Interview: Loril; Chicks, well they dig Conran; Romani: more on Knights
0o.. Issue 82 ..o0*0o.. April 2004 ..o0
Commissioned by Duke Luther for his subjects.
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*********** Darkhaven's Sundial ***********
0o.. Editor: Angelea Endymion ....o0*0o.... Immortal Sponsor: Alysira ..o0
Staff: Khaimran Muiren Qaulorn Sarakin Stozzter Simone Tatyana Wiglaff
(See help cry2 for Table of Contents)
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Desk of the Editor - Editorial Musings - Angelea
Feature Article - Interview with Loril - Angelea
News of the Realms - Nations - Romani
- Guild - Angelea
- Order - Angelea
- IGQC - Wiglaff
- The Symposium News - Wiglaff
- VC - CoE Updates - Wiglaff
- InterGuild Player Kill - Gonnil
Story Time - The Comic - Uncle Sarakin
- The Life of a Knight - Romani
- A Knight's Oath - Romani
Public Outcry
Funnies - Titles
- In Passing
The CoD Quest - March Quest Results - Alysira
- April Quest - Alysira
From Alysira's Quill - Alysira
Public Announcements
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0o.. Editorial Musings ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
As I stand in Darkhaven Square, sketching the Sundial given to
the citizens by Duke Luther, I muse on what spring will bring to
the Realms.
Recently we've seen a lot of changes, new faces joining the
ranks of Immortality, moves and changes that will end up benefiting
all of us. Two of our long time Immortals being promoted, Moonbeam
to a well earned position in the Council of Elders and Loril to Head
of the Visionary Council. Both of them deserve a well earned
We have a new writer joining our staff this month, we welcome
Wren as guild, order and clan news rep to the family.
Good reading to you,
Angelea Endymion
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0o.. ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Loril Edelstone came to the Realms eight to nine years ago. Ages in
this world we call the Realms. Shortly after, she joined the ranks of
the Newbie Council as a level 45 druid. Still learning the ins and
outs of the Realms and willing to help others in need, she quickly
avatared and settled into her role as an NC'er. Time went by, Loril
explored, taught others what she knew and her love for the council
and what it stands for grew ever larger.
One day in July of 1999, the Realms shook, Loril was suddenly
propelled forwards, she had immed! A whole new world opened up to her,
but still her beloved NC featured larger than life in her mind and her
heart. It only stood to reason that she would help lead this Council
with Stoneheft by her side. Years went by, people came and went, and
all was well in her world... until once again, it was shaken to it's
very foundations and the following pages will show why.
0o.. ..o0o.. 4 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Loril's Interview ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
The creaking of elderwood trees meet my ears as I make my way to her
home known as Cloud Nine. Such a peaceful place to have an office I
muse to myself.
As I enter, the peacefulness is shattered. Parchments of all sizes
and shapes are piled high around a petite dwarf sitting behind a
huge oak desk. Files and baskets are precisely arranged and labelled
on either side of her. She looks up and a broad welcoming smile that
lights up her eyes greets me. Come in, come in she tells me as she
bustles about making room for me to sit down in the well organised
mess known as her office. Her favorite pet, her Lorakeet preens her
feathers and looks me over, finds me harmless and goes back to sleep.
I instantly feel at home in this office.
Loril sits herself back down behind her desk and sips from a cup of
aromatic tea at her side. I settle myself down to what I feel will be
an interesting and fun interview.
0o.. ..o0o.. 5 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Loril's Interview ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Angelea: I must congratulate you on becoming Head of the Visionary Council.
Loril: Thank you.
Initially, it was as simple as Moonbeam needing to off-load. She
works far too hard. She's the busiest person I think I've ever
known. She approached me. And yes,it was a total surprise. As you
know, Newbie Council has always been my entire life.
Angelea: That was my next question. How did you ever bring yourself to
leave your beloved NC? You've been NC for so many years...
Loril: I needed to do some serious thinking after that. Weighing off my
selfishness in wanting to stay with the Council I have always
adored. I came to a few conclusions after some soul-searching.
Foremost was that I really was being selfish.
At these words, I was truely puzzled and asked Loril to explain what she meant.
Angelea: How were you being selfish? NC has been your life...
0o.. ..o0o.. 6 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Loril's Interview ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Loril: Let's face it - there's no more self-motivated group than NC.
Their only rival in that is TS. But did they need me? Did they
need me most? I don't think so. They'll always be who they are,
doing what they do. So, they have Stoneheft to run things and he
does that so very well. The group as a whole will always keep
going because of the mentality of the people in it and they have
Ilsensine who adores them, each and every one of them, as much as
I ever could. She is full of love and spit and vigour. She's
perfect. Her head is always straight and she understands people.
Loril: The CoE believed I was the person for the VC job. Given the
above, what could a little Druid do?
As Loril says these last words, she shrugs, and smiles. I can clearly see she
made her decision and it is the right one.
