Code Changes

News #773 posted by Kinux on 11/23/08.

Sleep Spell duration - The duration of the sleep spell has been reduced so that persons hit with a sleep spell trap, or are victim to the sleep spell, are not snoozing for an eon. Thanks to Lina for the code change. Note: This change is only reduced on players, but not mobs (who will still suffer the full affects of the spell).

Pets can go through portals - Pets and mounts may now follow through portals. Thanks to Gauther for the idea and Tricops for the code.

Grammar fix for glance - Fixes a grammar issue when glancing at oneself. Thanks to Ryals for the idea and Tricops for the code.

Fade - While initially a PKC idea, an adjustment has been made to the Nephandi skill "Fade" to prevent stalk and track from working on them (in addition to ethereal forms of transport and summoning).