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Interview with Thoric: 15-year Reunion, Elven call to arms

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 ------------ |::|  | --------------------- |___| --------------------
 [Editor]     |::|  | [Staff]
 Annale       |::|  |  Vache, Beleth, Malkatov, Annale, Vortok, Alessio
              |::|  | 
 [Printer]    |::|  | [Contributors]
 Falennt      |::|  |  
              |::|  | 
              |::|  | [Imm Contributors]
              |::|  | Romani, Thoric,
 ------------ |::|  | ------------------------------------------------

 See HELP CRY2 for the table of contents.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 2    \/    Table of Contents

 This Month's Special:
   Interview with Thoric            - Annale          CRY3-6
   Reunion Memories                 - Annale          CRY7

 Monthly Article     
   Roleplaying with Fire
      Character Archetypes          - Alessio         CRY8-13
   Helpfile of the Month            - Annale          CRY14

 Nation News
   Quendi (Elf)                     - Annale          CRY15       
   Uruk'hai (Half-Ogre)             - Klaatu          CRY16-17
   Khazad (Dwarves)                 - Stonheft        CRY18
   Human                            - Yoshio          CRY19
   Hobbit (Halfling)                -                 CRY20
   Tyrrhenu (Gnome)                 -                 CRY21
   Gralthai (Gith)                  -                 CRY22
   Aerandiri (Sea-Elf)              - Ashanda         CRY23-24

 Order News
   Order of Sanctus Irae            - Alessio         CRY25-27

 TS News                            - Akael           CRY28

 Quest News
   May CoD Quest Results            - Annale          CRY29
   July CoD Quest                   - Annale          CRY30

 Funny Bones
   Funny Titles                     - Romani          CRY31
   Funny Quotes                     - Romani          CRY32

 Announcements and Advertisements
   Reunion 2009                       
     RoD's 15th Year Reunion        - Thoric          CRY33-34
   Happy canada Day!                                  CRY35
   Happy Independence Day!                            CRY36

  Cry of Despair Staff
  Ask COE                                             CRY37
  Wanted - DEAD!                                      CRY38
  Letter from the Editor                              CRY39
  Write for the Cry                                   CRY40
  From Falennt's Inkwell                              CRY41


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 3    \/    Interview with Thoric - Annale

So I managed to squeeze myself into Thoric's busy schedule to ask him a few
questions about the upcoming reunion.  Reminder: The reunion is July 30th to
August 3rd, 2009.

Thoric> hi there :)

Annale> How are you :)

Thoric wonders 'good thanks :) and you?

Annale> 'Great!  Getting excited for this year's reunion

Thoric> Indeed :)
 Annale> Just to remind everyone, when and where is it being held this year?

Thoric> Trying to get some buzz going ;)
 Annale nods eagerly.
 Thoric> It's back at Bingeman's campground, as I was hoping to get a decent sized 
crowd.  It is the fifteenth anniversary, which is quite an achievement I think.  
It's amazing how quickly the years go by.

Annale> I noticed this morning that RSVP's are open again on the website
 Thoric> That's right :)  A little later than I had hoped, but I really just need 
to get some solid numbers to plan accordingly.
 Annale nods solemnly.

Continued... help CRY4


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 4    \/    Interview with Thoric - Annale

Annale> The theme for the reunion this year is one of reflection.  What inspired 
that theme, and what does it mean to the reunion?
 Thoric> Well, it goes hand in hand with the 15th anniversary theme -- crystal -- 
which represents clarity and reflection.  The lifespan of such a game of this may 
seem timeless, but it is almost becoming a historical relic technology-wise, and 
such I would like to reflect back and try to "crystalize" the good memories and 
experiences everyone has before they all move away to MMORPGs, or just move on 
with their lives and families.

Annale purses her lips and goes 'pffffffth!!!!!
 Annale> MMORPS... bah!
 There is only RoD. [Romani]
 Annale> There is so much more to RoD too.. the people, the diversity, stuff those 
'other' games just can't offer!
 Annale does her best to look utterly innocent.