Angelea: How are you settling into your new position as head of VC?
Loril: Well, truth be told, each time I think I've got a handle on it,
a new 'wrinkle' seems to crop up. Something I didn't realise...
so that's cool. It's always interesting.
0o.. ..o0o.. 7 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Loril's Interview ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Angelea: Is it everything you expected or ...?
Loril: There were a number of surprises, actually. The behind the scenes
aspects, you just don't realise how much is happening and
happening constantly until you're in the midst of it. I will say,
as I keep saying in my career here, it's amazing just how much
effort people here are always putting in.
At that, she gives me the most beautiful smile and takes a sip from her tea. I
was about to ask her for some examples of surprises but decided to just let it
be. An overwhelming feeling told me I would not find out more on the subject
from this feisty intelligent dwarven woman.
Angelea: How did you feel when you were told you were the new VC head?
Loril: Well, I'll tell you, I was frightened...
It's quite the honour. I tried to convince them that there were
others better able to do the job. Started naming 'em... to no
avail. They had decided.
0o.. ..o0o.. 8 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Loril's Interview ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Loril: If nothing else, this will be good for me. It matters to me that
things happen and happen well here. I think that's key.
Angelea: What was Stoneheft's reaction when all this happened? You've
been in NC for so many years together, sharing, working together.
Loril: Stones will always want me to do what I think is best but I know
he didn't want me to go.
I did a lot of the 'paperwork' for him. Organizing... keeping on
top of the people. He's too busy as well. At his level, there are
a fair number of things needing to be done. He can very much find
himself in the position that he has to put off personal projects
to do other things. You seldom get to the thing you planned to do
as the saying goes.
0o.. ..o0o.. 9 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Loril's Interview ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Loril: The Council members themselves were great about it all... as I
should have expected they would be. VC is a lot like NC and TS
in that way, self motivation and the people who are in it are
there because they want to be there. And that's a fact. They do.
Each member is a busy person with their own stuff to juggle.
They do what they have to do and get on with it.
Angelea: In conclusion, is there anything else you would like to say?
Loril: What I'd like to say is thank all the gods for Moonbeam, Selina
and Conran. Thank all the gods for all our Immortals actually.
Each and every one of them holds a special place in my heart.
As I sit back and watch the Lorakeet preen her feathers, I can't help but
think of how this petite dwarf has closed one book and valiantly opened
another in her life. Let us all hope that this new book will rival the
thickness of the one entitled NC.
0o.. ..o0o.. 10 ..o0o.. ..o0
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0o.. Ilkhan Nation ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
The Word from Mount Krozloy!
It has been another long three months for the Il'Khan, and IC'ly
there have been many improvements on the mountain but little activity
otherwise. Construction has been completed and the mountain is now
very well fortified.
Chieftain Carnak Mac Morna has travelled to the lands of the
Lo'Kier to investigate the recent silence, and has not yet returned...
That is all the news from the mountain this month, and we hope
to see more activity within the caves and tunnels of the mountain
once again...
0o.. ..o0o.. 11..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Elohai Nation ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
Last month, the City of Eldestra went through quite a few changes
within its borders. With the destruction that fell upon the town,
help was offered by the Pixie Nation to aid in the rebuilding of
the once peaceful home of the Elohai.
Shortly afterward however, a presence began taking it's vengeance
upon those within the borders that were not of the Elohai. These
people have still yet to be found. It is believed that a former
leader of the nation, the deceased Syriac, made himself protector
of his kin and quickly removed any outside sources of harm. Forced
to withdraw and restoration nearly complete, the pixies withdrew
from Eldestra with many thanks from the Elohai.
0o.. ..o0o.. 12 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Elohai Nation ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
Elsewhere within the lands of Lo'kier, another discovery had been
made. Jhethen, the half-elf responsible for the chaos that befell
Eldestra, was found close to death beside another known as Amaia.
Death was not to befall him however as he was taken in, his health
restored, and then turned over again into the hands of the Speaker
of the Elohai, Amalia. Awaiting his trial, Jhethen serves his time
aiding the Elohai where they now lack in people to perform the
necessary tasks to complete the reconstruction.
Soon, the peace that was once held within Eldestra will be returned
as growth and renewal begins to take place once again.
0o.. ..o0o.. 13..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Gralthai Nation ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
*Carved in gold on a solid black slab of quartz*
By royal order of the Emperor Aslan 2nd this slab will herald the
Martyrdom of Vilari, for her gracious acts and love for our great
Nation. Vilari was reborn as a Saint and a sacred guardian to our
Great Empire, may she find peace and comfort within the heavens
that called her before her time.
The Emperor has dedicated the following lines in her memory,
And let time fall
let not time fall on that face,
yet she fought with such grace
the stars shall but a legend foretell
of how she passed our world they offer to tell,
a story of man's broken mind and sharpened sword
but she felt no pain, not the pain we all doth share.
