil
This armor has a gold value of 200000.
Armor class is 10 of 10.
Affects hp by 60.
Affects hit roll by 5.
Affects damage roll by 5.
Affects dexterity by 1.
Object 'Dark, fated mists' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 49 armor, weight 7.
Locations it can be worn: shield
Special properties: dark bless metal
Alignments allowed: evil good
This armor has a gold value of 380000.
Armor class is 16 of 16.
Affects damage roll by 5.
Affects mana by 80.
Affects hp by 30.
Affects resistant:acid by 10%
(End) Page: 023
/ Comparison of Shields - Vache \_____________________________________________
Object 'a huge shield of oak' is infused with your magic...
It is a level 48 armor, weight 5.
Locations it can be worn: shield
Special properties: evil organic
Alignments allowed: evil neutral
This armor has a gold value of 88000.
Armor class is 14 of 14.
Affects armor class by -25.
Affects hp by 50.
Affects hit roll by 4.
Affects damage roll by 4.
So overall the OOG Golden Shield seems way more useful to neutral and evil
characters, and has no restrictions other then anti-good. I've always wanted
a Golden shield, ever since i started playing this game. Alas, it was OOG
before i started playing. I however recently obtained one in an eq trade
that involved some very nice gloried eq. There seems to be no quality
shields to replace the golden shield as of yet, but the father time shield
is nice if you need acid resistance or are devout.
All in all, it seems rod has neglected its single wielders for far too long
Seems to me that some new shields or even held items are in order, which
might become available about the time cleric sects or paths come in.
Disgruntled cleric of doom,
Vache Coeur-Vrai
(End) Page: 024
/ Pixie's Pwnt the Powerful Players of PK! - Fatanza \________________________
Pixie's Pwnt the Powerful Players of PK!
Tis the talk of the town now, or did you not hear?
That pixies are ruining PK, we fear.
Their small little bodies have gained a new skill,
To help all the weaklings survive in Pkill.
Aside from the fact that they fly with no spell,
They've now got another great story to tell.
For with their new power, our strikes cannot hold,
Since three tenths more dodge has made them so bold!
Now what shall we do with this menace we face?
Perhaps cut their wings off, or delete their whole race!
Leader of Excordis
Pkill Conclave
(End) Page: 025
/ Guild News - Guild of Clerics \_____________________________________________
About quests and questing!
So I wrote my first quest for IGQC and good lord, you might think it's an
easy task. Throw a few mobs here, give them crazy programs there and find
suitable areas for all of the above! Nuh uh, not so much I tell you!
I'd like to applaud the Imm's in coming up for quests on a daily/weekly/
monthly basis! Kudos to all of you...figuring out the themes and building
Here a few tips for the questing cleric, it's not set in stone by
all means but it helped me along the way for sure!
What to bring:
100 heals/mana
5 million gold coins (for repairs)
a few spare gutbusters and recalls (just in case!)
Useful spells:
minor invocation, holy sanctity, mass invis, divinity, indignation,
fortify, lethargy, unravel defense, benediction, burden defense and
your cure spells!
The most important ingredient is this though: FUN!!!
So enjoy yourself! :)
Continued... Page: 026
/ Guild News - Guild of Clerics \_____________________________________________
Join us!
If you would like to join the Guild of Clerics, just jot down the
Requirements: Level 15+
Directions: NW, 2W, 2N, E from []
Webpage: perdaea.com/dirtycarrot.html
Once you read the guide (retrieved in "The Clock Chamber" by saying
"guide", you can contact anyone with "CoC or CoC-T" in their
title or a leader to request an interview!
We hope you have a joyous June, please feel free to come by or send us a tell
if you have any questions, concerns or just would like to chat!
Regards, Haviland (Guild Master), Indira (First)
Torianne (Second)
(End) Page: 027
/ Guild News - Guild of Vampires \___________________________________________
_..__. .__.._
.^"-.._ '-(\__/)-' _..-"^.
'-.' oo '.-'
The Guild of Vampires would like to welcome Schnyck, Demello,
Mellisandre, Ashtaar, and Thren to our ranks as full fledged GoV members!
You guys please see Orugan for your coffin numbers, and any other needs
or questions you may have.
