Brakko: journal of a Master Inquisitor; Interview with Viracocha
July 11, 1999 No. 15 Vol. 1 ]=I==II==I=[
Editor : Mystaric -- Printer: Bede \\__||__// STAFF: II=II=II
]=I==II==I=[ |.. ` *| Allison Anaisse \__||__/
\\__||__// |. /\ #| Apollonia Brakko |-_ []#|
| [] | | ## *| Conran Cyniq Dacoit | |
| ..| | . , #| Deevlit Elbanon I==II==I
___ ____ ___ | .. | __ |..__.*| _ Keroppi Kuah \__||__/
] I---I I--I [ |.. | | ||_| |_|| | Louellin | _*|
]_____________[ | .. []| \--\-|-|--/-// Naeblis Ranstlin | _ #|
\_\| |_| |/_/ |_ _ | _ _ _| ' *|Thabo Tunclon Vestia|` *|
| . |'-'-` '-` '-` '-` '-` | [] #|-|--|-_-_-_-_ _ _ __|_' #|
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Contents: Cry1 - Feature Cry11 - Horoscopes Cry14 - Reunion
Cry6 - Quests Cry15 - Poems/Stories Cry21help cry2
- Announcements
Cry8 - G/O/C Cry20 - Funny Bones
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-------------------- The Cry of Despair Feature Story --------------------
An Interview with Viracocha
CoD staff members were briefly speechless as Viracocha appeared on his white
stallion. Kuah asks "I guess first question would be, how long have you
played here?" Viracocha says "Started around September 97." Cyniq says
"So far whats your biggest accomplishment here on RoD aside from being an
immortal?" Viracocha says "I think it was when I won elections at the Guild
of Druids." Anaisse asks "Is it fun being an immortal, or do you miss just
running around and playing?" Viracocha says "Yes it is :) and I still have
the chance of running around and playing as a mort :)" Viracocha says "Though
I really don't do as much now."
Kuah says "How has the mud changed since then (Sept 97) from your eyes?"
Viracocha says "Well, I had a different view of the realms back when I
started. The environment seemed more real." Viracocha says "I mean, it
really seemed to me I was doing those things." Anaisse says "I wonder if it
takes some of the mystery out :) being an imm?" Viracocha says "Mystery? Hmm,
not really." Viracocha says "But it is nice to know how things work." Cyniq
says "Do you think the mud has changed for the better or for the worse?"
Viracocha says "Depends on the day really." Viracocha says "Some days you feel
the entire mud has gone nuts." Viracocha says "Others it"s really quiet and nic
Kuah says "Could you give us an example story of "mud gone nuts" or a funny
encounter you have had as in imm?" Viracocha says "Well, just had a fun
powerful imm if I gave her my talking pendant." Viracocha rolls his eyes.
Anaisse asks "What is it like working with real brand new newbies?"
Viracocha says "There was this time that a few people, supposedly mar-
ines made new chars and were cursing and being extremely rude." Viracocha
says "Fortunately most are nice." Anaisse says "Seems like that would be fun,
all seems so new and magic." Viracocha says "Just as I felt when I started."
Kuah says "What is the typical day like for you on the mud?" Viracocha says
"Long :)." Viracocha says "I spend too much time here ;)." Cyniq says "No, no,
can't do that =P." Viracocha says "Only routine I have is reading the notes
when I first log."
Anaisse asks "How is work on the quest council going?" Viracocha says "Pretty
good though I only joined recently :)"Anaisse says "Recent news there?"
Viracocha says "Well, Calis just rejoined QC. "Viracocha says "And is already
making quests :)."
Kuah says "Is it fun working with the other Imms "behind the scenes" so to
speak?" Viracocha says "Yeap :). Everyone has a good sense of humour. Imm
can be hilarious sometimes." Cyniq says "So far whats the biggest problem
immortals have had to face? "Viracocha says "Well, I"d have to say the rude-
ness of some people. Which will never end and we have to take care of every
day." Viracocha says "Unfortunately." Anaisse says "And you can't just turn off
But I don"t like to, you get used to it :)." Anaisse says "Well thats good, I
think it must get pretty spammy for imms." Viracocha says "Try going +all. It's
worse." Viracocha says "And the higher you go the worse it gets." Anaisse asks
"Because you have new channels?" Viracocha says "And more spam on some channels
that you didn't see before." Viracocha says "I like it though." Viracocha says
They call me nuts when I sometimes go +comm :).