Vilari, a martyr risen from her ashes to become a Saint,
and we all feel her comforting warmth.
death hath no hold, no vice that grasps eternal and
death shall never truly claim Saint Vilari, for she,
for she hath risen up, beyond hurt and beyond pain.
for she hath risen beyond suffering, and yet death shall never
take her in its grasp.
*Signed with the seal of the Emperor and placed for all to see*
0o.. ..o0o.. 14 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Pixie Nation ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
This is PNN, Your source for Pixie News:
The pixie have established a trade aggreement with the Dwarves.
After some negotiations, an agreement was made.
This spring's tree sugar harvest is expected to be high. This is
wonderful news since last years crops were low. This year's Sugar
Festival will be expected to draw great crowds of pixies.
There was a minor cart overturning near Dunhill. A small quantity
of oil of vitriol was spilled. The spill was contained and cleaned
up. Investigation found the driver consumed 5 fruity tooty cocktails
before he left. He was charged with driving while tipsy.
0o.. ..o0o.. 15 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Halfling Nation ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
Well, the long winter is over and I am very pleased at how many new halflings
have been born.
I am also thankful for thoses who left their warm burrows to go out in the
cold to vote for me.
As your ner Nation Leader I hope to being about positive changes on behalf
of our nation.
I'm sure that more halflings will travel the distance to visit our burrows,
so I am encouraging everyone this spring to increase the size of their
gardens, especialy the ones who grow our tabaco.
I have heard it whispered in the trees and the gosip spreading through
the land, that to be kind to a halfling brings great blessings on your self
but for those who harm a halfling they are cursed with a slow and miserable
I dont know if this saying is true, I can only tell you that as our Nation
leader i would like to see peace betwen us and other nations and perhaps
treaties that could help us all.
Sincerely, Zasperlyn.
0o.. ..o0o.. 16 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Fathomers ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Hey mateys!
We at Guild of Fathomers have really been trimming our sails lately,
and have started up the PEC, or Pirates Education Council. This is
to help those people new to the fathomer race (and to the game) get
the feel for our pillaging ways, and the game in general. :) We have
several fine mentors to teach you all about our fine class!
We have also many new pirates board our ship. Congratulations to Tew,
Holanthrum, Heleon, Peisinoe, Icculus, Zade, Tsaren, Fenris and Cyndee
for being found worthy to be our shipmates!
So, come, stop by our recruiting office! PEC takes apprentices from
levels 5-15 Our office is 6s, ne, s, 3e from the square.
We hope to see you on our ship soon!
0o.. ..o0o.. 17 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Druids ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
We've had a biiiiiiiiiiig month. The most noticeable change many of
you will have recognised is our little leadership pass the parcel.
Zistrosk is now guild 2nd, while Delana gets bumped up to 1st and
Horlore assumes the title of grand overlor...err...Guildmaster :)
A few impromptu pkills have been great fun, sharpening our skills
for the IGPK which is the most talked about event around the water
fountain on monday morning. That's right, good GoD we're great at
Run wise, we've hit the usuals like Mandor, Kahl, Dragon Pass,
Bahamut and others and this month we decided to throw Magus into
the mix which was awesome fun. Remember to contact any of our
leaders or members at large if you want to have an inter-guild run.
We welcome Frohak, Amnix, Dansa, Ursinia and Tulio into the guild
recently. You shall soon be assimilated...
...err...I mean made right at home...:D
0o.. ..o0o.. 18 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Thieves ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Well, well, a new month has come, and yet another Cry issue, with
the monthly report from us thieves. :)
First of all, GoT would like to welcome it's newest member, Ardor,
to the guild. Congratulate Madisson, Marissa and Silet for making it
to ARC-I, wand Kaopeh for flying through those ARC levels, making it to
ARC-III, another level since last month, well done! ;)
As for our scribes, they have released quite a few things to the
guild, revealing a few new and useful items to them... May they always
have something to release and teach the guild more of ;)
IGPK has started lately as well.. So far 3 games, and GoT remains
undefeated, congratulations to our PKers and KBers: Radihatarn with 9
KBs, Mokazylee with 8, Laanmyki 5, Hurcu 1 and Jilet 1.
This is it for this month, if you wish to join GoT and experience
the life for yourself, remember we are 3s 2w n w of DH[], do drop by. ;)
0o.. ..o0o.. 19 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Vampires ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
The Guild of Vampires bids you welcome!
New to GoV this month are Etereal, Siloid and Yagmoth. May Aalakab
have mercy on their souls.
We had a fun month with such blood-thirsty activities as running,
PKing, trivia and GoV Casino Night (hey, don't laugh - have you
ever *seen* vampires gaming for money? It isn't pretty).
If you are a vampire level 20 or higher and are looking for a home,
why not stop by our recruiting board (help map) and fill out an
application today? Visit our web site at:
0o.. ..o0o.. 20 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Nephandi ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
In the last month, there have been some spirited IGPK battles for
team GoN, and it's been a fun few matches. We look forward to the
rest of the tournament. There have been some new arrivals to the
guild in the last few weeks, as we welcome Siana and Xanzoen into
the Umbra.
