Mainwarric: Song of the Sea, Foxarius: Procrastinate now!

/ Issue 118 - September 2007 \________________________________________________

     Song of the Sea               - by Mainwarric    HELP CRY2 to CRY4

   Organization News
     Rukhas'dul                                         HELP CRY5
     Quendi                                             HELP CRY6
     Uruk'hai                                           HELP CRY7
     O'kwyl                                             HELP CRY8
     Tyrrhenu                                           HELP CRY9

   Fun and Games
     Funny Titles                  - Contributions      HELP CRY10
     Scattered Riddles (Quest)     - by Romani          HELP CRY11
     Word Search                   - by Romani          HELP CRY12  

   Desk of the Editor - by Alysira                      HELP CRY13

                                                                      Page: 001

/ Song of the Sea - by Mainwarric \___________________________________________

Song of the Sea by Mainwarric StormCrow

So, not so long ago the much-misunderstood fathomer was maligned as weak,
ineffective, or a perversion of the much more coveted thief.  Since that time
many have discovered, a little before or after GoF shared the IGPK trophy
with the guild of warriors that they are fierce opponents, versatile in mkill
with a balance of both magical and melee attacks, and almost unrivaled in
Pkill.  Harnessing the power of the wind, "Vindur Gong," makes for a
terrifying spell and "Feign," albeit less effective than circle, dishes out
healthy doses of damage.

Fathomers are also armed with some surprisingly useful spells such as,
"salinate" allowing them to quaff in situations where other classes
are not.  Glass eye is a short duration equivalent of a true sight spell
with a low mana cost and invaluable when faced with a gouging

Continued...                                                          Page: 002

/ Song of the Sea - by Mainwarric \___________________________________________

Here are a few other reasons why you shouldn't hesitate to create a fathomer:

After the introduction of Gith Fathomers, some of the burden of rerolling
In preauth has been lifted.  New Gith gear has been introduced into the
Game, closing the equipment gap.

In comparison to other spell casting classes Fathomers level quickly and

The Guild of Fathomers has a ship named, "The Groggy Albatross,"
as a guild headquarters.

Fathomers make for great newbie characters due to their versatility
in mkill, ease of leveling, and diversity of skills and spells.

Due to a mana-based search, "rummage," the ability to pick locks,
as any Pirate worth their salt should and scan, Fathomers also
make for useful explorers.

Continued...                                                          Page: 003

/ Song of the Sea - by Mainwarric \___________________________________________

"Wind leg," "Fo'castle," "Slubberdegulleon," "Hove to," "rounding,"
"reaching," and "Land Ho," are fun terms to use, even if you don't know
exactly what they mean.

Rping a sea-faring, rum drinking, scallywag of a Pirate is fun.

Fathomers further expand the Realms of Despair lore of the Sea
and perhaps one day will be able to sail their own ships to the
farthest fringes of the known world, pillage, plunder booty, and
regale us with sea-shanties brimming with the exploits of the old
Sabre-rattlin' Salt.

Until then, level a fathomer.

(End)                                                                 Page: 004

/ Nation News - Rukhas'dul \__________________________________________________

As the dreaded dog-days of summer create a stifling blanket of hot and 
humid air over the lands of Sanctus Irae, the city somehow remains in a 
constant state of change. A new marquis is rumored to have arrived to 
fill the seat of power left vacant by the late Marquis di Giovanni. 
Looking nothing like his late cousin, Alessio di Rossetti is in fact in 
the town.

It is said by some that Alessio was seen knocking on the door of the 
Healing Haven. Shop owner and cleric, Gliowien Fairindale recently 
returned from a month-long journey to visit the grave of her late 
fiance and to visit her relatives in Serelia. She was accompanied, of 
course, by her Aunt Shaelle, the Archduchess.
Though the reason for di Rossetti's visit to the apothecary is unknown, 
the assumption is that he wished to stop in and offer his condolences to 
the almost-widow. Given his strong stride and healthy appearance, one 
would certainly conclude that the visit was not for medicinal aid. 
No word has come from the Council of Irae yet as to whether or not this
Alessio is officially the new Marquis of Irae, yet he does appear to be 
he most likely one to fill the position. While Ignati Van Bellia was not 
available for comment at the time of our request, one thing is certain, a 
new marquis will soon be announced and even more change is likely to come.

(End)                                                                 Page: 005

/ Nation News - Quendi \______________________________________________________

Greetings my friends,
I am still in my hometown for problems have arisen from a source that I could
not possibly foresee. My return to the shores of Irrybis has therefore been
delayed and an accurate date as to when it might happen, I can not give.
Many of my acolytes have lost their lives trying to relay information from the
ongoing battle. We have given strong advices to the remaining to discontinue
any travels to and from Irrybis. I can only pray that this will come to an end
We remain fairly safe within the city walls of Meran, guarded by local mages.
My mistress has returned to us on strict orders of her father and husband.
Needless to say that she has not been in the greatest of moods. Let's just say
a few minor offensive spells have been geared towards innocent trees and other
immobile objects. I have been given the task to watch over my mistress and 
report to her father if any signs occur that suggest her leaving the city.
To be frank, I do not like this assignment the least bit but I will have to 
follow the orders. On a sidenote, the city of Meran offers shelters to those 
that have fled the shores. We welcome you and offer our hospitality.
           As always, I bid you a good day and hope to see you soon.
                        Yours truly, Mordikay the White

(End)                                                                 Page: 006

/ Nation News - Uruk'hai \____________________________________________________

From the Opallinoc News Bureau:

Dateline Opallinoc - Stormy Weather
Intense storms have battered the Northern Plains in the area of Opallinoc. All
communications were severed for 3 days. Crews were dispatched to repair the
infrastructure and restore communications with other areas of the Realms.
A large quantity of perishiable food supplies were spoiled by the devistation
havoc among the Inahir' eltor beasts. Some of the eltor kids drown in the rapid
rosing waters. Klaatu, the Benevolent, has started disaster relief to the effec
Dateline Forgotten Woods - Dobra ignores pleas
Again Dobra has remained silent as to any clue or hint of what to do with the
"small strip of tiger hide". Dobra refuses to say how she obtained the tiger
skin rug on the floor  of her hut. a reward is offered for anyone with info.
Dateline Florin - an Adventure
A set of Miracle max's bellows was discovered and transported an inept explorer
to the fabled kingdom of Florin. Among the encountered were Yellin the
gatekeeper, Fezzik with the legendary holocaust cloak, Prince Humperdinck, the
Bishop of Florin that performed the Prince's " mawwidge" to Buttercup and the
dread pirate Black Robert. Another trip is necessary to even begin to learn
the real secrets still hidden in Florin
Dateline Darkhaven - Midway was open for a time

(End)                                                                 Page: 007

/ Nation News - O'kwyl \______________________________________________________

 .             _.--._       /|
        .    .'()..()`.    / /
            ( `-.__.-' )  ( (    .       Please help the Lizardman Nation by 
   .         \        /    \ \           remembering to log your lizard!
       .      \      /      ) )        .
            .' -.__.- `.-.-'_.'          If you are interested in donating 
 .        .'  /-____-\  `.-'       .     your lizardman character to the 
          \  /-.____.-\  /-.             nation please contact the Nation
           \ \`-.__.-'/ /\|\|           .Leader, Dazamo.
          .'  `.    .'  `.
          |/\/\|    |/\/\|

(End)                                                                 Page: 008

/ Nation News - Tyrrhenu \____________________________________________________

The vale of Nidaros would like to thank Hyrum Bramblebee for discovering the
badger that was burrowing into the storehouse.  Though the creature proved 
stubborn and temperamental, the mages and the druids of the council were
finally able to remove the creature from the vale and find it a new home in
the bordering forests where it wouldnt cause any further harm to residents.
In other news, harvest time has begun and though we had less rain than usual
this year, the crop yields are sufficient to see the vale through the coming
The mage school is also welcoming in new and returning students and would like
to remind all students that changing the color of their professors hair is not
acceptable, even if humorous.

(End)                                                                 Page: 009

/ Humorous Titles - Submitted by Romani \_____________________________________

Theodore: The Full Metal Chipmunk.  
Hyzimakoto d'Mortem spreads the darkness within your heart. (Baali) 
Xaamot runs on the side of the road with a flare.  
Calin THE CREATOR. Yeah, yer all gonna die. 
Havi knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.  
Gnorin the Gneutral Gnome Gnecromancer. (Arcanes) 
Sylvias Volgren, the Evil Nightie-Babe. 
Alexander Trueheart can feel the softness of her smile. 
Javyn snatches kisses, and vice versa. 
Foxarius: Procrastinate now! Don't put it off! (Number Two, Ascendere) 

(End)                                                                 Page: 010

/ Quest Winners: Scattered Riddles - Submitted by Romani \____________________

As promised, here are the winners from last month's Cry of Despair Quest.
The two winners, chosen at random from correct entries, are:

                        Slake and Meldrew!

Congratulations guys, see me for your glory prize sometime!

Here are the answers to the questions:

1. Longest mob name in the Realms - Ingeloakastimizilian
2. Sits on a throne of twisted metal - Lord Seth
3. This amorous inmate known for his cleanliness once had his own
   clan - Bubba
4. Well paid seafood - Coral Depths Crab Guards
5. Near the shores of the Crystalmir Lake lies their Sanctum - Arcanes
6. The Realms Ring Renamer - Blorin
7. Ribbit - Froghemoth
8. This giant Daemon looks to fill up the entire room with its
   size - Khiurn'hai
9. Skills you don't have to practice - Innate
10. A death trap wasteland - Barren Peaks of Tahjliera

(End)                                                                 Page: 011

/ Word Search - Submitted by Romani \_________________________________________

Thanks to Romani, here is your September Cry of Despair Quest. Simply find
the words hidden in this word search. Here's a hint - leaders of some

Find as many words/names as you can, and MUDmail your answers to Alysira by
the 31st of September, and the two entries with the most correct answers will
be selected as winners. In the case of numerous correct entries, two winners
will be chosen at random. Good luck, remember to MUDmail answers to Alysira!

                          O S Q B S G U H H A S E E Y M
                          R L W L L J H T T F R A G I W
                          T A M S I R O E N A R I R O N
                          S Y V K E R D D R Y G A D O N
                          I R I B G A H N A E B O R N N
                          N S M L J B A F Y E D E R J I
                          I E U P T B V U A L L I I A W
                          S B P C D A I U J L E W R O N
                          A V O G N D L P E Z E R C E E
                          N G L X O O A T E A R G R Z F
                          D T L V M N N K S O R T S I Z
                          R C O V E A D R E H T U A G M
                          A A B R A X Y L N Y R E M A C
                          X Q Y P Z B R A K K O R D G J
                          S Y N I A D S X D N C K T P M

(End)                                                                 Page: 012

/ Desk of the Editor - Alysira \______________________________________________

Greetings everyone!

As of next issue, Fiebin will be taking over as editor, and Kadgeon will be
joining the staff as a full writer.

I certainly look forward to having these two on staff and I hope you do too!


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