Also recently we said goodbye to two of our very well liked members,
Tinani who had almost completely retired from the realms but still logged
every now and then informed us he was leaving us for good, and Jordane
who was not a member of our guild very long but we loved him just the same!
GoV wishes them both well in all their RL endeavors and hope to maybe see
them again one day! Even as we said goodbye to those two we have had a couple
of our older members come back! Radu, Glubose, and we've even seen the
infamous Babui around more! We would also like to wish Kriru a
very happy belated birthday! It seems her birthday was at the beginning
of last month!
Continued... Page: 028
/ Guild News - Guild of Vampires \___________________________________________
For now this is all I have for you all, tune in next month for more updates
and the like!
'May the shadows of the night protect us and give us strength'
From the [] 4 s; 3 w; 4 n; w. That will take you to our recruitment room and
board! Say 'Guide please' to recieve a guide, and if you have any questions
please feel free to contact a leader or member with Sire in their title!
(End) Page: 029
/ Order News - Sanctus Irae \_________________________________________________
| Applications for the Order of Sanctus Irae are now OPEN! |
| |
|Join the Realms of Despair's only fully RP-oriented order today! |
| |
|We have a large area filled with various settings for any style of|
|roleplay, over a half-dozen facets for players to find likeminded |
|individuals and characters, a friendly and committed player base, |
|and some of the most exciting plotlines in the Realms! |
| |
|Come and see what future awaits you in our sprawling cityscape. |
|Contact a WoI and apply today! |
|For information on our applications process, who you may contact, |
|and more, visit us online at: |
| http://sanctusirae.atspace.org |
| |
|For a more detailed outline of the applications process, visit our|
|forums today at: |
| http://osi.freeforums.org |
| |
(End) Page: 030
/ Clan News - Excordis \______________________________________________________
@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@
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@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@
@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@
@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@
Peaceful Dwellers of the Realms,
The deranged Emperor of Exordis summons you to test your skill in
the dark realm of the PKillers. You are challenged to look beyond the
tales being told by those too fearful to walk the shadowy path and
take the leap into the esoteric realm of the deadly players.
Be it your taste for adventure, or desire to stand above the blood
covered corpse of your fallen foe, the world of PK should prove more
than worth your time.
Our mighty leader, Tim was banished for expressing his distaste for
the corrupted ways of our deadly political system, but shall soon
return to regain his seat and lay rest to all those that played a
role in his exodus. Fear his return...
While new inductions are welcome, current members are reminded to
keep sight of our clan board, for all members who fail to update
their membership shall be outcast to walk alone in the ruins.
Siporta, our dear Deity, has been promoted to the rank of SAVIOR!
FATANZA aka Emperor Tetsukiyam
Leader of Excordis
Pkill Conclave
(End) Page: 031
/ Clan News - Feralis \_______________________________________________________
Feralis would just like to remind everyone that we are really cool dudes.
(From Matanza)
(End) Page: 032
/ Band News - Band of the Boar \______________________________________________
The Great Spirit of Boar welcomes it's 3 newest members:
Shaye, Madarame, and Grunton.
May the Luck of the Boar be with you throughout your adventures.
(From Ahzir)
(End) Page: 033
/ Nation News - Quendi \______________________________________________________
Butterfly Numbers Greatly Diminished
While the indigenous breed of butterfly has finally arrived upon Irrybis,
barely in time for Faradome - the summer Solstice - their numbers are not
even one tenth of what was expected. The cause of this great reduction is
unknown, as is the cause of their delay in arrival. One thing is for certain,
the strangeness with the shadows has been ruled out as not a factor.
Strange Shadows Plague Irrybis
Several reports have been made pertaining to a bizarre phenomenon with
shadows. Some Elves have claimed that the shadows are acting as living,
near sentient beings. There have been a few counts of a strange language
spoken upon the breeze, the only discernable words being "Shalandir
nos folos". The meaning of these words is unknown, but any with
information regarding this phenomenon are requested to contact Tari Annale
or Elear Israfel.
