For the Chaos Inclined

News #796 posted by Kinux on 02/28/09.

In recent weeks one of our friendly mobs from the Chaos Maze was bugging to a rather large degree, due to an even older friend named 'the dark room bug'. As part of the fix for this bug, our friendly mob had truesight bestowed upon it so it could see in the dark. Alas, those who traverse the chaos found this change to be counter productive to their hidden ways and voiced concern.

I have returned our friendly mobs in the chaos maze back to how they were previously, and am attempting another means to fix the issue they were having with the dark room bug that will not hamper the hidden scamperings of those who enjoy chaos.

Despite what may have been thought, there was no attempt on our part to make the maze harder. The result was an unfortunate side effect of a standard bug fix.

Please feel free to drop me a note if you have any further concerns or questions.