We've been out exploring, and paid visits to some of the more fun
mobs out and around the realms, and of course, skinmasked then once
we're done! There's also been an excellent batch of trivia cooked
up by Owyn, with lots of neat prizes.
If you're a level 18 or higher Nephandi, come to the guild (help map)
and come post an application! Come spread evil with those who know
how to do it best - The Guild of Nephandi.
0o.. ..o0o.. 21 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Augurers ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
The Guild of Augurers has experienced a recent surge of
activity. We are proud to welcome Narsol, Alinaryth, Esinde
Omareth, Gao, Glintir and Krowan into our hallowed halls.
With open arms, we welcome back Fanelyn. We are sad to see
Zevirolas leave our ranks, and hope for his return.
We would also like to congratulate and encourage people who
have participated in the IGPK's. Cheers to Xenikkhon, Augg
Sykan, Hivaqaviel, Excane and Adaez.
Also, in a recent Guild gambling event, prizes were awarded
to the following: Hivaqaviel, Esinde and Adaez. Many thanks
to Orphik for generously providing the prize.
We would like to announce that if you are an augurer above
level 15, Excane has probably attempted to helical to your
position and handed you a guide. If not, we encourage you to
come to the recruiting board. The GoA awaits your application.
0o.. ..o0o.. 22 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Paladins ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
GoP would like to welcome Sandrax and Korim to leadership as
the guild now again has a fully active guild leadership team.
We have had many interesting events happening of late, a guild
meeting was just completed and we have also had guild quests.
We are currently actively participating in IGPK and are working
hard to make a good showing for the guild.
We'd like to welcome the following new members to our guild
from the last 2 months:
Memnus, Milir, Falagar, Jujhaar, and Vismar
0o.. ..o0o.. 23 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Guild of Rangers ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
This month was a bit slow for the Guild of Rangers with no new
pledges being inducted. However, a group of pledges managed to
shed their tags and join the ranks of full members.
Congratulations to: Aleurin, Cristobal, Elebereth, Gauther and
The Scouts continue to prosper with the addition of Verik and
Mineas. Congratulations to you two, and hopefully we'll see some
Scouts make it to the Hunter rank.
This was also a busy birthday month with Gauther, Norelle,
Theodore and Wintermute all turning a year older. Many birthday
spanks and cake were given out and I hope everyone had a great day.
In other news, the guild would like to offer many thanks and
congratulations to Lopuis for ascending to Immortality. Thank you
for your work with Mentors and RQC.
Remember, if you're a peaceful, level 20 or above and would like
to join the guild, stop by the tree to pick up a guide and speak
to an RQC member, or take a look at our website at:
0o.. ..o0o.. 24 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Ringbearers ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
In the past month we have some interesting changes going on. First our
esteemed leader went on to become an Immortal. Big congratz to the all
mighty Ax, Coelit. Also congratz to Lirotess and Erin for moving up in
the leadership world with the recent advancement of Coelit both have
gone up in ranking for leaders. Also to Ssur because he was just made
Order 2nd :D. Rikoles is our new member and of course the regular
changing of the guard for the Order groups is always bound to happen.
At the end of the day you think that is all but it's not. We also had an
amazing quest that was written by our very own Leader Lirotess and was
made by the great Selina. All that attended this quest had loads of fun
and was of course centered around the Order symbol the Trinity. Then to
show our love and appreciation for our members we have started the order
rename. Which, for this time around was given to Wiglaff. He is now the
proud owner of the "Circlet of the Trinity" for his hard work and
dedication to the Order. What can I say we have a great Order.
To people for whom this sounds like an Order you'd want to join, contact
one of our great IT members after looking over help RB and help RB
induction for more info. Have a great day from all of your friendly
RB memebers.
0o.. ..o0o.. 25 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Rol na Feinne ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Gypsies, rumors and wolves, Oh my!
Much has been happening here in the order of Rol Na Fiene, and of
course, there is much more to come! Currently, we have several plots
open, and here is the latest news on those very plots: King Anmect and
his consort Lady Rowanne had disappeared into the desert. Augustine, a
noble, made a land grab, and now controls all the deeds to the land of
Lo'Kier. He is working hard at transforming it into a peaceful city
for all to live.
The castle barely stands now, gradually decaying and being
demolished for building materials. Lo'Kier is now just a faerie tale
for children. The Elohai have gone back to Eldestra to repair their own
city. Meanwhile, orchards and small farms have cropped up on the hills
east and west of the new city.
0o.. ..o0o.. 26 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Rol na Feinne ..o0*0o.. Angelea ..o0
Rumors of wild wolves and sheep thieves abound. The maids of the
local tavern gossip about the newly arrived caravan of gypsies. Some
welcome them, others shun them, deeming them of ill-intent. A rainstorm
has brought fear to the docks, and no ship will sail unless rumors of
evil curses are dispelled.