Thoric> I suppose some people are holding out for the big 2-0 twentieth reunion, 
but I really don't know how many of us old die-hards will be hanging around here 
in five years ;)
 Thoric grins evilly.
 Annale gasps as she realizes what Thoric did.
 Annale> You old die-hards aren't allowed to go anywhere :P
 Thoric grins evilly.
 Romani> We are heading into a new generation of people that are playing
 Thoric> I'm not planning to go to the dark side (WoW), I just know that many 
others have ;)
 Romani> And with the economy some simply can't afford to play the pay/play sites
 Romani> And many come back
 Annale agrees with Romani.
 Romani will shut up now.

Continued... help CRY5


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 5    \/    Interview with Thoric - Annale

Annale> So I was wondering if we could get a sneak peek into any activities that 
we might be seeing at this year's reunion?

Thoric> Well, the quest council is supposed to be planning some exceptional 
real-life quests this year (well beyond the scavenger hunts from previous years), 
but I can't really release too many spoilers
 Annale goes ooOOooOOooOOoo.
 Annale> What about the auction? Might that be making a reappearance? (And will 
the imms be up on the block again?)
 Thoric> I also heard rumours about special reunion eq
 Annale swoons in ecstasy.
 Thoric> We will most definately have a slave auction

Annale> Awesome!
 Annale> What about those of us who can't make it to the reunion this year? Will 
anything special be happening in the game as well?
 Thoric> the midway always coincides with reunion, so I certainly expect there to 
be something special to honour our 15th anniversary
 Annale grins.
 Annale> Just going back to the theme for a moment.  I'm curious - what's one of 
your favourite memories from past reunions?
 Thoric> (thinking)

Annale laughs.
 Annale nods solemnly.

Continued... Help CRY6


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 6    \/    Interview with Thoric - Annale

Thoric> I would have to say that the 10th Reunion Roddies were quite exceptional.  
I hope that this year's reunion will at least be a reflection of the 10th.
 Annale> The 10th reunion was a lot of fun all around
 Annale> (also the first reunion I ever went to!)

Thoric> See, people who had a lot of fun at past reunions need to tell others of 
how much fun they are ;)
 Annale> They really are a lot of fun.. It's really something else getting to meet 
people face to face and hang out.  People I never would have spoken to in the game, 
I met at the reunion, and am still really close friends with
 Annale> I'm running short on time, so is there anything else you'd like to pass on?

Thoric> This reunion is particularly special.  I know that many of those who come, 
will inevitably play a role (large or small) in forming a new era for Realms of 
Despair.  Once the old memories are crystalized,it will most certainly be time to 
form new ones, and new hopes and dreams for the future
 Annale> I just want to say thank you Thoric, for taking some time to discuss the 
upcoming reunion.  It'll be great!
 Thoric> My pleasure :)


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 7    \/    Reunion Memories - Annale

The theme of this year's reunion is one of reflection and reminiscing upon
days of old.  With that thought in mind, the Cry of Despair would like you to
submit to us your stories from days of old.
What fond memories do you have of the game? What about a funny story or two? 
Ever been to a reunion? Tell us about it!  We want your stories!  
Mudmail your memories to Annale, or post them on the CoD's public board located
e, s, 3u, w from DH[] by July 25th, 2009.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 8    \/    Roleplaying with Fire - Alessio

                               Roleplaying With
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          Investigating Player Archetypes, Part Two: The Villains&D
    In the last edition of Roleplaying With Fire, I suggested that every
  great story requires a number of elements, and that one of those elements
  must always be an engaging, exciting, or relatable hero. I walked all of
  you, my readers, through a number of heroic archetypes commonly used in
  fiction and roleplay.
    This month, we are going to explore another important ingredient to all
  of the finest stories ever written: the villain. Throughout the body of
  this article, I will dissect a number of villainous archetypes, offer
  advice about how you could play one of those archetypes in the context
  of the Realms of Despair, and sum-up each archetype with a brief list
  of suggestions about how you can mix things up with each of the given
    While this guide may not be informative to the more well-read or