Kuah says "How long do you see yourself playing here and do you have any
higher goals?" Viracocha says "Let"s put it this way. I don't see myself
not playing here." Viracocha says "Goals, everyone likes to be promoted :).
and also making some of the best quests I can." Kuah says "If you could
change anything about the mud, what would you change?" Viracocha says
"Find a way not to let idiots in. Would make it way better." Anaisse says
"An idiot screening exam?" Viracocha nods in agreement.
Cyniq says "whats your views on the multi playing issue? "Viracocha says "I
think that issue would take too long to discuss. Can't make Bede write 100
help files :)."
Thanks Viracocha for taking time to share your thoughts with us :).
Cyniq Dela Drones
Kuah Cha'Din
Anaisse WolfsHeart (House of GreyBorne)
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Quest Central
Open Quest
Reunion Quest
The object of this quest is to make up and original fictitious story about wh
you think will happen at the RoD Reunion. If you would like to base your story
on another work, you must state where the base material was obtained. For
example, if you wanted to use the Night before Christmas, and change the title
and content to the night before the RoD Reunion, you must give credit to the
original author. Poems, Stories, Songs are all acceptable.
Please mud mail all entries to Mystaric.
All entries should be handed in before July 30, 1999 (Reunion Day)
Starting with the letter A at the top of the pyramid, reading
downwards, and always taking an adjacent letter, how many different
ways can you form the word ABRACADABRA?
Please mud mail all entries to mystaric before July 16, 1999.
GoT news
The Guild of Thieves would like to give a BIG congrats to the
newest members of the guild: Rebme, Ganeman and Polum. We would
also like to give BIG congrats to Tequaz and Taammy for hitting
that milestone and becoming an Avatar. Good luck to those who
are currently questing for membership.
GoP News
The Guild of Paladins welcomes Sylermyre and Derren,new members
and good luck to those questing for membership!
- Anaisse
GoC news
The Guild of Clerics recently worked our noggins and then clear and
started over again, the final product....The Angel-Halo Quest!
We ran around like lil school clerics and collected stray items dispensed
by Viracocha. Thanks to Juliana, Terrantor, Tirin, Trantos, Allison,
Ayria, Faradhi, Chardhros, Celestia, Akael, Seren and Varpnul for
Juliana walked away with the most points, and got 5g and a shroud for her
12 pts and 7 halos, Alli got Whispers and 5g for her 10 pts and 6 halos, and
Ayria got 10g and a rename scroll for her 10 pts and 5 halos :)
Varpnul started the lowbie bodyparts quest but hadta leave, but Seren
valiantly pushed on to spell "ANGEL" and "HALO" and was doin' "CLERIC" when
the quest ended ;)
Everyone else got a smattering of glory and they got to keep the nifty lil'
halos! So we didn't really give 'em back, but we just gave them some Flaming
Halos and they got drunk again and couldn't care less, so there!
Everyone remember to spank.. I mean thank Vira when you see 'im for imm'ing
this quest for us! Good job everyone!
The GoC would also like to thank the many guildees that helped in
setting up our favor and theft-deterrent bots, and to Coil, for
implementing them.
Starting immediately, Clerics below level 15 ca turn to members of
our guild for help or advice ont he clericy ways...type who 'guild of
clerics' and contact any member with the word {Mentor} in their title.
Clerics over level 15, are of coures welcome to quest to join our the first 5 notes northwest of "Entry Hall of Notre Dame."
Exact directions for those faint of brain, are nw, 2w, 2n, nw from
the DarkHaven Square.
-Allison, CoD/GoC junction cable
.-. .-.
(_ \ / _) Aries- Much death is in your future,
| Stay indoors.
. .
'.___.' Taurus- Stay clear of angry immortals, hell is in your
.' `. hell is in your future.
: :
: :
| | Gemini- An old enemy will resurface. Have fun
| | in the arena.
' '
/ _`. Cancer- A need for a large amount gold will soon
(_) ( ) present itself.
'. /
( ) Leo- Be wary in your travels, death traps abound.
(_) /
' `:--.--.
| | |_ Virgo- Marriage is in your future. Beg to be fed
| | | ) to Balzhur... it will hurt less.
| | |/
___.' '.___ Libra- You have no future, Oopsie, your dead.
' `:--.--.
| | | Scorpius- Lots of glory is in your future,
| | | you will need it.
| | | ..,
.': Sagittarius- Many mobs have fallen to your weapons
.' its about time they even the score.
`..' Stay clear of reckless runs.
\ /_) Capricorn- Something very dear to you will be lost.