Augustine searches for great quantities of building materials for his new
city and welcomes anyone who can assist.
RnF would like to welcome its newest member, Carnak, into the fold.
Applications are open, and we are always looking for new or experienced
roleplayers. Visit RnF's website for more information and roleplay logs
Penned By: Drakona, Herald to Lo'Kier, Author of a 31 note epic.
0o.. ..o0o.. 27 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. InterGuild Quest Council ..o0*0o.. Wiglafff ..o0
It was GoC's turn to host the Interguild quest in February; they
defaulted and so the standard penalty for this is suspension from
the next two inter-guild quests, this was ratified by the Interguild
Quest Council.
Therefore, special thanks have to go out to Darshanin who with a
little help from her friends in the Quest Council put on a quest to
replace the defaulted quest. They put on not one, but two quests to
run parrallel to each other.
Everyone I spoke with (people from GoW, GoR, GoN and GoV were at home
when I called around with my notebook in hand) had a real good time.
0o.. ..o0o.. 28 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. The Symposium News ..o0*0o.. Wiglaff ..o0
* Config +/-AURA> The config option would allow the user the choice to see
or not see the glow/hum/magical tags in front of equipment on themselves or
* GOUGE skill> Gouge success rate dependant on the victim's luck.
* Magic flag> removed/added using glory
* PETFIND command> This would enable the pet's owner to find out the geo/
area/room their lost pet is located in.
* PIXIE> to receive a RACE BONUS to dodge.
* SHEATH> A config option that would enable the user to sheath his weapons
* SNUFF> To allow a player to extinguish his pipe and save the remaining
contents for a later time versus waiting for it to burn out.
* NOTE READ (also MAIL READ) "NEXT" (New command)> The command would enable
the user to simply type note read next without having to use a number, it
would automatically bring them to the next note.
* WHO PATH> To allow someone to type "who destruction" (for the path of
destruction), rather than the currently required "who 'path of destruction'.
0o.. ..o0o.. 29 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. The Symposium News ..o0*0o.. Wiglaff ..o0
* BASH SKILL modification> Bash success rate would have been dependant on
the victim's constitution. It was felt that the skill's effects were fine as
they are now
* BLORIN engraving service> Technical details render this proposal useless.
* CORPSE, (deathroth) COLD STORAGE> This proposal would have sent corpses to
a special room for CR purposes when the tick timer ran out for later Imm CR
The risk of losing all your belongings when exploring, running, etc. is an
integral part of the game. Removing this would greatly reduce the excitement
and challenge that makes the Realms interesting.
* DISOWN for pets > Pet whistle was passed by CoE and is awaiting
implementation. This would solve the existing problems with losing pets
* FORESTED STRONGHOLDS> Adrenaline counter for retreat > It was felt
that this proposal would cause a great deal of imbalance between peaceful
and deadly pk'ers in the arena.
* FORESTED STRONGHOLDS Non reset timer (like gouge lag)> This proposal was
moved to Forums for fine tuning and further development.
* PASSLOCK command> This command would simply disable the 'password' command
while passlock is enabled. This failed for a few reasons, one being that if
you aren't absolutely sure about a person, don't let them use your char to
begin with. Also, it could cause problems with trading chars.
0o.. ..o0o.. 30 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. The Symposium News ..o0*0o.. Wiglaff ..o0
* DIETY AFFECTS to show in AFF> The proposed change is to make this affect
show up in the AFF list with something like --- to show up for the duration.
This failed because affectedby shows you everything you are affected by.
where AFFected shows you only what spells have been cast on you. Some deities
also give resists. It was felt that all these should remain in affectedby.
* SACRIFICE safety> To add a safety to the sacrifice command for items level
45 or higher and full containers would force player to type sacrifice in full
instead of short form of "sac item name" Players should be responsible
enough to keep track of items etc.
* WOODLAND HARMONY spell syntax change> In order for the syntax of this
spell to be changed to show a message when attempting to cast it on self,
the spell would have to be made into an offensive spell. This would ruin
the intent of the spell.
0o.. ..o0o.. 31 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. The Symposium News - VC/CoE ..o0*0o.. Wiglaff ..o0
Passed by VC:
* Glow/Humming> Glory rates for adding glow and hum to an item
Denied by VC:
* Who Path> Changes to the who code will not be considered due to the
complexity of the code.
* Snuff for pipes> It is already possible to stop a lit pipe
* Failed Spell message> to include spell name
* Luck> to affect "Gouge" skill
Passed CoE:
* Glow/Humming> Glory rates for adding glow and hum to an item
* Helpfiles submitted> Help ARENA
* Housing Transfer> Would allow a homeowner to transfer his home to
another player
As always, questions can be asked of TS reps.