Continued... Help CRY9


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 9    \/    Roleplaying with Fire - Alessio

  experienced players amongst my readership, it could serve as a
  powerful reference for newcomers to RoD RP, and a good refresher
  for the rest of you.
    Let's begin.
                                 The Tyrant&D
    The ruthless King, the crooked sergeant-at-arms, the malevolent
  priest: these are all examples of the tyrant archetype.
    Traditionally an individual with a great degree of either wealth
  or power, the tyrant is an evil man with the authority to enslave,
  abuse, or otherwise mistreat a large number of presumably helpless
  or, in the very least, hapless individuals.
    The trademarks of this archetype are a noble appearance, an
  overwhelming ego, and a blatant disrespect for life. Tyrants commonly
  regard peasants (or other lower-class citizens) as tools to be used
  and cast away.
    A tyrant will do anything within his power to assure that he
  or she is not overthrown. This commonly translates into the tyrant
  having a large fortress in which to dwell, and often a large body of
  guards whose loyalty may or may not be questionable.
    In the Realms of Despair, tyrants most commonly emerge as the
  leader of a powerful group; Nations are a great platform from which
  the archetype could be launched.
    Perhaps the finest way to mix the archetype up a little and to&D

Continued... Help CRY10


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 10   \/    Roleplaying with Fire - Alessio

  keep it fresh would be to explore the background of the tyrant.
    What motivates the character? What happened in his or her past
  that encourages their behaviour? Sometimes the only way to add a
  unique touch to an archetype is to explore the history of the
  individual character which embodies it; this, most likely, is one
  of those times.&D
                                The Vagabond&D
    Though not every vagabond is a villain (heroic examples could
  include Robin Locksley), many of them are seen as such. Keep in mind
  that what is heroic and what is not is all a matter of perception;
  therefore, it lies on the shoulders of the individual player to
  establish, through character interaction, which side of the coin
  he or she resides upon.
    The Vagabond most commonly takes the form of a simple thief,
  pickpocket, or other such individual. On rare occasions the player
  may take the route of the assassin, though this results in a
  greater degree of difficulty -- especially in non-urban settings
  -- to explain the reason why the character makes any sort of
  appearance whatsoever (aside from, obviously, delivering on or
  arranging a new contract).
    The trademarks of this personality are abruptness, quick-thinking,
  and a lack of civilized manners. As Vagabonds are commonly seen by
  many as outcasts, they have little need to be polite; this makes them

Continued... Help CRY11


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 Page 11   \/    Roleplaying with Fire - Alessio

  gruff at the best of times, and outright crude at the worst.
    To mix up your vagabond, perhaps consider one of two commonly
  explored options: add some sympathetic traits or reasons to
  empathize with the vagabond, or put him (or her) at the head of
  a group of likeminded individuals and explore the character
    Another option would be to explore your vagabond's morality.
  Perhaps have him (or her) commit a number of atrocious acts and
  then indulge your fellow players with an exploration into why
  he (or she) does these things. Alternatively, a code of honor
  could make for a very intriguing feature for a vagabond; consider
  the 'honor amongst thieves' angle.
                                  The Thug&D
    A dullard with a large weapon, a big build, or simply a higher
  degree of ability than the common citizen, the thug uses his own,
  personal strengths for evil. He is commonly seen harassing the citizens
  of a small town, the clergy of a local temple, or the hapless
  owners of a large family farm. He may also be found in the employ
  of a ruthless tyrant or vagabond (see the above profiles).
    In general, thugs steer clear of large urban centers unless in the
  company of other villains. This is because their type of villainy
  is not effective against large groups of heavily-armored foes (the
  city guard, for example).

Continued... Help CRY12


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 12   \/    Roleplaying with Fire - Alessio

    Trademarks of the persona: brute strength, crude demeanour,
  and a willingness to carry out the orders of another, often bigger,
  bad guy. The Thug's personal appearance is variable, but commonly
  they have some sort of physical defect; a scar, for instance.
    To intrigue other players, perhaps explore the origin of that
  scar. How did your particular thug get it? The thug could also
  be used for comic relief. For an example, see Jayne Cobb in the
  science-fiction television series Firefly.

                               The Anarchist&D
    Because government establishments are commonly associated
  with law and order, anarchists are commonly seen as bad guys. These
  are the most relentless of rebels, who would willingly sacrifice not
  only themselves, but everybody else in their way, to achieve their
  ultimate goal: the deposition of the ruling power, and the creation
  of utter chaos.
    Nephandi make great anarchists, as anarchy is in their very nature.
  They seek to undo existence at its very core, and they have the power
  to do so. 
    To further diversify your anarchist from others, perhaps explore his
  or her sanity or lack thereof. Exploring what motivates your character
  is a great way to add your own signature touch to it. Just take care to
  avoid overdoing it or falling completely into the realm of cliche and
  you should do okay.