Continued... Page: 034
/ Nation News - Quendi \______________________________________________________
Increased Security Measures Employed
Recently, Megiltura Sotei and Tari Annale have increased the security
precautions around the Island. While most of these measures have not been
disclosed, the most obvious is the re-posting of the Guard Palinor. He has
adopted a new post upon the mainland. Any friends to the Elves who wish to
visit our fair Island are requested to present their tokens to Palinor upon
the mainland, otherwise they will not be granted passage upon the Tinu Elena.
Olympics News
Some minor difficulties have set the Olympics back by a few weeks, but they
are still underway. Any and all Elves are encouraged to participate! Let's
bring home the Gold! Keep an eye on your local Nation Board or National
National Visions for more information! Good luck to all who participate!
(From Annale)
(End) Page: 035
/ Nation News - Hobbit\_______________________________________________________
Hello dear friends! I am unhappy to report that news of how the Pre-Olympic
Gala went will have to wait until next month! Unless of course I can find my
little pixie friend Philippa, and then I will have her fly as fast as she
can to reach Darkhaven before the CRY is published so that you all can see
how things went! Unfortunately I have not see Philippa in quite some
time. I grow worried about her, because she may get a little distracted
but it is not like her to not show up for an interview! I am thinking of
writing the new Pixie King again to see if she has shown up yet. At
any rate, I look forward to seeing everyone at the Pre-Olympic Gala
and of course the Olympics themselves! It is bound to be a wonderful
time! Good luck to all the Nations and their participants, don't forget
to get a good nights rest and a nice hearty breakfast before the Olympics!
Forever in the service of her people,
Thain Kadgeon Silverblood
Hobbit Nation Leader
(End) Page: 036
/ Nation News - Uruk'hai \____________________________________________________
From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Darkhaven - Nation's Olympiad
Coming soon the Nation's Olympics. Watch Nation's related noteboards for more.
Dateline Barren Peaks - Castle found
Volstagg, the catacomb dweller, led an expedition into Barren peaks to find
the fabled Lost Castle. Using fragments of parchments, written in long lost
tongues, researching ancient tales and lore of the Lost Castle, it has now
been claimed to have been found. the Lost Castle is the abandoned ruins of
the Castle of Rol Na Feinne. Early reports are said that the castle has been
looted of anything of value. There is still much to learn of this place.
Dateline Southern Mountain Range - Artifacts
The ancient ceremonial arrow, discovered in the Southern Mountains, still has
not yielded and clue as to its origins. the odd shaped arrowhead and colorful
plumage used show unique craftmanship. Reward is offered for information.
Dateline Opallinoc - Uruk'hai Olympiad team
Klaatu the Benevolent is recruiting half-ogres for the Uruk'hai Olympiad team.
Those interested are asked to register on the Opallinoc noteboard. Be
prepared to give your qualifications, when asked, for this elite team.
The Uruk'hai need you and your support to make a decent showing among the
Nations teams participating. Victory shall be ours.
(From Klaatu)
(End) Page: 037
/ Nation News - Gralthai \____________________________________________________
Githzerai, Githyanki & Pirates of Gith! I summon thee to the Sands of
Teracchei to stand alongside your yellow brethren in this year's
2008 Nations Olympics.
Strength, speed & most importantly, LUCK is on our side! The Gods
have teamed up with the creative minds of each class to develop this
year's games, and they will be like none other you have ever seen.
It is time we stop dwelling alone, in the shadows, and come together
as the mighty race we are to prove our strength against those that
dare to call themselves superior.
Travel thee NE, NE, N, N of Darkhaven Square and visit our sacred
realm which lies beyond the gate to the Astral Planes. To do so,
simply tell Tage "The glittering sands call my name"
I look forward to competing at your side, brothers.
Leader of Excordis
Co-Creator of the 2008 Nations Event (Gith)
(End) Page: 038
/ Nation News - Tyrrhenu \____________________________________________________
No Rain. Lots of sunshine, intense heat and dying crops. The Vale was seeing
terrible drought and even the mages were at a loss. Even they could not
produce the rain needed to save the crops. The fountain in the town square
had gone dry the week before and so, the gnomes were resorting to fetching
water from the small trickle the stream outside the vale had become. Many of
the older gnomes had collapsed from exhaustion, leaving it to the younger
generation to now carry in the water.