0o.. ..o0o.. 32 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. InterGuild Player Kill ..o0*0o.. Gonnil ..o0
The Inter-Guild Pkill Tournament, held every spring, sets up pkills
between the guilds and keeps track of the win - loss record of each
guild. In addition, the KBs by each person are logged every event
and added to his or her personal total. The fights are composed of
two guilds vs two guilds every night, with a maximum of five players
from each guild. Each combatant gets 100 heals and 100 manas, and
they fight each other until one team remains.
This year's tournament is almost halfway through, with no clear winner
emerging yet either in the KBs or the guild scores. The next page
contains the scoresheet as of March 15. Updated information, IGPK
rules, and a recap of each event can be found on your guild's Kinship
Many thanks to our Imms who take the time to host each event, and to
members in each guild for taking the time to pk, whether or not they've
still got a good record. :) Please mudmail me if you have any questions,
feedback or you notice something incorrect on the scoresheet.
Keep in mind that not all guilds have been to the same amount of pkills.
So these scores aren't really a good way to compare the guilds, just to
get a general idea of who's doing well.
0o.. ..o0o.. 33 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. InterGuild Player Kill ..o0*0o.. Gonnil ..o0
Top KBers for IGPK 2004 up to March 15
Radihatarn 9
Detritus 8
Mokazylee 8
Glyf 6
Gonnil 6
Cerfster 5
Jauxer 5
Laanmyki 5
Anlishok 4
Litto 4
Xenikkhon 4
Top Guilds for IGPK 2004 up to March 15
GoT 3-0
GoD 3-1
GoM 3-1
GoF 2-0
GoW 2-1
0o.. ..o0o.. 34 ..o0o.. ..o0
.---. . ,--,--'
\___ |- ,-. ,-. . . `- | . ,-,-. ,-.
\ | | | | | | , | | | | | |-'
`---' `' `-' ' `-| `-' ' ' ' ' `-'
0o.. The Comic `-' Uncle Sarakin ..o0
| | |
| | |
| i'm a coder in the realms | |
| \ | *click |
| O | O/ |
| -|- | -| |
| / \ | / \ |
| | |
| | |
|Conran was a coder in the realms. |He could create stuff out of thin air. |
| | |
| | |
| | *sigh* was that my cue dude?|
| *clickclickclick | \ \|
| O/ | O \O|
| -| | -|- ||
| / \ | / \ / |
| | |
| | |
|I said, he could CREATE stuff.. |Ah well, he was still cool. |
0o.. ..o0o.. 35 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. The Comic ..o0*0o.. Uncle Sarakin ..o0
| | |
| OMG its conran! | oh hef! |
| / |to the grotto, bunnies / |
| \O is my hair ok?! *strut*| \ O *ooh* |
| |- / O | O -|* O |
| / \ \O/ -|- | -|- / \ -|* |
| | / \ | / \ / \ |
| / \ | |
| | |
| Chicks, well they dig Conran. | But the playboy life got boring.. |
| mace of doom(tm) | |
| | |
| DIEeee! |` ` ` ` * noo!| ow, my back |
| \ | / | \ |
| O/| \o/ | O |
| /| _|_ | /-o |
| / \ |............./\ | |
| | |
| | |
| So he turned evil on lil' newbies.| Enter .. UNCLE SARAKIN! |
0o.. ..o0o..36 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. The Comic ..o0*0o.. Uncle Sarakin ..o0
| | |
| prepare for the | |
| beating of a lifetime silly fool| wax on, wax off! arh! |
| \ / | \ / |
| O O | --- O / \O/ |
| /-o -|- | --- |-o | |
| /\ | / \ | --- / \ / \ |
| | |
| | |
| Uncle Sarakin had to save them. | So he used his super karate powers. |
| | |
| |...this reminds me of a time back in |
| silly imms *choke*|1941 when .. hey where are you going?! |
| \ \ \ / | \ |
| O ---O`` | o *cheers* |
| /-O / / ``` | /-O |
| / \| | *applause* /\| |
| | |
| | |
| Evil Conran was defeated.. | And Uncle Sarakin was a hero! |
0o.. ..o0o..37 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Day in the Life of a Medieval Knight Romani ..o0
* A series of articles on the life of a medieval knight.*
Dear Brother,
I am sorry to hear that father has taken ill. Please
use the coins sent with this post to buy any needed medicines. For
him to take ill this close to planting season is going to delay the
crops. There is a new chirurgeon working at the castle who has shown
great progress in the use of leeches to relieve fevers. He attaches
them to the skin, thus removing the bad blood, that makes people's
souls ill, from their body. If father continues to worsen bring him
to me and we can try to gain an audience with the chirurgeon or at
least the apothecary for medicines.
Several slaves are being sold at the local auction
tonight. They were imported from various regions of the world. I am
hoping to make purchase of a couple to work the farms. One of the
young boys seems strong enough though I worry at his pale skin as he
is from the far north and not accustomed to farm work in the sense
that our local servants are.