Continued... Help CRY13


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 13   \/    Roleplaying with Fire - Alessio

    Remember that we are in control of our characters; as such, you should
  only ever take your character where you are comfortable taking it. That
  said, introspection often makes for a good roleplay sequence, and with
  the right players you could start a small story arc to explore your
  character's past.
    Also remember that, while villains should always be interesting, the
  goal is to keep them realistic and keep the bulk of the attention on the
  hero. It doesn't hurt to have relatable villains (television executives
  have been doing that for some time), but to make every villain a shade of
  grey could get annoying. Sometimes a villain with a soul as dark as night
  is exactly what the doctor orders.
    Until next month, thanks for reading. I hope you've enjoyed it as much
  as I enjoyed writing it.                                   
                                                               --Jun. 2009

  Alessio di Rossetti is the leader of Sanctus Irae and has led the Nation
  of the Rukhas'dul for over a half-decade under various names. He is an
  avid fan and supporter of Realms of Despair roleplay, and is constantly
  seeking new and old faces with which to play. If you've an interest in
  roleplaying on RoD, or have any questions or comments about this or other
  Roleplaying With Fire articles, feel free to contact him by tell or
  by MUDmail!


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 14   \/    Helpfile of the Month - Annale

help central processing

This bureaucratic organization handles the filing and processing of all forms
and bureaucratic queries.  Once you have been placed in the queue, any tells
sent will remove you from the queue until an immortal puts you back in line.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 15   \/    Quendi Nation News - Annale

Called to Arms!

While no official word has been released, it is fairly easy to see that the 
Elven army has been called to arms.  Several mages from the Circle of Magi have
also accompanied the army.  Where the army is going is unclear, although they last
made camp with the Pixie Army somewhere in the Green Forest.

Pause in Construction

With much of Arborlon's resources dedicated elsewhere for the Free Peoples, the
construction of their naval fleet has slowed.  The patrols of the waters have not
ceased, although no new vessels have been seen around the Island.

OOC - Elf-only Quest!

The date for the next Elf-Only quest has not yet been set, because of busy summer
schedules.  Keep an eye on the noteboards in the Archive Hall, at Tagetarle, and in
the Elf hometown of Arborlon for more information about when the next quest will be
held.  Thanks!


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 16   \/    Uruk'hai Nation News - Klaatu

From the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Gripes and Groans of the Free Peoples
The Uruk'hai High Council has been meeting continually for weeks. Testimony
has been heard from a number of notable leaders and that of the common citizen.
The High Council has tried to appease the populace and has eased back on some
of the restritive measures taken in support of the Pixie Free Peoples. The
fact remains that there has been no word from Vermicio or any other emmissary
of the Free Peoples. 
Dateline Dunhill Demesnes - The Pixie Colony
A group of traders reports that the Pixie Colony in Dunhill Demesnes is
sparsely supplied and many of the colonist have left. Many of the shops are
abandoned and stripped of everything, even the tacks on the walls. Traders are 
are now heading to Solace to acquire their goods and supplies
Dateline Opallinoc - Summer Solstice Fest
Even under the strains of the Free Peoples, the Uruk'hai take time to celebrate
the Summer Solstice. Food, drink, tales of glorious Uruk'hai deeds and doing
time honored rituals of passage took place around the Great Bonfire. The usual
lost and found of weapons, jewelry and teeth is with Recksne. Please be sure
to recover your property or it will be sold to benefit the widows and orphans.


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 Page 17   \/    Uruk'hai Nation News - Klaatu

Special Reports from the Opallinoc News Bureau:
Dateline Opallinoc - Uruk'hai High Council Acts
The High Council of the Uruk'hai has sent formal word to the Free Peoples that
it can no longer maintain it armies in readiness for long periods. The Council
wants a personal visit from Vermcio to discuss the issues and questions it has.
Dateline Opallinoc - Klaatu Speaks Out
Klaatu the Benevolent, chieftain of the Uruk'hai, stood before the High Council
and told of his dissatisfaction with Vermicio and the Free Peoples. He ended
with, "Through strength and courage we stand victorious over our enemies."
Dateline Dunhill Demesnes - Pixie Colony Overrun
On direct orders from Klaatu the Benevolent, Volstagg the Catacomb Dweller,
led the Bear, Wolf and Eagle septs into the Dunhill Pixie Colony. The fight
was swiftly over with minimal losses to the Uruk'hai force. Defensive works
are being hastily constructed. The Uruk'hai mean to stay at all costs.
Dateline Opallinoc - a Message to Vermicio from  Klaatu
A note has been sent to Vermicio, leader of the Free Peoples via courier.
The note concerns the status of the Uruk'hai and the Free Peoples.
To Vermicio, Pixie King, leader of the Free Peoples
Klaatu the Benevolent, Chieftain of the Uruk'hai


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 18   \/    Khazad Nation News - Stoneheft

Some say "No news is good news", but not I.