Finally, carts were rigged with harness and a few goats were used to pull them
to help bring in the water. Some of the crops would survive, but most would
Farlina would have to soon decide what would be done to supplement the stores
for the coming fall and winter. She would have to contact another nation,
something she was a bit disinclined to do, not because she didnt like the
other nations, no, she just didnt trust many of the tall-walkers.
Perhaps first she would write a missive to the Pixie Nation and inquire there.
Hopefully there were not in drought as well.
(From Farlina)
(End) Page: 039
/ Council News - IOQC \_______________________________________________________
The only info I have on the recent IOQ hosted by Ascendere is that Inconnu
came 1st, and the Dragonslayers came 2nd.
The DS IOQ has already been handed into Siporta and Destre and building of
that quest has begun.
MaidenStone is to host the IOQ after DS and Arcanes will host the IOQ after
MaidenStone. Both Orders should begin to build their IOQs and have either
Siporta or Destre approve them. Hosting an IOQ is a duty of all Orders in
the IOQC and therefore the Order responsible for hosting the IOQ should
ensure that the quest is handed in when it's supposed to be.
+ Fiebin +
(End) Page: 040
/ Quest News - June CoD Quest Results \_______________________________________
The June CoD Quest was to complete the Spellercaster's word search provided
by Gonnil.
Spellcaster's Word Search
1 C I N V I S B U R D X A S I
2 W B E U F L P V O N T H W T
3 M C C A L V H E S R I U O D
4 B A Z R Q G K Y O E B A R G
5 E W D M U N F T L N S T D Y
6 S R H O D E L D C E U A B M
7 Y G O R J S R K D R E N A S
8 G T N O L S A A N V E T I P
9 R C G I Y K S W D A I I T R
10 A I N E M U C A N T M V R O
11 H K S O R Y H T W E A K E N
12 T O R C W V L N I C M S O X
13 E P L I R V R I U C C L S A
14 L C E S A Y L S W A V T A N
Some of the words to find: CRUSADE, ENERVATE, ACUMEN, LETHARGY, SLINK,
WEAKEN, SWORDBAIT. (There are four other spells)
Entries were received by numerous people. Only Vukodlak, Silet, Akacia and
Ciska had found all 11 words and noted down their answers in the proper
format. Gonnil then randomly selected 2 winners from the four above. The
lucky winners are Silet and Vukodlak! Congratulations. Please
contact Falennt for your glory prize.
(End) Page: 041
/ Quest News - July CoD Quest \_______________________________________________
The July quest is to list as many Named Angels as you know. The mob may either
ID as an angel or have the description as an angel to classify as an Angel.
The angel must also have a name.
You will receive a point for each correctly listed mob. Mobs which blatantly
aren't angels will reduce your total score by two points. The winner will be
the person with the highest number of points. Mudmail Fiebin, Falennt and
Linda with your list for a chance of winning some glory by the 27th of July.
(End) Page: 042
/ Quest News - Akael's Poetry Quest \_________________________________________
Questers had to find slips of paper with poetic words written on them,
scattered all over the Realms. They then had to use those words in a poem of
their own creation, between 4 and 10 lines long. Poems didn't have to rhyme,
and didn't have to be good...they just had to make sense, and have only one
"found" word per line.
Thanks to everyone for playing! I loved reading and hearing your
Continued... Page: 043
/ Quest News - Akael's Poetry Quest \_________________________________________
Living in the TROPICS,
I do not take SUMMER lightly,
because this is when the SUN shines brightly.
To lay on the BEACH and enjoy a drink,
it's so hot my ICE melts in a wink!
I take a breath and look into the SKY,
and to my surprise I lay here to die,
in a pool of my own BLOOD.
The light fades away and the SNOW begins to flurry.
O i love my SUMMER holidays
Everything i do makes me HAPPY
DANCING around next to the bonfires
And swimming around in the lake's WATER
Sunbaking out under the HOT sun
Setting up CAMP under the star filled night
Making sandcastles on the yellow sanded BEACH
O how much fun a HOT summer holiday can bring.
The sun tried to shine on a summer day
But the rain clouds hovered in a DEMONIC way
The FLOWERS waved with a flowing sway
I put on my SWIMSUIT by the bay.