Your beloved brother and devoted Knight
Signed simply - T
0o.. ..o0o.. 38 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. A Knight's Oath ..o0*0o.. Romani ..o0
Knight's Oath
These words come down to us from the beginning of the order in which knights
were instructed in their duties.
The Ancient Knight's Oath
Be loyal of hands and mouth, and serve every man as best you may seek
the fellowship of good men; hearken to their words and remember them.
Be humble and courteous wherever you go, boasting not nor talking
overmuch, neither be dumb altogether. Look to it that no lady or
damsel be in reproach through your default, nor any woman of whatsoever
quality. And if you fall into company where men speak disworshipfully
of any woman, show by gracious words that it pleaseth you not, and depart.
The office of knight is to maintain and defend the holy faith and to
honor and multiply the faith which has suffered in this world many
travails, despites, and an anguished death.
0o.. ..o0o..39 ..o0o.. ..o0
.-,--. . . ,,--. .
'|__/ . . |-. | . ,-. |`, | . . |- ,-. ,-. . .
,| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
`' `-' '-' `' ' `-' `---' `-' `' `-' ' `-|
0o.. `-' ..o0
Well my friend, the time has come and the Army is sending you off to Iraq.
I just thought I'd take a moment to say both what a great friend you've been
to me, and that you'll be in my thoughts. I can only pray that you return
I'm not going to gush here, especially not on a public forum, but well...
Your friendship has meant a lot to me, and I look forward to continuing it
when you return safely. Keep your head down and stay safe my friend. With any
luck, we'll be out of this cursed sandstorm before any more of our soldiers
get killed. When it gets hard; think of us, my friend, we'll be thinking of
I... well, I'll be seeing you in all those familiar places.
Hoping for a safe return,
0o.. ..o0o..40 ..o0o.. ..o0
.-,--. . .-,--'
`|__/ ,-. ,-. | ,-,-. ,-. \|__ . . ,-. ,-. . ,-. ,-.
)| \ |-' ,-| | | | | `-. | | | | | | | | |-' `-.
`' ` `-' `-' `' ' ' ' `-' `' `-' ' ' ' ' ' `-' `-'
0o.. ..o0*0o.. ..o0
Lyreth, a devil with angel's wings. They give a +3 bonus.
Cappadocius: Death isn't the end, just a new demographic.
Yelisa, a Supreme Being of Leisure? Of course!
Drean Ash'Kealt. Pissing Levellers off? Priceless :)
Lilcal is better known as Toast.
Lopuis: You're reading my title aren't you, I can tell.
Aleczandra Aer'Real kicks ass for the lord!
Shelaine..But you can just call me god.
Gablok looks for things to poke you with.
Daris Arcannis is mute, deaf and suddenly very dumb.
Ghordan Sableheart Murphys Law. NEVER mess with Mrs Murphy.
Kerstin: Not all who wander are lost.
Quace took lots of pills and committed irreversible sins.
Jessel: Elves make me sick. Sea-elves make me seasick.
Irad the arab says, "Never moon a werewolf."
Vlada Ravenyze. I want a boy so drunk he doesn't talk.
Jilet, what no man can get. [Asleep]
Abelard thinks an [Asleep] Jilet can be gotten.
0o.. ..o0o.. 41 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o.. Realms Funnies - In Passing... ..o0
Faradhi: Lookit my claw! It slices... *slice* It dices... *dice*
It will suck a monkey through a twelve foot straw... *shlurp-pop-eee*
Ptooey, damn furry monkeys...
Lys: you caused me to get sprite up my nose :(
Wiglaff: let me flay!
Syriac: If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family...
Amalia: if you ever get your hands on a bra.. look in it
Ardaria: like wow..i'm going to put some mint lube on my sundae tonite
instead of chocolate sauce
Jilet: Chocolate rul--- OMG I'm talking about lube o_O
0o.. ..o0o.. 42 ..o0o.. ..o0
,--,--'. ,--. .-,--. ,,--. .
`- | |-. ,-. | `-' ,-. ' | \ |`. | . . ,-. ,-. |-
, | | | |-' | . | | , | / | .| | | |-' `-. |
0o.. `-' ' ' `-' `--' `-' `-'--' `---\ `-' `-' `-' `' Alysira..o0
Last month, Jexia had devised a very intelligent little word puzzle for us.
There were dozens of entries, thanks everyone! Unfortunately only two people
could be selected as winners. Congratulations to:
Onteria and Lews!
Please see me A.S.A.P. for your prizes =) Here is the solution to last
month's puzzle:
(In order) Cappadocius Stoneheft Thoric Conran Nivek Kali Ilsensine Edmond
Dria Alysira Altrag.
The leftover letter was K, located in row 3, column 2.
Turn to the next page for this month's Cry of Despair quest!