\ /`. Perhaps your mortality.
\ / ;
\/ __.'
.-"-._.-"-._.- Aquarius- Immortals bearing gifts are always dangerous.
.-"-._.-"-._.- What will they ask for in return. You will soon
`-. .-' Pisces- Balzhur is hungering for someone .. all lines point
: : to you.
: :
.-' `-.
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########-.' | | |`.`._ -####- _.'.'| | | `.-#######
######-.' `. | `..`._|\.--./|_.'..' | .' `.-#####
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#: |___/ .' : .' .'__`. `. : `. | | :#
#: | \ .' .` .' ./ \. `. '. `. _| | :#
#: | \_/.' .' : ....' \__/ `.... : `. ` (/\___/ :#
#: .' .' o--o 5th `. `. :#
#: ..' . | | o `. `.. :#
#: ..' .'# O-Oo o-o o o o-o o-o o-o #`. `.. :#
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##.` '#####\__---------------------------------__/#####` '.##
###### For more information on the RoD Reunion see help reunion. ######
The Maiden Star
By: Brakko Blackrose
Journal of Carenza Malthos, Master Inquisitor of the Royal Court, entry 10:
"After Searching the towns know as "The Shire", "Old Ofcol" and "New Ofcol" and
using some of the supreme one's gold, and consuming some of the supreme one's
food, we have tracked the supreme one's enemy, the rogue band of Drow
terrorists, know to the supreme one's people as "The Mandrakes", to the near
town of Dunhill Demenese(sp?). After this short camp and a prayer to the
supreme one, and burning of the supreme one's incesnse, we shall continue
onward to the town described to us by the kind woman who will be rewarded
with the supreme one's thanks."
Carenza then proceded to put his quill on a quill holder, and it on a pouch
on his side. He put his journal on a small velvet lined chest he carried with
his belongings. He then proceeded to unfold a leather envelope he took out from
his pouch and took one very fine strand of incense, and proceeded to burn it
with the campfire. He then uttered the supreme prayer know only to the supreme
ones closest troops, which includes some immortals and the inquisition. The
prayer is supposed to protect the selected one from evil, that is yet to be
seen, for all evil just ran cowardly or surrended to the Inquisition. For
reme entity, they have amazing power beyond comprehension, at least for a
mortal's comprehension.
The Mandrakes had been causing murders and plundering all over the realms,
they pillaged and raped in Solace, they burned over 20 houses down in Two
Rivers, they incinerated the town know as Cadbury, they had even assasinated
a man called Jagr and the King known as Arthur. They are utter evil, also
they are insane, for they believe sugar gives them their power... They had
been marked as heretics since the magical explotion on the sewers that made
the town of Darkhaven stink for a whole month. Their leader Rakarth, a very
powerfull Drow mage, had experimented on them and made them permanently one
with the shadow, that gave them a sly advantage over other inferior mortals.
This shadowing had an adverse effect on the body, the drow now needed to
consume four times as much sugar as a normal Drow if not, they would perish,
as Kresat, Rakarth's brother and first experiment, soon discovered. One of them
who they called "Ghost" is the most powerful creation of Rakarth, he doesn't
exist on this plane, but in another, barely anything hurts him and what little
pain he suffers he enjoys it, he is made to be the perfect killer. Dragash,
Rakarth's liutenant(sp?) had the ability to take any form, and was immune to
any sort of magic, yet Rakarth still overpowered him somehow. The others are
just "normal" shadowed drows.
A month later, The Supreme One sent another squad of Inquisitors acompanied
with some assasins from the oficio assassinorum, to search for the now missing
squad of Master Malthos. They were high inquisitors, this meant they were
trained on the arts of ubber magic, creater to banish great demons and
immortals permanently from the realms. This also meant that the great council
had agreed that the missing squad was probably dead. One week passed before
the squad found Malthos' squad, maimed, one inquisitors body was somehow
slashed inside out. All their Supreme Markings, which were really protection
runes were faded. Ultharad, an elven assassin dressed in full black leather
armor with silver linings, found what seemed to bee a page from one of the
inquisitors book of meditation, in it was written "We are not your worse
nightmare, we are your EVERY nightmare" - Ghost, this was written with blood
from an inquisitor. The scene was grotesque, there were 5 corpses, all
mutilated. "For the supreme one!, there is one corpse missing, Ultharad, how
many corpses have you found? - Asked Master Inquisitor. The elf held his
delicately made bow close to his reach while he answered "Five sire".