Continued... Page: 044
/ Quest News - Akael's Poetry Quest \_________________________________________
The "puppy" ran and ran and ran
Along the "hot" streets he ran
To see his "nice" master
Through the lake the pupy did "swim"
In waters cold as "ice"
But no master did he find
Within forests like the "tropics" the puppy continued
Across sands hot as "fire" he plodded
All to find his master in the red "blaze" jacket
In the tropics,
summer has arrived.
It is hot.
In the sky
is the burning sun.
Leaving the beach,
you enter the tropical water.
You start to swim,
as the water soothens your skin.
Continued... Page: 045
/ Quest News - Akael's Poetry Quest \_________________________________________
There once was a small little "rabbit",
out in the "wild".
One day he wished to "cool" off,
so he went for a "swim",
in a "pool" of sludge.
Immediately, he "regret" it,
longing for the comfort of "home".
Scared and lost he finally found his mother,
who led him by the nose,
and used a "fan" to help him clean up.
A Nephling ran around the "mud"
"Singing" while he quested
His heart a-"flutter" at the thought of glory
But then he hit a rough patch
He thought he was almost bested
He dropped his "light" in Morgul Vale
He stubbed his "toenail" in Dunhill
But never fear, that wont impact his ability to "frolic"!
Time for him to go enjoy the "summer" weather
With his trusty (and delicious) sidekick, an "Enchilada" named Jorge!
Iohannis sings
'Our lives are filled with Wild color,'
'much like a Kaleidoscope'
'As Water gives us life,'
'the Sun also gives our Summer, hope.'
Continued... Page: 046
/ Quest News - Akael's Poetry Quest \_________________________________________
He lived in DEMONIC times
He was leaving his HOME
Where all the FLOWERS were long gone
He was walking towards the SUN
Looking for an ANGEL
An angel that had left the SKY
Left the sky to SWIM through the ice
The ICE of theese dark, cool, demonic times
Leaving their homes, walking ... swimming
Everone was sucked into these realms of despair
My friend Gonnil and I, We love to hangout and CAMP
we have fun in the SUN, and he makes smores like a champ
we LIGHT a fire, and tell ghost stories in the dark
about BLOOD and guts, and monsters that eat body parts
in the light of the BLAZE, nothing is more frightening than he
he has poor personal hygiene and really needs some work done on his teeth
we put the fire out with WATER, and get ready for bed
as he sleeps Gonnil's drool forms a POOL, that flows from his head
ifs a good time, that's as heterosexual as it is mild
after all there's nothing wrong with two dudes sleeping together in the
WILD is there?
'be mine, camp counsellor'
'fan the flames of my burning heart'
'when summers gone, camp memory last forever'
Continued... Page: 047
/ Quest News - Akael's Poetry Quest \_________________________________________
'I drank from a POOL'
'it was full of WILDFIRE'
'I became DERANGED'
'so I made a CAMP'
'and picked some FLOWERS'
'and then drank from the POOL again'
'As the BLOOD glistens from the SUN'
'the SNOW flakes frolic, having fun'
'But as the knife cut to the bone'
'You know you'd never find your way HOME'
COOL, cruel, nasty.
DEMONIC influences rushing in
BLOOD thirsty bastards!
BLOOD gushers, all of them!
Hoping to eat your brains like a PEACH.
Don't be caught out and about, FROLIC till you die!
the MUD on their boots will soon be MUD on your face.
Kick you in the head, they will!
Damn FLAMINGOs!!!!
(End) Page: 048
/ Quest News - Linda's Birthday Quest \_______________________________________
Siporta hosted a quest on the 13th of June to celebrate Linda's birthday.
Gifts were dispersed throughout the realm and the maximum hand in was 4
gifts. "A small gift with a blank tag waits for someone to pick it up."
I'm not sure what was inside the presents.
Efrum was quoted saying, 'As soon as I had my max of four presents, I
recalled and turned them in, taking some cake to commemorate the quest.'