0o.. ..o0o.. 43 ..o0o.. Continued ..o0
0o..April's Quest ..o0*0o.. Alysira..o0
This month we've got a few more puzzles for you. MUDmail your answers to
Alysira by the 18th of April, and two winners with correct answers will be
chosen, at random or the two most correct.
1. A EF HI KLMN There is a purpose for some of these letters to be
------------------ above the line, and some to be below. Find out what
BCD G J OP this pattern is and complete the alphabet.
2. EDORNOW Rearrange these letters to form one word.
3. NAISNIENLGELTETWEORRSD Remove nine of these letters to form a single
word. Also state which letters you removed.
0o.. ..o0o..44 ..o0o.. ..o0
,. . ,,--. . .
/ | | . . ,-. . ,-. ,-. ` ,-. |`. | . . . | |
/--|-. | | | `-. | | ,-| `-. | .| | | | | |
,' `-' `' `-| `-' ' ' `-' `-' `---\ `-' ' `' `'
` /| `
0o.. `-' Alysira ..o0
Greetings, readers!
Many of our staff members have left us this month. We farewelled Kentamya
and Redric, but also welcomed to the staff Wren and Tatyana.
Although both Qaulorn and Angelea worked hard on their assigned issues,
Angelea was selected to be the permanent editor.
Next month, we'll be interviewing all the new Immortals. Hope you enjoy this
issue, and have fun with the quests ;)
0o.. ..o0o.. 45 ..o0o.. ..o0
,. , ,. . ,. .
`| /| / ,-. ,-. |- / | ,-| ,-.
| / | / ,-| | | | /--|-. | | `-.
0o.. `' `' `-' ' ' `' ,' `-' `-' `-' ..o0
| /-----------------------------------------------\ |
| | | |
| | Have something important to say, but don't | |
| | have anywhere to say it? | |
| | | |
| | Consider advertising in the Cry of Despair! | |
| | | |
| | Organization leaders, wedding planners, | |
| | anything and everything appropriate will be | |
| | considered, formatted to your liking, and | |
| | posted here free of charge! | |
| | | |
| | Just MUDmail your announcement to Alysira, and| |
| | you'll receive it back just as it will appear | |
| | in the CoD, open to changes if neccessary. | |
| | | |
| \-----------------------------------------------/ |
0o.. ..o0o.. 46 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Want Ads ..o0*0o.. ..o0
| /-----------------------------------------------\ |
| | | |
| | Are you looking for a new challenge in life? | |
| | | |
| | Want to meet interesting, and even not-so- | |
| | interesting people? | |
| | | |
| | Want to discover new aspects of the game? | |
| | | |
| | Want your voice to be heard by the whole MUD? | |
| | | |
| | And... Want to get paid for it all? | |
| | | |
| | Then look at a career in journalism! Send a | |
| | short application and sample article via | |
| | MUDmail to Alysira if you're interested in | |
| | joining the Cry of Despair staff. | |
| | | |
| | Hope to hear from you soon! | |
| | | |
| \-----------------------------------------------/ |
0o.. ..o0o.. 47 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Want Ads ..o0*0o.. ..o0
By the time all of you read this article, I will already have gone to enlist
in the military. Hence, it is unfortunate that I will not be able to maintain
my state of activity before i enlisted, and I will inevitably have to retire
from leveling until I have more free time. I would like to thank those of you
who have managed to cram my leveling schedule so full that I don't even have
time to level my own chars, and also the few guys who were willing to pay
almost triple the amount required to get their theives done. Thank you all
for placing your trust in me, words alone cannot describe my gratitude. See you
guys soon, and all the best both in mud and rl.
-Aehhuat Godspeed
0o.. ..o0o.. 48 ..o0o.. ..o0
0o.. Want Ads ..o0*0o.. ..o0
Come to the Cracked Cask Casino for all of your gambling and financial needs,
featuring 3 levels of jackpots. Delanna hosts the 100 mill jackpot game in the
west room (Darrek's Corner), Adryanna hosts the 1 billion jackpot game in the
east room (An Ale Room), and Magdeline hosts the 5 billion jackpot game in the
north room (The Upper Bar). In the south room, Vitarla hosts multiplayer
blackjack. A daily lottery is also available on Orestes, using numbers from
the PA lottery, with a ticket cost of 100k, and a minimum jackpot of 5 billion
For those who wish to sell or buy equipment, there is Orestes the Auctioneer
and now banker. Items with a * can be bought, and the prospective seller can
put their item up for sale or for auction for as little as 1 hour or as long
as 14 days. There is a listing fee of 10K per item per day, with a 1% sellers
commission if the item is sold. Orestes now features interest paying accounts,
with a minimum deposit of 5 million coins, and higher interest rates for
deposits over 100 million and 500 million coins.
Orestes also sells heal potions, tanksets, truesight, sanctuary, demonskin,
and dragonskin. Look at Orestes for current pricing.
-- Cyril
0o.. ..o0o.. 49 ..o0o.. ..o0