I believe that "No good news" is definitely "bad news" and that "no bad 
news" just indicates a break in the communication structure. Everything's
been a little too quiet. The only news to report is that there is more
going on than meets the eye.

I have not heard reports from our soldiers abroad fighting in Juargan's
Kingdom. I can only fear that "no news" from foreign wars can only mean
bad news.

I will be visiting the king of our brother kingdom in the coming weeks
to determine if and how I might offer assistance.
Stoneheft Gemstone


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 19   \/    Human Nation News - Yoshio

More rumors circle through the Keep about the Regent taking many mistresses
and doing a poor job with ruling. Large numbers of soldiers still patrol the
grounds while the citizens still sit in their homes.  And still there was no 
battle against the pixies.
Something foul hung in the air. Everyone could feel it, smell it, taste it.
Regent Yoshio isn't the man he used to be. Most recently a heavily armed woman 
often seen entering and exiting the Regent's chambers, rumored by the chambermaids 
to be the Regent's new toy. Those rumors, however, have not been confirmed and 
should be dismissed - the chambermaids aren't known for the most reliable
More and more humans about the keep have been praying to a little known
goddess. Some humans, however, still refuse to convert to the new religion,
viewing it as nothing more than a cult devoted to a false deity.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 20   \/    Hobbit News - 


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 Page 21   \/    Tyrrhenu News -  


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 Page 22   \/    Gralthai News - 


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 23   \/    Aerandiri News - Ashandra

The Aerandiri have been busy since our last article.
First let me send a formal greetings and congratulations to our new council
members. Our new General, Galetore has been playing from a distance for some
time now, and we look foreward to having him as an active part of our
I would also like to welcome back an old friend. A very very old friend, so
old his blood is solid. Welcome back Gendalf as our Ambassador. He had the job
since before I was even playing, and even has some experience as Speaker from
what I hear. It will be good to have someone to learn from in the future.
Also, we have a new mysterious stranger in our waters, recently pulled from
the depths after being savagely beaten. Dyson remains engimatic, but I'm sure
with the tender ministrations of our finest healers he will recover soon. Make
sure you visit him and offer him your good intentions. I'm sure he could use a
We also have anew little rascal swimming about the town, making a nuisance of
herself. If you happen to meet a young girl by the name of Valendra, steer
clear. The Deamon Child wants your soul. CRY24


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 24   \/    Aerandiri News - Ashandra

The Aerandiri are in short supply of trading partners on the surface,
unwilling to trade with the Free People until a meeting can be arranged that
will not involve bloodshed. Despite this, Mathlaan has sent a large fleet to
its only major trading partner on the surface, Irae. The purpose of the ships
is unknown, the speaker only stating that the ships, and the large army
contained within were to deal with a threat that "the locals have proved to be
incapable of dealing with properly." With the ships went the Ulema and the
Treste. How Mathlaan will fare without any of its leaders around remains to be
To add yet more strange behavior abord the ship, the Speaker seems to have
vanished after a young stow away was found aboard. The stowaway herself seems
to have fled the ship, leaving no one with any idea of what is happening, and
few enlightened as to what to do once the ships reach harbor.
Also, starting soon is a series of short one time adventures called "The
Expendables" a sometimes dark, sometimes comic, and hopefully always
entertaining monthly session modeled after table top games, taking place in
the sometimes dangerous world of Aerandiri discreet operations. More info can
be found by Tage. Spots are limitted, so please MUDmail to get your positions


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 25   \/    Order of Sanctus Irae - Alessio