Alot of people participated and many of them handed in 4 gifts. Most who
didn't manage the max. hand in started late/had to go early. The order
in which people handed in below:
1) Meldrew (Asc) 11) Zolof (3) (RB) 21) Efrum
2) Petrograd (Asc) 12) Rikkath (GoN) 22) Akacia (1) (Arc)
3) Korith (Asc) 13) Garenul (Inc) 23) Vortex
4) Jilet (Asc) 14) Gagnon (DS) 24) Sadi (Asc)
5) Tensana (DS) 15) Brimstone (DS) 25) Gauthyr (1) (GoR)
6) Vukodlak (Inc) 16) Gaxhil (Asc) 26) Jethren (1) (RB)
7) Madazanirt 17) Veneno 27) Ubanak (1) (Inc)
8) Gilaeformo (DS) 18) Vachu (GoF) 28) Oxnyx (GoD)
9) Lunnalkann (DS) 19) Azuryn 29) Muwin (Exc)
10)Gaonllyx (DS) 20) Carole (Inc) 30) Seluctruh (Fer)
31) Jaxxon (3) (GoR) 32) Kenichi (1) (Inc) 33) Rebme (GoT)
34) Tangarth (Baa) 35) Ghiddeon (2)
I'm sure all mortals would like a quest for every immortal's birthday!!
+ Fiebin +
[Information provided by Petrograd]
(End) Page: 049
/ Quest News - Other Quests \_________________________________________________
Destre hosted a Snapdragon quest on the 16th of June. The snapdragons were
throughout the realm but there weren't many of them. Kills were slow and
melee didn't land much. There was also significant EQ damage and repairing
between kills was necessary. The max. hand in was 4.
The only 4 to hand in max were:
Prithvi (Inc Thief) Foria (Fathomer)
Petrograd (Asc Warrior) Tensana (DS Fathomer)
Liches attempted to invade New Darkhaven on the 24th of June. Bulgroth
hosted the quest and Avatars ventured into Ashen Forest to kill them. The
liches were evil, and so the spell protection was helpful for defeating
them. They had venom shield, other standard shields and casted blindness.
The fastest to finish with max. were:
1) Prithvi (Inc Thief) 3) Foria (Fathomer)
2) Petrograd (Asc Warrior) 4) Tensana (DS Fathomer)
+ Fiebin +
[Information provided by Petrograd]
(End) Page: 050
/ Room of the Month \_________________________________________________________
The Nucleus of Despair
Once a lush forest with birds chirping high in the air and oceans of green
grass swaying calmly in the wind, menace and evil have left their marks upon
the forest. Dead and petrified trees cling to the surface of the earth,
shaking their barren treetops violently in the strong wind as if they cursed
and condemned the heavenly that once abandoned them and allowed to them assume
this warped and sick shape.
Exits: none
(End) Page: 051
/ Funny Titles \______________________________________________________________
Cyxx is in ur donations, pwning ur loot.
Jessyl: It's cause my skin's green, isn't it?
Kriru............. vil to you.
Kasmyr puts both asses in 'Assassin'
Nietsche Kid tested, single mother approved.
Ruaidhri tries to pronounce his own name, but fails.
Baduzanirt Got Milk? Getting Milk.
Tilessa: People who think I have ADD are wro.. ooo,shiny!
Arlo is writing a book entitled '101 things you can do with carrot juice.
Otto is Otto backwards!
Obelix is an Obelisk straight from Egypt.
Portia Medici - I did it but I'm blaming you.
Ponda: when I was born, I lol'd instead of cried
(Submitted by Romani and Falennt)
(End) Page: 052
/ Funny Logs - A good night's rest \__________________________________________
Shaankara asks 'how do i break the sleep spell?'
Stoneheft answers 'It will wear off, in time... Long time.'
Veneno answers 'you wait until it's gone or hope something comes along and
hits you'
Stoneheft asks 'Where/what cast it on ya?'
Shaankara answers 'in haven, but i supp recalled, so im at harakiam'
Stoneheft answers 'Good call. You're safe there. I'll have the front desk
clerk give you a wake up call and a newspaper in the morning.
Shaankara answers 'hahah'
Shaankara answers 'You have nightmares about Veneno telling you 'Dudes with
knives are chasing you through a forest!'.'
Veneno answers 'i'm innocent'
Stoneheft answers 'Bad news. The only paper they have is USA Today...Enjoy
the pie charts.
Shaankara answers 'eww'
Continued... Page: 053
/ Funny Logs - A good night's rest \__________________________________________
Shaankara answers 'You have dreams about Meland telling you 'White lillies
in a bed of seaweed.. with rolled up USA today papers floating in the water'.'