"Search their markings, one is missing lets pray to the Supreme one he is
alive to tell us what happened" "Aye sire" - Replied the High inquisitors.
Meanwhile, Ultharad and his partner Nunakad explored the surrounding area
for tracks, smells and clues to the villains that did this to the squad.
Assassins were always trained in pairs, so they had backup and they were
excellent working together. Both of them were on the top cadre of the
oficio assassinorum, master assassins and scouts. They both wore enchanted
leather armor lined with silver. Ultharad wore a hat of rough leather with
a brightly glowing feather attached to it, his boots were of the darkest
black, shimmering with the reflection of the sun, on his left hand he wore
a ring made of platinum, with delicate slivers of silver, emerald, topaz
and countless other precious stones, marked him as one of the finest,
on his right hand, a ring of the purest gold with a flaming engraving,
and an eye-shaped diamond on top of it, marked him as THE finest in his
line of duty. He also wore the standard Inquisition amulets of protection.
On his right hip, in a holster laid the dagger he had crafted himself,
passing thru the 13 meditative ceremonies, 13 blessings, 13 days of rest,
13 enchantments and 13 sacrifices to the Supreme one, this dagger had been
completed exactly 2 years ago, the day The Maiden Star was born. It is
said the Maiden Star blessed the dagger with a ray of light, making it
very effective against evil, that when Ultharad weilded it a towering
inferno of fire and electricity surrounded him and when the Maiden Star
willed, he was protected temporarily from all attacks, giving him
resistance even to death itself. The dagger itself glows with divinity,
seeming unbreakable its blade is a feet long, thirteen tendrils of
thirteen different metals cover the blade, seemingly surging from the hilt,
twisting and turning, melding at the very tip of the blade, the hilt made
of hand hammered obsidian, wood and metal, incorporates a punchpick,
excellent for nasty opponents who keep dodging, and makes the dagger feel
Ultharad had been assigned Nunakad about a year ago when Fyrathas, his
old partner, died while conducting an experiment with forbidden magic, for
this Ultharad payed the price of being demoted to the rank of Supreme
Assasin of the Oficio, instead of Oficium Master. His job as an assassin
is not only kill and maim, it also encompasses magic, diplomacy, bowmanship,
wilderness survival and assistance to the Inquisition when the Supreme
One commanded so. He excelled at all this skills, he only lacked the
ability to care for his partner, that he learned when Fyrathas died.
Nunakad was young, quick and smart, those attributes are a requirement to
join the oficio. He had white hair, which was always covered in a leather
longcloak with a hood. He wore standard inquisition chainmail, and used
standard weaponry. All he had of his person was a crudely fashioned charm
made from six slivers of onyx surrounding a nighstone, a rare protection
mineral found only in the darkest parts of the great void, it is said
whomever finds this rare stone is bearer of strength, for he has to face
his worst nightmare. It is also said some blacksmiths will create a charm
with this nightstone sliver and other slivers brought to them, up to six
caqn be combined, any more is said to have disastrous effects, creating
many different charms with many unpredictable effects each.
Funny bones
Did you know that many newbies are broke? Did you know that many
cant find the right eq? This sad predicament can be solved only
if you help. The cost of your help is only a shocking 1,000
gold coins a day. We here at the organization for the United
Newbie Fund, can only do so much. Its up to *you* to help out
these hopeless newbies.
/ : _..._ : \ - - Heartbreaking picture of a despairing newbie.
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Paid for by the United Newbie Fund.
Thought for Today:
It's amazing what you can do when your wife puts your mind to it.
The CoD has a public board for you to post suggestions and ideas for the
paper. The board is located in our New Front Office which is located
e,s,u,u,s,w,s from dh[].
Best wishes to Saryk and Mischief who exchanged vows of matrimony this week!
.;;;, .;;;, .;;;, .;;;,
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,;;,OOoO ;; ;; OoOO,;;,
;;;;OOoO `; The staff of the CoD ;' OoOO;;;;
``.;OOoO, `; Would like to say con- ,OoOO;,''
;;;;OOoO, gradulations and wish ,OoOO;;;;
```.;OOoO, Saryk and Mischief ,OoOO;,'''
;;;;OOoO, good luck in their ,OoOO;;;;
```,;OOoO,. new marriage! .,OoOO;,'''
;;;;OOoO,. .,OoOO;;;;
````,;OOoO,. .,OoOO;,'''
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`````,;OOoO,. .,OoOO;,''''
Thanks for reading the Cry of Despair!