 The Sanctus Irae                                                 
   ***   *** *********  ********    *******  ***       *******    
   ***   *** *********  *********  ********  ***       ********   
   ***   *** ***        ***   ***  ***  ***  ***       ***   ***  
   ********* ******     ***  ***   ***  ***  ***       ***    **  
   ********* ******     *******    ********  ***       ***    **  
   ***   *** ***        ***  ***   ********  ***       ***   ***  
   ***   *** *********  ***   ***  ***  ***  ********  ********   
   ***   *** *********  ***   ***  ***  ***  ********  *******&D    
      First Edition             -------            Volume Two
  Shipwright Completes Irae's New Flagship 
    In an enterprising bid to seize control of trade ways along the
  Azure Sea between the City of Lions and the Ocean Keep, Marquis
  Alessio di Rossetti and Harbormaster Eashavir Sidhe commissioned
  the construction of a new fleet.
    Latest reports have confirmed that the first of the new fleet,
  recognized by size as Sanctus Irae's flagship and tentatively
  named "The Lion's Maw" has been completed and is sailing patrols
  in the waters immediately outside of the Iraenian Harbor.
    Though it is hard to say when the rest of the ten-ship fleet
  will be completed, at least half of the ships are expected to be
  complete within six months.

Continued... help CRY26


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 Page 26   \/    Order of Sanctus Irae - Alessio

  Sea-elven Fleet Enters Iraenian Waters&D
    Pursuing the story first explored in the Herald's first volume,
  this reporter has discovered that the assault on an Aerandir diplomat
  may not go unanswered.
    The arrival of five sea-elven vessels, the size and shape of which
  suggests their true purpose as warships, has set a number of citizens
  on high alert.
    Though the crew of these vessels contends that this is a mission of
  peace and that no attack is intended, tensions are expected to run high
  as the nation seeks to find the man accountable for the near-murder of
  one of their representatives.
  Newly Arrived Bishop Recalled from Irae&D
    Bishop Abner Kondeh, arrived in the City of Lions fewer than three
  months ago, has been recalled already. Rumor on the streets of Irae
  suggest that he had been involved in some questionable dealings with
  a number of individuals in New Darkhaven prior to his departure for
  the city, though this has not been confirmed.
  Newcomers Welcomed&D
    The City of Lions wishes to express our welcome to our newest citizens,
  Bertushanon Dublas and Krysteva Monroe! May you find many opportunities,
  friends, and rivalries within the city's gates!


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 27   \/    Order of Sanctus Irae - Alessio 

  OOC: Want to Join Irae?&D
    The Order of Sanctus Irae is the only hardcoded organization on the
  Realms of Despair with a strictly RP-oriented mandate. Comprised of many
  different players and their character creations, the Iraenian cityscape
  is an excellent venue in which to let your imagination run wild. If you
  wish to explore the world of roleplay on the Realms of Despair, and are
  looking for a friendly and experienced group of individuals with whom to
  explore that world, look no further! Contact any member of the Weavers of
  Illusion (look for WoI in any member's title) or an Order Leader and
  apply today!


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 28   \/    TS News - Akael

- Remake Character - Conflicts with other plans in works
- Elemental Enhancement - Conflicts with other potential plans in works, 
           potentially very overpowered and difficult to track
- Ranger Snare Modification - I think this would be far too lethal in pkill.  
           Even if it's just no fleeing for two rounds.  I also don't 
           understand how you "target" a snare in pvp.  Does any pkill PC 
           who enters set off the snare?  Would you be nailing allies?  I 
           see this as problematic.
- Druids "Elemental Affinity" (part one only).
           We may consider part 2 in the future, but not at this juncture
           due to other projects.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 29   \/    May Quest Results - Annale

Thanks to those who participated in last month's quest!

Our winner, with all the correct answers is: Iohannis!
Congratulations on being the only person to submit all 15 correct answers!

Our Runner up, with 13 correct answers is: Petrograd!

Please contact Falennt for your prizes.

And for those who are intereted, the correct answers were:
1. a vine of morning glory
2. a pink begonia
3. a bouquet of pink and white roses
4. a sprig of lily-of-the-valley
5. a yellow water lily
6. babies breath
7. a couple lady slippers
8. a prairie feather flower
9. a marsh marigold flower
10. a purple eye flower
11. a purple crocus
12. a cluster of buttercups
13.a few blue asters
14. a handful of daisies
15. a dew covered rose


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 30   \/    July CoD - Annale

This month's quest is brought to you by the letter C! Literally.