Stoneheft answers 'The lillies are more likely to be accurate than the
Shaankara answers 'You have nightmares about Veneno telling you 'Now the
lillies are poison, the seaweed is tying you up, and the papers are
bludgeoning you.
Hurley answers 'Veneno is one sick punk, dude.'
Veneno answers 'I'm a Nephandi, it sort of comes with the job'
Shaankara answers 'You have dreams about the weasels in your pajamas telling
you 'Quick! Everyone up this tunnel!'.'
Stoneheft answers 'Ewww, What sort of a freak dreams about that?'
Veneno answers 'i'm trying to adept cook by cutting the hearts and eyes out
of guards'
Shaankara answers 'now thats a nightmare
(Submitted by Falennt)
(End) Page: 054
/ Cry of Despair Advertisement \______________________________________________
Get paid for anything which gets published. Simply mudmail your article or
contribution to Fiebin, Falennt or Linda, or on the Cry of Despair board on the
Fourth Floor of the Town Hall.
You can also send ideas and suggestions to the same place. Send complaints to
Judge Kendra.
(End) Page: 055
/ Ask COE Announcement\_______________________________________________________
### ###### ## ## ###### ####### ########
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## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ###### ##### ## ## ## ######
######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ###### ## ## ###### ####### ########
If you had a chance to ask the Council of Elders something about
gameplay, what would you ask?
Do you want to know when we are going to have pasta somewhere?
Do you want to know why thief mobs only keep a percentage of what
they steal?
Or do you want to know something else?! If so, mudmail Fiebin with
your questions today!
(From Falennt)
(End) Page: 056
/ WANTED - Dead \_____________________________________________________________
| ___ __ _ /
| | | /\ |\ | | | | \ |
| | x | :__: | \ | | |- | ; | The CoD Staff
| |/ \| | | | \| | |__ |_/ | invites any deadly
| | to post a bounty on
| /""""""""""""""""""""""""""\ | another deadly.
| | : ,''"((") | | |
| | | / | | | You set the bounty
| | ,-: .*" "*; | | and the number of
| | ; (o) (o)| | | bounties you are
| | `-. , | | | prepared to pay and
| | : ___ ' | | Linda, Falennt and
| | |`. - / | | Fiebin can collect the
| | _.: `-.__.' | | skived skin of your
| | ,-"'" `-.__.-''*-._ | | target from bounty
| .-------Dead---------------. | hunters. You may also
| _ __ _ _ | share your reasons
| | \ | | | /\ | \ | \ | for wanting the target
| |_/ |- | x | :__: |_/ | ; | dead.
| | \ |__ |/ \| | | | \ |_/ | The cost of this
|______________________________________| service is 1 million
0=(________________________________________)=0 gold coins. The Cry of
Despair may also award
successful bounty hunters
with additional gold!
(Thank you Romani for the Ascii art)
(End) Page: 057
/ Desk of the Hobbit - Fiebin \_______________________________________________
The July issue has been published abit later than usual as the hobbit
got sick from eating too many pies and drinking too much alcohol whilst
relaxing in the summer sun. The hobbit was also waiting for more content
for the July issue- thanks for coming through to everyone who contributed
to this issue.
The hobbit is also very glad that CoE is answering the questions posed to
them. TS should reason their proposals in the same way!! Lots of proposals
being generated by TS too.
I would like to thank Petrograd for supplying the information
to write the quest news. People generally enjoy comparing the performance
of the different questers. Email fiebin@hotmail.com if you would also
like to supply me with quest information, or, you could even write it
(no fakes please..).
Now go hunt Badrol down!
+ Fiebin R'aw +
/ From Falennt's Inkwell - Falennt \__________________________________________
I hope everyone enjoyed this month's issue. The highlight for me was
the entries for the Poetry Quest held by Akael and despite the
groans and moans about poetry writing on quest channel that night,
I was pleasantly surprised to find that many of our players who
participated were extremely creative and some entries made me laugh.
Indeed, a quest does not always have to be about mob kill and finding
objects. Finding the core of creativity in your being is a wonderful
and fulfilling inner quest as well.
Cheers and keep reading!
(End) Page: 060