Search the realms for mobs whose names begin with the letter C.  List them in
a mudmail and mudmail them to Annale by July 25th!  The 3 people with the most
mobs listed win!

Good luck!

Please note: Duplicate mobs will not count.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 31   \/    Funny Titles - Romani

Perky!          Gonnil the Perky perks right up! (Deity of Catarrh)

Falennt Sarien has a prosthetic tongue and knows how to use it. (Arcanes) 
[Quest Council]

Kloey wonders, 'Did you forget your helmet again?'[IT-L] 

Memphisto. Diviner of Catastrophe. (Ringbearers)

Matanza isn't afraid of shoes anymore. 

Aylinds: Side FX may include eyesplosion and brainwhistle.

Princess        Akael takes a Canadian nap on your soul. [Advisor to Guilds] 
(Deity of Arcanes) [Head of The Symposium]


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 32   \/    Funny Quotes - Romani 

Thesius: I duped my thief's eq pretty good about 6 months ago.. supp'd
corpse, looted and the mud crashed during loot.. Kali ate it all except my 
'Fuzzy Pink Underwear' which he sac'd instead :(


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 33   \/    15th Annual Reunion - Thoric

Merry tidings to all of the Realms!
The time of our annual Faire approaches, and this year we shall be celebrating
fifteen years since the Realms of Despair first opened its gates to everyone!
This is to be a very special celebration -- one which we hope that everyone
who has always wanted to come to a reunion will be able to join us along with
everyone who has ever attended in years past.
The theme of this year's reunion will be one of reflection... reminiscing back
on all the days of old and the history of the Realms of Despair, as well as
past reunions.  We encourage each and everyone to submit their favourite tales
and personal accounts of yesteryear.
As always, but especially this year, we need to assemble a committee to assist
with planning this year's festivities.  Please don't hesitate to contact me:
-Thoric (

The Reunion note board is located in Darkhaven (3w of DH[])


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 34   \/    15th Annual Reunion - Thoric 

         R  E  A  L  M  S     O F     D  E  S  P  A  I  R
             F I F T E E N T H   A N N I V E R S A R Y
                      ____   ______ __   __    
                     |_   | |    __|  |_|  |--.
                      _|  |_|__    |   _|     |
      ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 
     |   __ \    ___|   |   |    |  |_     _|       |    |  |
     |      <    ___|   |   |       |_|   |_|   -   |       |

                           Reunion 2009

Join us on the weekend of July 30th through August 3rd at Bingeman's
in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada to celebrate the history, the fun and
the merriment of Fifteen Years of the Realms of Despair!  There will
be good times to be had by one and all!  Try not to miss it!

The _one_ to come to!  This party will be like no other!  Save your
pennies and book off a day or two.  This event is not to be missed!
Feel free to read the Reunion Note Board located 3 west, south of DH[]

If you know you are coming, please RSVP!
Also see the Facebook event:

See also: Help Reunion Hotels, Help Reunion Committee
          Help Reunion Directions, Help Reunion Events, Help Reunion Travel,
          Help Reunion Camping, Help Reunion Auction, Help Reunion Donations.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 35   \/    Happy Canada Day! 

 _              July 1st                                                   
 |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|                
 |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|                     
 |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|                  __               
 |&&&&&&&         .\^/.          &&&&&&&||__| _  _  _     /   _  _  _  _| _ 
 |&&&&&&&       . |&&&| .        &&&&&&&||  |(_||_)|_)\/  \__(_|| )(_|(_|(_|
 |&&&&&&&       |\|&&&|/|        &&&&&&&|       |  |  /                     
 |&&&&&&&    .--'&&&&&&&'--.     &&&&&&&|              __                                                    
 |&&&&&&&     \&&&&&&&&&&&/      &&&&&&&|             |  \ _                                                 
 |&&&&&&&      >&&&&&&&&&<       &&&&&&&|             |__/(_|\/                                              
 |&&&&&&&     '~|/~~|~~\|~'      &&&&&&&|                    /                                              
 |&&&&&&&           |            &&&&&&&|                        
 |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|                        
 |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|                        


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 36   \/    Happy Independence Day! 

 |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
 | *  *  *  *  *|##########################|
 |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
 | *  *  *  *  *|##########################|
 |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
 | *  *  *  *  *|##########################|
 |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
 |                                                 __       
 ||__| _  _  _     | _  _| _ _  _ _  _| _ _  _ _  |  \ _    
 ||  |(_||_)|_)\/  || )(_|(-|_)(-| )(_|(-| )(_(-  |__/(_|\/ 
 |       |  |  /            |                            /  


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 37   \/    Ask CoE! 

           ###     ######  ##    ##     ######   #######  ########
          ## ##   ##    ## ##   ##     ##    ## ##     ## ##
         ##   ##  ##       ##  ##      ##       ##     ## ##
        ##     ## ######   #####       ##       ##     ## ######
        #########       ## ##  ##      ##       ##     ## ##
        ##     ## ##    ## ##   ##     ##    ## ##     ## ##
        ##     ##  ######  ##    ##     ######   #######  ######## 

  If you had a chance to ask the Council of Elders something about
  gameplay, what would you ask?
  Do you want to know when we are going to have pasta somewhere?
  Do you want to know why thief mobs only keep a percentage of what
  they steal?
  Or do you want to know something else?! If so, mudmail Falennt or Linda with
  your questions today! 

 See HELP MUDMAIL for information on how to write a note and mail it.


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 38   \/    Wanted - DEAD 
  |                      ___  __  _        /
   |    |   |  /\  |\  |  |  |   | \      |    
   |    | x | :__: | \ |  |  |-  |  ;     |     The CoD Staff
   |    |/ \| |  | |  \|  |  |__ |_/      |     invites any deadly
   |                                      |     to post a bounty on
   |    /""""""""""""""""""""""""""\      |     another deadly.
   |    |     :   ,''"((") |       |      |    
   |    |     |  /         |       |      |     You set the bounty
   |    |     ,-: .*"    "*;       |      |     and the number of 
   |    |     ;    (o)  (o)|       |      |     bounties you are
   |    |     `-.      ,   |       |      |     prepared to pay and
   |    |       :     ___  '       |      |     Falennt    
   |    |       |`.   -   /        |      |     can collect the  
   |    |     _.:  `-.__.'         |      |     skived skin of your 
   |    | ,-"'"  `-.__.-''*-._     |      |     target from bounty 
   |    .-----------DEAD-----------.      |     hunters. You may also
   |    _   __              _   _         |     share your reasons
   |   | \ |   |   |   /\  | \ | \        |     for wanting the target
   |   |_/ |-  | x |  :__: |_/ |  ;       |     dead.
   |   | \ |__ |/ \|  |  | | \ |_/        |     The cost of this
   |______________________________________|     service is 1 million
0=(________________________________________)=0  gold coins. The Cry of
                                                Despair may also award
                                                successful bounty hunters
                                                with additional gold!
(Thank you Romani for the Ascii art) 


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 39   \/    Letter from the Editor 

Happy Canada Day!!

And for all you Americans....
Happy Independence Day!!

And for everyone else!
Happy Day!

As you can see, lots of celebrating going on.  And RoD is among the celebrants!
Don't forget that the reunion is coming up at the end of this month and it looks
like it is going to be phenomenal!  If you haven't already, take a read of Cry 3-6,
Thoric gave the Cry of Despair a little sneak peek into what we might be seeing
at the upcoming reunion!

Well, thanks for reading!  And if you're interested in writing for the CoD, or if
you have some article suggestions, stories, anything, please, feel free to send me a

Thanks for reading,
Annale Firestorm  


 _         )( _________________________________________________________  
 Page 40   \/    Write for the Cry! 

Write for the Cry!

Currently the Immortal Sponsors are looking for more and more writers.
If you are interested then please write a short note saying why you would like 
the position.  Please include your normal online times so that the immortals 
can interview you. 

We also welcome freelance editors. Do contact Falennt or Annale for more 

We are also looking for more staff writers and freelancers. If you would 
like to earn some income through writing just about anything, feel free to 
speak with Falennt regarding your interest.

Our Current Payment Rates

Editor-in-Chief : 60 million gold per issue edited
Staff Writers   : 4 million gold per page submitted.

Regular freelancers  : 3 million gold per page submitted.
Organization Writers : 2 million gold per page submitted.

The Cry of Despair welcome all newbie and avatar writers alike. If your passion
is writing, do contact Falennt through mudmail or a tell.

Thank you in advance for your interest.